Opinions? Been doing a lot of research about this coin and since 2018 will be the year of alts I think this might be a winner? Feeling pretty shitty I didn't get in back in december when a friend recommended it to me.. Was lucky to get on the WTC early though. Also looking into Shipchain and AMB. Shills begone, everyone can coexist! So far I hold WTC/AMB/0x and just bought a little VEN since its in a dip
very shady coin
It's pretty good if you can get at least a strength node. I'm still trying to figure out why Veeky Forums hates VEN so fucking much though.
You don't FUD a crypto you don't care about. There are only two reasons you'd care:
A) You're actively trying to accumulate. Thus FUD to try and get in at lower prices with each buy. This is retarded because literally no more than 0.00001% of the market browses a ethiopian cooking forum.
B) you missed the rocket. So you FUD to make you feel better.
Most the FUD is blatantly incorrect so I'm beginning to think a lot is just people being ebik memors.
Im also about to jump into ven too.
Was going to buy at $4 but fucking fudders got me, also there were some shady big walls every 10000 sats that were lifted not bought, so i dont know man. This guy jim breyer or whoever that faggot is, probably gonna dump his bag on us later.
Over the next two years VeChain is going to become a bona fide giant. The customers it has already landed (note: customers who will pay it money, not 'partners') are enough to make it a decent-sized business and so far we have only scratched the surface. As things snowball, I suspect VeChain will become one of the world's big tech companies. It's not going to blot out the sun and there will be competition from lots of other good projects. But this will, without a doubt, be one of the biggest blockchain winners.
This shit reminds me of the ETH fud desu, lots of people made fun of Vitalik's appearance for lulz and then spammed "holy shit he's dead" to crash the price. The "Sunny did crack cocaine and fucked a prostitute" is funny but yeah there's some kind of coordinated meme to fud the shit out of VEN in a similar to what happened to ETH.
Just bought some more alts my friend is in (ain't gonna shill em) But I'm basicly thinking we'll be looking at a +trillion dollar mcap overal @ summer. Imo can't go wrong with the solid top 20's, exept for tron!
this WILL be big and no one can stop it. Whoever holds it deserves to be rich.
Don't bother. You aren't going to make it. You had to survive an onslaught of FUD for ANS before the NEO rebrand before you were rewarded. The FUD is going to be 1000x worse because this asset has a shit ton more going for it.
>DNVGL (literally saying they are going full blockchain and VeChain is what they'll utilise for their 80,000 companies).
>Chinese tobacco counterfeiting issue
>General motors on horizon
>An exchange only allowing trading of assets tracked on VeChain with VET and RMB as currencies.
>Something PBoC but not entirely sure what yet.
If you're literally too stupid to let people FUD you out of it at $4 when those are the prospects then there is literally no hope for you. Buy what people are shilling so your sensitive emotions can remain comfortable.
there was nothing going on at $4, it was just a chinese shitcoin, faggot
As someone who bought antshares after it crashed HARD at $3, I sold about half recently and got into VEN because I felt similar about it as I did to antshares. I had to go through the entire China fud, the icon looks retarded fud, and then "wow this shitcoin is doing nothing" just to be rewarded later after people posted pink wojacks and NEO set new ATHs.
All of that was mostly confirmed
Stay away from this scam coin. It was proven recently that there is a keylogger virus in the wallet and miner
VEN is a gem. If you want to know more about it do your own research, the people here are just fudding because they missed the ride and want to miss the next one, seriously how dumb some anons are.
I feel differently about VEN than I did with ANS. With ANS I knew the chinese ethereum narrative would get us into the top 10. But I never saw myself holding NEO to generate GAS as I just wasn't sure it was going to make it.
VeChain is already done making it. It's done what is needed to set itself up. DNVGL and PwC will see to that. There's no more chasing partnerships or businesses. We're going to be at a stage where there will be approached quicker than they can turn businesses away.
It's the only asset I'm aware of that has such a solid hold in enterprise. This is literally where you want to be. I'm keeping my 10k VEN and 6k WAN until I die, going to short-term trade all my other shit like I have done with every other crypto in the past.
Yeah I'd agree.
I think everyone with some capital to invest will surely make it, we're still in the beginning phase of the whole blockchain-trust-fintech story. I'm kinda big on conspiracies and you're not gonna tell me that after the 2008 banking crisis the "magical" solution suddenly drops out of the air from some user Satoshi Nakamoto. It's all planned don't sweat it. Wondering what XRP's role will be in the end tho
Been on here to see cycles of hype coins, shit is solid senpai. Biz doesn't hate this coin lmao, it's all the new people who have really ruined this board who buy in at an ATH and have no patience so they complain. All Biz does is scare these people with intentional FUD to make them sell for a loss and get them out of here. It's a beautiful ecosystem really.
