Don't get chinked and get in boys for the european VeChain. Currently with a very low marketcap and a real use case, don't come fudding when this shit is in top 25
Ambrosus - The European VeChain
What's with sudden AMB shills?
It's like you're all discrediting Swiss Bro
nigga this things like 2 years from launching. Thats like a decade in crypto. This shits gonna be eaten alive by VEN and WTC
They already showing around a private alpha in conferences, my dude.
whats with anyone shilling anything? what does it matter in the end, we all die sooner or later
that's YOLO shit-tier philosophy
Why are you into crypto if nothing matters?
Why would I buy something that literally has a keylogger virus in it?
typical pajeet fud
>implying I didn't load up my bags when it was less than ICO price
ok but AMB or TRAC for max gains in Feb?
This coin has a keylogger. Buy Garlic coin instead.
why should we listen to pajeets?
dammit, please Veeky Forums add flags to pajeet shit posters.
AMB is for 2018
poorfag here with $400 in amb am I gonna make it
So everything has a keylogger virus now? FUN has one and CND has one. Golly, I think even BTC has one.
I've heard this a couple of times now. Only holding back bc of swiss bro and reddit catching on to AMB.
Got any news that could help me make a final decision user?
Make it 4,000 and you'll begin to make it. I got 130 in AMB. We are definitely not making it...right now. Invest more money mate.
Both and Modum and BlockArray all the supplychain coins will actually be used in the future
This might be the comfiest hold of 2018. Gonna log off biz for a few months and come back to some sick gains.