Love live of Veeky Forums

Love live of Veeky Forums

Storys how you met your wife/gf/prostitutes

also love storys realted to Veeky Forums generall

Other urls found in this thread:

wrong forum faggot, kys

we went to the same highschool and graduated together
we're booth poor but we're happy together.
I'll be rich someday

I'd share the story but then I'd just fee bad for my neet friends

I spent a lot of years on Veeky Forums alone


>No gf
>Don't go outside

That's it, I hope you enjoyed.

Should be a thread about how you met your first PINK WOJAK

Met in uni.

interpals because i'm probably autistic (was trying to learn a language at the time)

I played Doki Doki Literature Club.

Just bought 20k BZC, who cares, maybe it'll get to the normies.

we met on tinder and she looks like this.

Cute face.
Who is this whore ?

I wonder how much it would cost to have Masha recreate her famous video's

That looks like a man, dude.

Wait is that..?

I'm outta here

I walked around the street and picked her.
Fine as silk and only 50 dollaroos.
Still fuck her from time to time when i dont make love with my wife.
But that is a different story alltogether.

fag detected

Met in highschool, I was the Chad she was the hot chick everyone was in love with. I was the popular guy at school, after I boned her 70% of all guys hated me out of envy. We're married now, 10 years together, been a good run so far, one area of my life I don't have to focus on anymore

Oh you innocent man.

whos that ? i just go the pic on /out/


nice conquistator waifu, i bet she shills for gold

Crash in August to september

do you have atleast adshares ?

bls share sir , i verry indrested in story


here's a pic of her ass, because user

Who is this? Would eat the corn out of her shit.

nice, is she gf or waifu or prostitute ? or all 3 ?


Met on tinder. she makes me happy


rofl, same here

>Storys how you met your wife/gf/prostitutes

>went to website
>contacted girl
>went to girl
>paid girl
>had sex

>he thinks shes happy being poor
user, I...

give me a basic gestalt?


I fuck escorts w my crypto earnings. Once I really make it, plan to fuck higher end escorts. If I ever get over my autism, will try to have a healthy relationship w a normal person

>Reverse search the image

Oh god, FBI pls no.

w-what video ?


13 year old girl who got fucked by 40 year olds and had those videos leaked

since you got trips, she was russian soap opera star from siberia

Shit lead me to a virus.




Russians are fucking savages, why is it always Russia

holy shit I just got a popup from the FBI warning me about accessing objectionable content when I googled that image

Veeky Forums will ever be Veeky Forums

Redpilled career woman on okc. More obsessed with making it than I am. Healthy competition is good. Need to calm the fuck down a bit or else we're never gonna have time to make white babies

fucking pedo russians

you will never know love. I feel sorry for you.




Dated a girl for 4 years long distance and she fell out of love with me. Makes me feel like I have no chances.

What am I supposed to do with crypto gains if I can't have a future with someone? Sorry for the blog post

depends, how old are you user ?

What i could recomment is maybe a autistic hobby

Nice LARP/overrating you and your wife.

apparently she filed a 20 mm lawsuit

>49 replies
>only 5 gfs

only 5 normies itt that need to gtfo rrrreeeeeeeeee

why the sudden female thread in the last days?
do you have in influx of females on this board or smth?

Siberian Mouse
Enjoy your van

by my math and using these infallible statistics i can determine that only 10% of Veeky Forums has a wife or gf. does that sound accurate?

actually mostly there was /prostitute generall/ but in the bull run and crash, we forgott it.
And since so much normies joint, i dindnt wanted to exlude them, so i add normanoid way of gettinc rid of your urges

Can't pursue an autistic hobby correctly when you are a wagie

>10% moar than r9k

this , dumpsterdiving is a fun hobby for wageies

Same here, was learning languages. Met a girl from Kazakhstan, we talked for years and eventually decided to meet in Ukraine since neither of us needed visas. So 20 yrs old hkv, I fly from Chicago to Kiev, first time in slavlands (not bad actually). Yes I flew half way around the world for sex. We fucked for like 2 weeks straight. I lived with her for a while in KZ, she tried to live in Chicago but couldn't. I got her pregnant, then went to Afghanistan. Came back, now we live in Germany, 2nd kid on the way...
All of this is probably the reason I'm still poor. Kind of burnt out on the rat race already too. My end game is to live in KZ where we'll only need about $1k per month to live decently.

