Prove it is not

Let's point and laugh at the absolute shitcoin this is, and the holders of it

They only show their face when the coin is +1% in green as if that is a gain

Usually the coin sits in red 90% of the time, meaning it is not wanted. It is not hyped enough, product isn't appealing. You think people don't know about it by now? They do, the coin isn't going anywhere.

But you bought at 6 cents right? So you'll just become rich huh? Enjoy your bags

whale here. I am unironically never selling my bags.

Your mother's pussy isn't appealing either but she still found a faggot to stick his dick in it and create you.

yea if i had as much as you i wouldnt sell either

This is not even the begining , just wait till everyone finds out about the keylogger virus in the source code lol. Can't wait to see the panicked fun virgins getting rekt . The info on keylogger was released weeks ago but fun virgins are too deluded

keylogger confirmed

keylogger is the new fud?

god damn keyloggers

My OCD wouldn't be able to take it not being an even 500. Still impressive though.

This is bait, but I'll bite. The team is made of serious players, including a William Hill Exec. Think he, or any of the others would link themselves to a scamcoin? Low tier FUD.

Can't you come up with anything original? Leftover pasta is worst pasta.


I'll bite, if you prove that there is a keylogger I'll give you 5k which will be worth triple in february at least

You’re one of those niggers that buys high because you wait for the moon mission to be over before assessing a coin

C-Come join the F-FUN...please! PLEASE!!!

this is the leaked source code


These days every coin has 'serious players' Best in their class , blah blah blah

That doesn't mean shit for how the coin performs, and so far this coin does NOT perform well. Neither will it in Feb, it'll maybe have a moon followed by a crash.

Pajeet yahoo email, confirmed logger

GG funlets

Big if true.

Trolling this hard.

Guys, I looked at my binance account and its empty, fucking FUN scammy keylogger took everything.

going to an hero

Fuck off, Pajeet

Funny you say this really, i finally tx my fun off nance to mew yesterday

Heh, the keylogger was supposedly to be written in JS, according to the latest FUD.

Stop posting this coin please, I dislike all the non-existent fuss

and I'd prefer all the pajeets that think its shit to keep thinking its shit