Time to sell at a loss?

Time to sell at a loss?

trx is the most HODL or die of all cryptos.
either it goes full moon because of his hyperrich sugardaddy or its getting defaced as the scam, Veeky Forums thinks it is.
HODL a solid amount and dont get weakhanded even when it will never become a fun ride.

lmao just sell it, cut your losses because this coin isnt going anywhere

Roadmap till 2025 and you want to sell

anyone who sell before main-net in march is fucking retarded

Justin has publicly stated that he expects Tron to go to one dollar. I have two million tron and didn't even sell when it hit like 550k. I want two million. Tron is being converted into a currency... that's when it'll take off.

Even if it doesn't, which is highly unlikely, I inherited a ton of money so hundreds of thousands of dollars, while a lot, can be sacrificed in an attempt to make an even greater sum in the future. I am literally an example of why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, because I can sit here and wait for Tron to moon harder then ever before, there is no urgency to sell.

>researching chinese moon landing
>tron logo in background

I’ll buy, fag. Then cap this and post it when TRX hits $0.5 by end 2018.


holding 200k here

waiting for it to get back to 20 cents and then going all in on link to try to get to 100k link

>Researching tetrahedrons
>realize tron stands for tetrahedron
>research tetrahedron waveform
>realize trons 1 month chart is literally a tetrahedron waveform
>this means next mission to the moon is Feb. 5th, small decline until mid feburary.
>chinese year of the dog is Feb. 16th.
>tron dogs
>second pump starts mid Febuary.
>yfw each month this pattern will repeat.

>Rich get richer
>Admits he lost money he inherited

Huh dumb brainlet. You are the example of dumb kid that wastes his parents inheritance. KYS

lol if you bought rare Tron Dogs the day the game came it a month ago you single handedly 10x’d your money lmao

the time was at 0.15 USD


holy mother of god, all in trx after the dip that will take place this night

fuck off with the normie memes REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>But Justin said it'll go to a dollar

No, we get rich or die hodling

I bought in at 690

Last week all over again.


neck yourself pajeet

This is the quintessential long term hold. If you're a weak handed faggot, sell.

While most crypto's waveforms follow the golden ratio (fibonacci sequence), I believe what makes trx unique is that it follows the tetrahedron waveform, as seen in pic related. If my intuition is correct, this coin could be the scalpers dream. I'm all in.

With Veeky Forums you always lose

SeeFig. 44 illistrates the pump to 900sats last week in the first chart. We are currently dumping but I anticipate a pump to 1300 sats within the next 5 days.

>there are people who haven't sold this yet.

I raffed

This coin is being manipulated for a reason.

>making financial decisions based around TRON DOGS

>Making financial decisions based around Veeky Forums advice

Chinese year of the dog is feb. 16th, 2018. Don't underestimate what this means to the chinese.

>muh whale munipyoolashun
>muh long term hodl

It was manipulated indeed. It should never have gone up.

kek what a bunch of fucking retards. i can't wait for the posts in a year with them STILL holding +100k trx bags. delusion at its finest

Sell now and get on IOST! Its about to explode within the next few days. Palm Beach Confidentials has it for February!

I don't know. The 1 day charts looks like it's about to bust loose, but I'm fucking tired of losing money on this shitbag when I could be making money elsewhere. Plus I'm afraid it is just going to dump even more. It cant break lose if nobody is buying. It's just being manipulated by bots accumulating at this point. I hate to sell at loss, but money could be made elswhere before it ever goes up again.


That's not true his last call was cindicator

BREAKING NEWS: Justin Sun was reported leaving the building with a suitcase full of YOUR MONEY! While you are staring at the charts. He is on his way to his Beach Villa Holiday

lol roadmap takes 7min to write
maybe a few hours of work went into designing those bombastic names
it's just a token, copy paste job.

it's your money, maybe they'll be ironically worth something one day

huh? When did I say I lost money? I'm still up 3x in Tron. I meant that I didn't sell when my Tron went all the way up to 550k.


Wait until March 31st at least

I'm holding this shit til Q3 or Q4

stay poor.

it never ceases to amaze me the general stupidity of people

>People ITT still doesn't realize that Justin is about to exit TRX as soon as OCN hits Binance

Don't come screaming on Veeky Forums when it happens and TRX crashes to 0.01, pls.

>what is coin burn?

Autistic kids that can't handle volatility.

If a coin doesn't keep rising at a constant 30% each day it's a scam.

I laugh at any moron that sells this coin just because it's dipping.

holy shit every tron holder is fifteen yo

>a cellphone picture of a screen with a reddit comment on it

Tron is an obvious scam, and everyone knows it.

That's fine when everything is going to the moon and shitty failing companies can triple their stock price by adding "blockchain" to their names.

As that jovial exuberance starts to die down, expect people to start paying attention to what the fuck it is they're throwing money at.

tl;dr: Just make sure you have a chair to sit on when the music stops.

buy doge then

What is sell the news


Lol. Tron isn't a scam. It's massively overhyped vaporware (right now) because the 20 something ceo is a millennial who has apparently no concept of consequences. But still, it has potential. Just look at their team, those chinks, many of them much much more mature than chink Justin Timberlake, and some real top chinks, wouldn't waste their time if they didn't see the light. Tron has nowhere to go but up, and it will, eventually. I'm still not going all in or anything retarded like that, but I've got 50k I bought at 3 cents, and I'll hold em until at least 50.

You're all welcome. I dumped my bags at 552 sats. Hope you enjoyed the ride up

Thanks user