I used to have a gf.

But then turned out girls are not as loyal as I expect ppl near me to be, and I am not gay enough to make out with guyz.

I fap a lot, tho, but don't see why I should make a person I don't trust responsible for my emotional health.
Icel, volcel, still undecided. I smtimes make out with girls, when drunk, but never go full way, so I haven't tested if I am still able to get pussy.

>20 mm
twenty mega millions

wtf unironically a student from USA and kazahtan searching a appartment on ebay for them and their kid? are you guys that ?

Been seeing the same escort for 2 years now. She gave me a lot of self-esteem and confidence because she made it feel real. The connection was outside of the bedroom even. Like she'll text me randomly to tell how much she misses me; asks about my day and speaks about hers. I don't like carrying a lot of cash on me so I usually leave a small sum (500~1000) on her and she's has never cheated me on that. Eventually, I told her how I feel about her and she didn't reject me, nor did she say yes. She simply stated if it's happens, it'll happen.

For the past year, I let her schedule our dates and she tells me when to come. Our texting and conversation are pretty cold now. Once she established our times to me she hangs up. I keep questioning if it's my fault or if her caring nature is genuine in the past. Well, lesson learnt for me. I plan to ghost just before Valentine's Day.

Wow very nice! Does she treat you well? Will you start a family soon?

Bruh, she’s an escort.
She was built to play tricks like you, she never liked you. She just wanted your money, I’m sure she did that to every guy too.

Read “Pimp” by Iceberg Slim
Thank me later

>backpack through southeast asia
>meet at hostel
>exchange letters (over the internet)
>meet up and backpack through a few other countries (definitely not as fun as being single but 'romantic')
>move over to her country and been chilllin

That's it.

borat land actully looks comfy af. is she a mongol broad or a russian qt?

Do you use Backpage? How willing are most girls to do some more fringe kink shit (not as far as blood/shit/etc., though)? How much extra would they charge for play in the finer tastes, as opposed to the usual standard bang?

Also, sage for /r9k/ thread on Veeky Forums

>plan to ghost just before Valentine's Day.
Sounds like you haven't learned your lesson.

Escorts can be very caring (and mean it) but it is their job, too, user. She probably doesn't want to hurt you because she cares about you enough. Realize that even though you paid for this experience that you got a lot out of it and try to bring it to the world of non-fee based relationships if you want that

You were basically a sugardaddy. She was doing her job well by giving you a GFE experience and filling your emotional needs. But you made the mistake of assuming it wasn't artificial. Don't think it's going to go beyond that. Yeah escorts/strippers are people too, and sometimes they may get a real emotional connection to you. But you will know if that's the case. You told her how you feel about her, and she made it clear that it's just a business relationship, you should've figured it out then. Either continue with your relationship as is if you're satisfied with that, or move on if you want more

Kek. No. Been a while since I was a student. Got any good resources for buying property in KZ?

She's mix. She could probably pass as a latina too if tan.

I'll still learning, bro :(. I know I'm weak against sweet talking and promises.

It takes time for me to connect the dots. The funny thing is she told me about the number of stalkers and clients who went crazy for her (which means she also tried to play those guys the same way and they took it the wrong direction). I'm just gonna quit seeing her after my last bit of money with her is used up.

you cant own land as foreigner in Kazahtan, same reason like in Georgia.

because land was cheap Pajeet shilled it so hard, that its banned now to sell freehold pAHHAHHAha

> actually german lel

Backpage is a start. But it's not the best because girls often use fake pictures etc. it's too anonymous, so the girls on backpage aren't going to be great. Better to go through an agency, because they often require verification from clients. The girls know the clients aren't crazy because they've been verified, so better girls will be more comfortable working through an agency

Thanks guy, I really need to hear that. No more dreams. It's time to focus on my one true love: financial gains.

