scamming normies on telegram is too fucking easy. made this money in the last 8 hours, and not even trying too hard. scammers, lets share our results.
Scamming normies on telegram is too fucking easy. made this money in the last 8 hours, and not even trying too hard...
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Don't scam people, neck yourself.
ples don't do this, I have son
it's too fucking easy.
not gonna disclose my method, but if ure creative, you can make bank with telegrma.
You using a burn phone number or what?
As a heads up-- I hope you're using a burner phone and have a rudimentary understanding of how to mask network traffic. There's so much metadata that can be fetched from requests made from a Google Play verified app it's not even funny.
I hope he didn't.
just use a virtual phone number. use telegram from your desktop - then throw in a couple VPNs for extra safety.
no need to worry desu. im scamming teens out of their lunch money, no one gives a fuck about that.
but whats the method?
>implying le interpol is going to kick in your door for less than 7 figures
get fucked pajeet. Jail-time for you.
i'll give an easy method that can easily earn u 1000$ a day if ure dedicated.
its not the one im using so i dont care about spilling it out.
join lots of telegram ICOs channels, create a fake profile pretending to be admin of the channel. preferably ceo, someone from the team.
then message normies talking about a private sale that your conducting, mention a bonus they get, then throw a link to a google form.
in the googl form, post instructions for payment, somewhere they can put they txID. make it seem LEGIT.
then watch the cash come in.
sometimes you get lucky and idiots throw you lots of money. once a guy sent 5 eth through this.
of course, this is a pajeet method.
real scammers are creating fake sites, conducting fake airdrops, fake wallet apps and bringing in millions of $
Nobody will share their method for free.
Mine will net about 1 victim / 1h.
I'm willing to share it for 1.0 ETH: 0xD478118A9497C30eF90466B85404aF0Fd68f5536
Leave burner email if you want me to only share it with you, otherwise I'll post it here and delete it within 2 minutes.
This is too funny
Well, he delivers before payment at least.
>hay guise im a scammer
>send me eth and ill teach you how ::::)
Sent ;)
thanks just bought 100k
how is it possible to be scammed if they know just your address and an email?
t. brainlet
>pic related: it's you
this is Runescape tier "Hey message me your password, I can make you a mod"
Make me a mod pls
thats horrible fucking shoot yourself
Burn in hell you worthless faggot, this is a time where you can make money honestly and faster than any point in human history and here you are scamming people's hard earned money. You deserve whatever terrible fate finds you
fucking pajeets. i bet you think 1k in 8 hours is impressive too.
I want to be on the bitconnect scale of scamming. A legit operational ICO, rake in millions and then exit scam
thats my next goal. im creating a pyramid scheme pretending to be a cloud mining operation. top notch stuff, ive partnered with some heavy guys from the mlm scene. should be my final scam
>partnered with some heavy guys
thats why its gonna be your last scam