That kinda makes sense for the fudding is hilarious at times.
It’s your golden ticket user, don’t cuck yourself. The partnerships speak for themselves.
Just sold my 50 ven at the low and bought the WTC high before the news.
Did I do good.
Sunny is shady as fuck, 41st dev, rape, fetus soup.
No product,
DNV GL is not even a real company, it was made up by chinks to make us feel secure, it just exists on paper. etc...
Where is the white paper
who else has tobacco on blockchain
Buy at PonziBase for massive gains. Just started and the first item there already more than doubled. Thank me later.
Have been into crypto for 11 months, I really love this board has gone down hill but I hope the newer guys adjust. But I don't ever day trade don't have the time to do it really and it's easy to fuck it up. My advice is find solid projects and hold them and once your comfortable with your gains either sell or and some and move onto the next one that is if you don't have the income to invest regularly. Otherwise invest some income weekly on a specific day with a specific amount. But if you have any patience and can realize that this is the future and a real opportunity to build wealth you will make it turned my 850$ into 33k so far, haven't traded in months just long term holds.
theres a new moon on the horizon, if you made some bank you should sell now and get in on XLM. ven gonna go sideways and probably dump after the rebrand
not an issue, partnered with DNVGL and PwC / Jim Breyer invested/advisor role. Nobody would take VEN seriously if they didn't have their shit extremely straight. Like DNV making commercials n shit, like real? I hope they partner with Walton, would be insane (yeah i hold both)
You don't need a white paper to pitch to investors when you have an actual product to sell to businesses. This isn't some shitty start-up who has to convince us they aren't a bunch of scamming teenagers.
shhhh, don't tell pwc and DNV, they would terminate the partnership immediately if they knew about this.
Going with these for now. Need more XLM and VEN is dropping right now so buy up retards.
>year of alts
Opinion discarded.
the moonboys and lambogirls will adjust eventually, most newbies are
Jim breuer is just a lucky gambler, he doesnt actuslly know shit
Solid but what is TNB?
Also OP Vechain has so much institutional interest that it isn't going to get you much gains. Should be in ETH and lower market cap like sub 200 mill coins desu
Solid alts, not PnDs and or ponzi's. Bitcoin will take it's role as digital gold no doubt but the blockchain fintech coins def have their place
I heard the CEO of the company (Sony) is a registered sex offender, also there's no white paper in this project which means it is a scam 100%, the clown Jim Breyer gets lucky on all of his investments too
Sell high and buy low. You just went into a better coin though :) Walton is legit.
I heard from someone on the 40 dev team that sonny uses promises of a fake whitepaper to lure unsuspecting women into his rape dungeon. Really shady shit desu senpai
Oh, I thought I was supposed to buy high and sell low.
No doubt 2018 is the year of alts, if you think about it we are seeing a massive surge of utility tokens that actually offer something to the world. Think about it like this, how many transaction tokens are there in the top 100 market cap, quite a bit. It's a giant pissing contest, this one can is more secure or has faster transaction times, hurr durr it's a joke. Really think about it user Bitcoin is the staple of the market but is it a good investment long run? No, the issues are very clear the fees are fucking outrageous, it's slow, and if it wasn't the OG it would be dead. So why don't you invest in utility tokens that solve problems, believe it or not but block chain technology is the future and this is your chance to be a part of history and build wealth.
I am only 19 but I have worked part time/full time for the past three years, unskilled labor is rough and if you don't fall into the trap of being fiscally irresponsible and keep that work ethic strong you will make it. Really want to leave my current job and get into sales don't know where to start though. Keep your hands strong and think of the future user.
Doesn't biz get around 150k daily views? I'd say that could impact the market with enough shilling
Year will belong to eth.
Eth is getting some real competition, eos, icx, vet (in 6 months), ada.
1.5/10 for getting me to respond
No you're right
FOMO into VEN again when it mooned and FOMO into WTC when it moons. Now is the perfect time to sell VEN for example and WTC is totally a buy, maybe wait for some announcements and then fomo in when the price is high
VEN is a solid erc20 token, maybe a bit overvalued right now, but definetly top100 material.
tfw i bought this at 8$
In 2 months you gonna really happy you did, don't sweat it
pls some mini announcements so i can sell at top pls
i think they're gonna release something on monday though.
my attempt at day trading just cost me 300 ven
advanced FUD
BUY HIGH SELL LOW RIGHT?! fucking retard
hell yeah, only people complaining are the morons that bought at 9.50, they can sell now and rebuy at $30 in march
thanks mate
Have you not heard the story about Sunny at the supermarket? Very scammy coin. Do not buy.
