Which of these coins is gonna make it user? Disclaier: I am not invested in any of those yet, so it is more about growth potential until approx. Q2 than the future market leader.
Supply Coins
I'm a salty walty man
I dont own any of these, WTC seems pretty good but is already too expensive and probably will keep growing steadily. Ven seems promising. If i were to invest id probably invest in Ven since its a cheaper, idk what AMB is other than its sorta new
Not sure about the very end but only AMB is undervalued right now (and maybe WTC after the recent dip)
Origin Trail
Dont like AMB, looks like a copy of Wabi + shilling 2 much atm.
Pref Modum > AMB
Ven cheaper? Are you trolling or just dumb? Look at the total market cap, Walton has more room to grow than VeChain. By your logic, go invest in Ripple, it's only 1.3 usd!!! Extremely cheap!!
ARY - blockchain
TRAC - Origin trail
SPHTX - SophiaTX
All supply chain sector, much lower cap, all with lots of potential growth. These are the coins I'd look at.
Shipchain is releasing in March, ICO complete, also one to watch.
Of those 3, AMB has the most growth potential in the coming weeks.
vechain already made it, look at their partnerships, the rest are purely speculative
>ARY - blockchain
meant to write ARY - BlockArray
AMB is a bit riskier but it is ground floor for a moon. VEN is a sure thing.
Currently hold VEN and AMB. My biggest crypto regret is not buying WTC at $15ish. Supply chain coins are the closest real world use cases for blockchain tech right now, semi-safe bets. If I hadn't been creaming myself over REQ back in nov/dec I would've been all in on these. No life changing regerts though, bought VEN and AMB with REQ gains. Good luck
That's the thing: The success of Ven is more or less already priced in, so for a new buyer I am not sure about the possible rendite.
Don't miss the new lot of supply chain tokens coming out, see
Where do people think ShipChain will fall?
Talking about real world usage of coins: Supply chain of course, besides that I think decentralized web, privacy coins und maybe the REQ model can be adopted to "real life" soon. That's why I think I am going in those sectors and pick the most promising coin to restructure my portfolio. Any thoughts on that?
>room to grow
>potential growth
I'm supid. Is potential growth a function of the ration between total supply and circulating supply?
AMB and WTC. Ven will make money, but I'm banking on the other 2.
Not sure about VEN. Sunny Lu came up to me in the Xujiahui metro station and tried to sell me some meteorites he found in Yunnan. It was a little weird. His hands were all bruised and he was talking super fast. I think he was on drugs.
It really isn't. The price of VEN is currently tiny when you consider the amount of business that will be transacted on the network and what people consider to be a reasonable return on investment. A 3 billion market cap only values the entire annual fees for all transactions on the network at about 150 million dollars a year. If you consider they already have a contract for 100 million RFiD chips with just one company, even if the THOR cost for tracking each chip is and implausibly low 10 cents a year, that's already 10 million dollars. And that's just one order from one company before they have even got started. Once you start tracking the entire cold-chain for stores with 20k outlets or the QR codes on a third of the world's cigarettes you will start getting some silly numbers going on. And that's just business landed already. So VEN's future success is not at all currently priced in. This could easily be a business that reaps 5 billion dollars a year in fees and that would give it a conservative market cap near 100 billion.
is there a database of these copypastas
Walton and Vechain have already mooned, ambrosus is good though
for max gains
I'm conflicted here. I'm all in VEN so I agree with your choice to choose VEN.
(d) none of the above
Ambrosus is very under the radar and for little reason beyond that. It is so undervalued it is a fucking joke if you don't have at least a small portion in this. This will probably do some unexpected jump to $300 million and plummet to like $220 in the next coming month. I think we may see some significant price action once ethereum stops rising and sell offs begin into alt coins.
It is a function of circulating supply and market cap. Assume two more or less technically same projects with same circulating and total supply: 1) MC = 1000 dollars, 2) MC = 100000 dollars. So project 1 has more potential growth. If the total supply is insanely high, but the circulating supply is still low. An increase in marcet cap might not lead to an increase in coin value because there are more and more coins created that "share" this market cap.
Cool man, thanks. Any of these hitting Binance any time soon? I'm not a huge fan of cryptopia or ED
Because REQ is so cheap I still hold a lot of it, it's kinda my moonshot but seems pretty legit. As the market changes and the establishment cracks down on potential competition I'll foray more into privacy coins as they'll likely survive anything. I think we've all God a soft spot for LINK and Mobius seems to be getting shilled fairly hard right now...
AMB doesn't have a platform though. VEN and WTC are lightyears ahead there.
AMB is Swiss sensor/rfid combined with blockchain for proof of origin. Own their own labs. Under quite a few NDA's. Biggest hinted at partner is Nestle.
Thanks for that, user
I’m holding all 3. This is arguably the best use case for blockchain, at least in the short-medium term - it can show the value of distributed ledgers. Then it can be applied to different uses/industries.
Amber probably has the greatest potential for short term growth but we’re not going to know which comes out on top for years. Hopeful they all find a niche, competition is healthy and they all have promising partnerships.
Could be huge, however a more established blockchain could take its space... it all depends on partnerships and backers.
My issue with Ven is that they will have to buy sensors. WTC and AMB are working on their own. Ven invested in AMB, in my opinion to access their sensor labs.
This guys are forreal too.
Exciting to see competition amongst these really low market cap coins that lack the publicity but really could function as well if not better than some of these giants as so much of this will rely upon person to person business to business contact to make sure every works smoothly which demands time. People think these projects will all "just work perfectly" but once they hit the real world you bet your ass these companies will want a ticketing system and direct contact with these developers and teams to satisfy any questions or problems they have. That human interaction time alone will ensure that there is no one winner, there will be many winners, these people are spending their time drawn from a fascination about this market and they know the damage they could do to existing institutions. Now the question is about the investor, you, where do you put your money? In WTC that every tier 2 normie knows about or AMB? blockarray is a godsend as it hit ED a week ago and has the cube meme going for it
Thanks I've been trying to figure out the relation of market cap and potential growth, since all I've been thinking about mainly is total supply vs circ. Which still seems pretty important in terms of potential growth, but I see what you mean.
VEN has its own team working on sensors now too. They mentioned poaching a 15 man team from a leading telecoms firm about a week ago. That said, buying sensors is no big deal - they are just one component in the setup.
Unfortnately not, ARY will likely get kucoin listing in next 2-3 days but will likely moon on such news and it may be too late, Origin Trail is just on ED/IDEX right now.
Actually just bought some, thanks. Not going to lie. Sensors fucking matter. It's why Ven and Trac will ultimately lose. Sensors are the only thing that will allow teller less checkout like amazon is aiming for.
Short term WTC , long term no one knows
My issue is that they are late to that game. Outsourcing increases costs. Businesses care about that.
Careful USA anons this DOES NOT PASS THE Dewey testt
Devery. 20M market cap. only on ED.
ven chain is wanna be waleton coin
why do people care about this? does apple make their own computer chips?
Because if you control the sensor manufacturing you can produce cheaper. There is very little here besides blockchain and sensors. Outsourcing of RFID and the costs associated are part of what's retarded it's progress. Too costly. In house turnkey solutions make for the best use case.
>Outsourcing increases costs
Rarely. It normally increases efficiency. That's exactly why businesses do it.