Met my wife on a weeb roleplay site. Now we're lazy pieces of shit together

where is she from

You can own land / property if you have the residency permit. I got it within a week of applying with no questions asked and I don't even live there. I think they don't take their laws very seriously. Here's some more infa for biz:

KZ capital gains tax: 15%
Income tax: 10% flat rate

You gotta show her nigga, i am curious af

dont rub salt in my german socialist wound

> tfw i pay 25% capital tax + 5% for cuking east germans
> tfw crypto is income and i get taxed 42,5 + 5% and 2,3% church tax if i would cash out all my crypto

I love my wife especially her feminine penis AMA

How does it feel in ur butthole? Like a baby carrot?

>How'd you meet?
Tinder. Been dating since December. Took her virginity a week or so ago. I thought she was lying but she bled like a mofo when we had sex so yeah she definitely wasn't. My portfolio has gone down 90% since starting dating her. I think there may be a correlation. Oh well at least I got a virginfu qt 3.14 gf out of it to keep me from being too down about my losses.

> church tax


if you leave church, the other tax rate is rased by the ammount you save. I rather pay for the curch community, the community center is confy and i use it even as an agnostic

This, because you wouldnt fuck her if you would make gains, you loose sexual urge for crypto gains

need kazak gf

I've been on 15+ Tinder dates, and the girl always ghosts me afterwards. I'm jealous of people who can just go on a few before finding a girlfriend. Doing the same dance over and over again is so fucking painful.

Mins was my first Tinder date. I was actually worried she just would want to hook up because she's qt 3.14 as fuck but she actually turned out to be a virgin lel

Can't you use your EU free movement and go to somewhere like Slovenia or wherever and make some dealings? What about Switzerland?

I do feel bad; I work for the US gov, which pays german VAT (19%) on everything I buy, pays our overpriced utilities, and pays everybody's fuel tax (like 60%) so all 200k burgers in the military over here can drive SUVs, shipped from the states.

I do think Germany is however more pleasant to live in than the US.

I broke up with someone and decided to visit a different country for the first time in my life. While preparing I was chatting up people on a website called and a woman messaged me, offered to pay her half of going on a vacation with me for three weeks.

We talked enough for the few months leading up to the vacation that we kissed each other in the airport before we said a word to each other in person.

It's seven years later and she's just about to become a US citizen. She likes crypto and is supportive of investing money in general for our future.

Share. Encouraging them out of neet stagnation is ideal.

fiance. used was dating different girls online (tinder / bumble / match) for about 18 months prior to meeting her, and it was horrible. i knew she was the one within 2 months of meeting her.
Told her about turning 15k into about 100k with crypto, and she was really proud of me, but honestly didn't give 2 fucks about the money. such an amazing feeling.
> pic related, its her

FBI, IRA, scottland yard is nothing compared to the Finanzministerium.

i would have to change my citizenship, even if i buy gold for crypto and sell it private to a gold store, they get suspicious and i have to prove where i have the gold from to doge tax


Never thought I'd see the say where a fellow bizlet mentions iceberg slim. That book redpilled me about women forever.
>Tfw will probably always be alone as a result

Just hold your coins for a year without trading any of them dumbass


very nice user

if youre still paying for it, it aint gonna happen. pretty much like everyone else has been saying. But its good you learned your lesson - its a hard one.

we were both rollin hard when we met and got married a month later. Still together over 8 years.

the meme isnt true, i alread cash out small ammounts every month, because i live from it

you have to prove every trade, if not, they assume all crypto is profit and so they use highest tax rate, and since i made more than 50.000 Euro with shitcoins i pay anyway max tax.

the private veräußerung gilt seit 2006 nichtmehr

lolwut. please elaborate. how old were you? do you have any kids now? do you both still party?