No, please tell me.
I saw Sunny Lu at a grocery store in Guangzhou, China yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly. He then tried to pay her in Vechain, but she didn’t know what that was so he got mad and threw a wad of cash at her face. “Fuck you, I don’t need this ICO money anyway! I’ve got that Venture Capital!”
VEN will be used by billion dollar companies. Just be patient and don't listen to the idiots
Hi enough trump spam
go kill yourself stupid nigger
Jesus christ
Is NEO/VEN/AMB the Chadfolio of 2018?
VEN/AMB/XLM/ICX. Ultimate chadfolio
HODL young padawan,
Your investment will come to fruition in due time
May the force be with you
Not sure if that's copy pasta or not but hahahahahahaha
literal newfags, fuck off back to r*ddit
How to be a millionaire by the end of the year
50% VEN
20% AMB
20% ICX
10% XLM
>anonymous team
>no white paper
Good for you, banks are getting swarmed with people that want to buy crypto's right now so they will eventually start to offer these financial products (to make a shitton of money themselves on the back of hard working fintech-illiterate people). When the market grows into adulthood and becomes less volatile it's going in the trillions. The first coins that normal banks will offer will be the ones with solid partnerships like VEN for example, HODL up and be confident, we're all gonna make it
More like end of Q2. Gonna be an epic run same time as last year
VEN is the winning investment of your wee lifetimes. Unreal you still have to sell this to he crypto sheep. Easiest pick I have ever seen in 20 years of investing. Good lord, it's oozing wealth creation.
50% VEN
50% WTC
literally cannot lose
sounds like a plan, thanks bro
everyday a new low
tron 2.0
Sunny Lu is a confirmed rapist and you really have to ask if this might be a winner? He's literally tweeting out of his fucking cell in prison, hyping you faggots up to buy more. Once he gets out of prison, he's gonna drop his bags harder than you brainlets were fucking dropped on your heads. Really shady guy, you'd know if you did the research.
This, I'm all in on ven (which is only a bit over 400). I don't have a lot of money to invest so I needed to really find a good investment. The fact that VEN isn't even top ten in market cap is criminal. People are going to fomo into this harder than they did ripple. ONE good bullrun and it'll make the news the same way ripple did.
I'm pretty much done accumulating what I can afford now. Will restart with either more VEN or a new coin in like 2 months.
Waiting to see what ShipChain can do since it might be my #2. Either that or something like AMB.
Lol thanks bought 100K
No reason for this to be over $10. Of you wanna wait 3 months for x1.5 ok.
>dump it
Feel like buying more
How lower is this dip gonna go? Feel like its tapered off
Cisco blockchain dev bragging about getting a Vechain node in his sandbox.
This is some of the biggest news in crypto and wasn't even reported because Vechain already controls all the big crypto news cycles. It's unreal what this type of news means. It's serving some serious notice to the blockchain world.
You mean that pajeet that could barely talk English yeah his tweet is really important
you do realize it has a private network with actual paying customers on it.. I believe NDAs preventing mainnet launch. PBOC?
>I sold at the ATH for once
feels fucking great man. not sure if I will go back in yet.
I'm too proud to accept that Veeky Forums may have memed me into buying a shitcoin so I will hold forever in the hopes that it moons.
neo and amb have no business in godcoin company
You don't need anyone opinion unless you're research turned up nothing; which it did because almost no one here understands anything.
Just shill and stop pretending to be informed.
yes this is true ok? dont u ppl see this will make u poor? buy chain lik waltoncoin for riches
Fucking VEN. It's dropping like an absolute turd. There's gains from small mc shitcoins to be had left and right. And I still have FOMO because these fucking chinks like to casually drop absolutely enormous news at the most random times. If I sell my stack now I can guarantee you they will announce the PBoC rumor is true within a minute.
Theres no floor whatsoever
WTC is great. It isn't even in VEN's league. It's like a Hyundai and a Space Shuttle.
When is the rebrand happening
If you can make it to Q4 with iron hands, the run 2nd half of the year will below your mind to another dimension.
26 Feb.
I'm Jim Breyer, user, and I make people rich for brunch every post.