>he fell for the usd shitcoin
He fell for the usd shitcoin
Other urls found in this thread:
USD moon mission soon
Holy shit that's fuckin crazy, just bought 100k. Can't believe people are missing out on this
>what is inflation
>What is purchasing power
you are retarded/american right?
you both fucking retards. showing an inflation chart without the increase in wages and wealth is completely worthless. Go learn some basic economics before spewing your retarded conspiracies
>implying they haven't been diverging since the inception of the federal reserve
>implying the divergence didn't intensify greatly after the US went off the gold standard
Wew Schlomo
Inflation is actually bad user, shit costs more because of inflation so you are not allowed to save. They want you to keep spending since your money keeps loosing its purchasing power. Because you do this you keep running out of money and remain a slave to the system. The dominant strategy is to put it into stocks which will continue to gain value against fiat forever, same thing with precious metals. By doing this you loose purchasing power more slowly thus becoming "richer". Inflation is designed to keep people suppressed. Workers contributing to the rich their fortunes and advancing the world while being robbed of their freedom as a cog in the machine.
>our parents were able to buy a house and a car with a blue collar job
>people are stuck in dogshit after year of studycucking and debt
You probably buy into the crypto market - the most volatile piece of shit on the planet
>pic related: it's you
>open source solution to battle (((fiat currencies))) is released
>"kek ponzi scheme sell"
inflation is basically a tax on the dumb. If you can't make profits larger than the inflation rate that means you are dumb, its a way to ensure that dumb people like you stay poor
you sound just as dumb as boomers
crypto is like penny stocks, can make good money or lose money just as easy
>inflation is basically a tax on the dumb
this is what amerilards actually believe. i started a funny thread to make some jokes but i am speechless how stupid this one person is
>Inflation is designed to keep people suppressed.
If there was deflation no one would spend any money and poor people would be even worse off. At least if your money feels worthless you don't feel so bad donating, paying taxes, ect.
the more you hold your currency the more worthless it becomes. that means you should NOT hold your currency and instead invest it.
This is why dumb people don't like this, because they are dumb and don't know how to invest, the only thing they can do is just put their money under the mattress and pray that it increases in value
Thanks just bought 100k
yes, your picture collection is very impressive, please stop replying to my thread though
whats the matter brainlet? can't break the huge 2% inflation rate in profits? inflation rate is 2%, if you make more than 2% profits per year that means you beat the inflation. Hell, even a fucking bond can make you more than 2% in profits. Imagine how dumb you are to not be able to beat inflation
I'm sure you believe you're right. Maybe posting a few more wojak pictures will serve your argument well?
We've gone down in wealth you absolute retard
My grandfather raised a family of seven and his wife stayed at home and he basically drove a snowplow
I think it will go back to its ATH this year
We are supposed to be using real money, not forced to invest and consume
too bad we now live in the future and being a useless snow hoarder is completely useless. you either adapt or stay poor
stay poor friendo, and then blame da evil joo bankers that you are poor not because you are dumb
>not forced to invest and consume
why not? why are you expecting your money under the mattress to gain value without actually doing anything? go invest your money you dumbass
>doesn't understand that he has it completely backwards
For that reason, I'm out
Savings is the first step to economic growth
Society cant get rich if you don't save up resources and invest in to capital projects.
Saved money is like a coiled spring in physics.
And no, dumping all of our money chasing the stock market up to new 100x of valuations is not "investing" and will not make our society richer.
You are literally retarded
>can't make counterargument
>i'am out
>all he knows how to do is post meme wojaks and cry
>thinks he can ironically greentext other people
TY Trump!
found the bottom
pump it
>Society cant get rich if you don't save up resources and invest in to capital projects.
>and invest
so which is it save or invest? when you invest your money you are no longer saving them. Thats why inflation is good, because you are forced to invest instead of saving them. When you save your money they are worthless, they aren't being used for anything that produces anything, so by that logic if you simply hold your money and do nothing with them they should lose their value
When interest rates are kept artificially low (and inflation high) it forces people to chase yield by investing in worthless shit. When rates are high, only enterprises with value can command investment. I'm not sure if your a troll or just mind-bogglingly stupid.
And where should we invest? Stock market is in a big speculation bubble where stock prices don't match dividend ROIs. Anywhere else where we should all put our money to escape the pointless inflation?
This brainlet has too much headroom.
Good investments are goid regardless of climate
Having said that. Money right now is dirt tier and everything is heavily inflated.
>and inflation high
and what exactly is "high inflation" for you? inflation in USA is 2% right now, is that high for you?
inflation is like 2%. you can buy a very safe bond that yields more than 2% and you already beat inflation, its not hard or risky
please leave
>gets destroyed by arguments
>can't make any counter arguments
>wahh leave muh safe space!!!
you are literally too stupid to insult, you've done nothing but post wojaks in this entire thread while everybody else tries to talk to you like a reasonable human being yet you are having none of it(pic related is you)
so please just go
>use $1 to buy bitcoin
>sell for $3.64
>use $3.64 to buy bitcoin
>sell for $13.24
The purchasing power of $1 is AMAZING!
>2% headline inflation
>headline inflation much lower than actual inflation for (((reasons)))
>espouses bonds as a good investment
Did you run out of brainlet pictures friend?
every single of my posts comes with an argument, your posts are void of arguments, you are just buttblasted and asking me to leave because you can't argue with me. stay dumb and poor buddy
This is why I use crypto
Fuck the US money slave system
didn't say bond is a good investment, but even the easiest investment in the world is enough for you to beat inflation, so why complain about it? only dumbfucks can't beat inflation
The guillotine is calling your name
Studycucks hsitorically were always loser cucks. You can still work a blue collar job, save, invest, and buy a house
>USD inflation averaged 2.95% a year
Yeah dude, USD is totally a shitcoin