I'm poor as fuck and only have $700 that I can afford to lose to invest in crypto. What should I put it in?

I'm poor as fuck and only have $700 that I can afford to lose to invest in crypto. What should I put it in?


All in FUN

youre a year late and a dollar short kid

how patient are you?

TRON, BCC, XRP, LINK are perfect for you

Buy it with ETH and hodl for one year

buy what?

Pretty damn patient

you can invest in almost anything right now and still make it.

Just drop it into ETH and hold. It won't moon to 15000 but it'll make you some good money


I wish I could punch people online

I don't want to shill you anything really. Look around on a bigger exchange like Binance, there are coins that are stable, with potential. Gains, if any, will be minimal.. if not, it's at least being traded in a tight channel with lots of support/resistance. This means that actual REAL news/progress will increase the value. Immune to as much volatility as other shit. Immune to pump n dumps.

All in on cpchain as soon as hits exchanges

no no no

This, will be like 6800 by EOY.

not bad advice, considering he's willing to lose it all in attempt to make fuckyou gains, maybe xmr or something similar would be a better pick?

To me it doesn't really make sense to go with safe, low-risk coins with such little capital. Why even do crypto if you're just looking for lunch money gains over a year? Put it in a bank. Or go all in on a low mcap coin.

I am in the same boat user. Dunno what to do.
Can only afford to invest 100 dollars a month at the moment and have no clue what to invest it in.

Wish I had the time and energy to research ways in which I could achieve a modest passive income but being a wage slave at a shitty job takes it all outta me.

nocoiner here,
where did everyone go to learn all this shit?


Check back in a year

>good money

What kind of poor pajeet shithole are you form where less than 15000 is good money? Add two digits onto that before I consider it "good money"

1. AGI
2. VEN
4. XLM

>Wish I had the time and energy to research ways in which I could achieve a modest passive income but being a wage slave at a shitty job takes it all outta me.

Keep making excuses you pathetic doublenigger, if you really wanted to make it you'd just fucking do it. Thanks for being a stepping stone for us real ones to make it though

All in on TRX. Easiest 4x of the Chinese New year.

You could tell me where to start instead of being a dick.

You know like a book to read or something that helped you.



>anything less than 1.5 mill isn't worth the effort
hope they payed you a lot to larp on a brazillian mango picking enthusiast forum

Get off your high horse. You're posting on Veeky Forums, not "making it"

search the internet u lazy dumb fucker!

TRX (Tron)

It always starts with GOOGLE

I am doing that right now which is why i am on Veeky Forums

try quora and wikiHow next

I just payed $399.99 for a course called "Beginners Crypto Currency – Lessons 1-4" on Trade Genius academy.

Will that help?

I'm in the same boat as you OP.
Find a low marketcap high volume coin on Etherdelta or Binance or something and have fists of steel for a few weeks or months. At least that's what I've gathered from my month on Veeky Forums.


good goy

Go stellar or go home.



Better to do day trading with that. Pick up some signal discord group that you trust

If you want just to invest you can pick two small cap coin