Greetings everyone, I want you all to address me as your highness because I know of a coin that will 10000x, effectively making you a millionaire even with a measly couple hundred dollar investment. Make me laugh so hard that I tear up and I will reveal it. Hint: I fucking love nigger jokes
I am the savior of poorfags on Veeky Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
Why do Jews have big nose?
Because the air is free.
Why is this board so awful
What's the difference between a nigger and a tire?
A tire doesn't sing the blues when you our chains on it.
How to make a gay man fuck a women?
Shit in her cunt.
So I was driving home the other day. I was almost home, going through my neighborhood when I saw a nigger running down the street with a television. I hurried home to make sure that it wasn't mine. Luckily mine was still chained up to the refrigerator where I left it.
What do you call six Asians, one Mexican, and five black people standing on your lawn?
Fuck I meant six Mexicans, one Asian.
what's the most confusing day for a nigger???
Fuck wait.. I mean 2 pajeet, and ONE nigger.. wait no... two Asians, one chink and 3 jews... er wait no... 3 dogs and one Mexican jew
once upon time in america?
How come Stevie Wonder & Ray Charles can't read?
Ahh fuck I messed it up
Fuck you nigga I'm tryin to tell a joke here.
upon a time in america? Or what?
go back to plebbit you fucking niggerfaggot
guys, it's UFR
enjoy current discount rate
A lawn sprinkler.
>spic spic spic spic spic spic
>nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga
What do black men do after sex?
A sprinkler
What do niggers and tornadoes have in common?
It only takes one to ruin a neighborhood
Difference between a pothole and a lil bigger baby?
Swerve to miss the pothole.
Chinese guy walks into a bar. Black bartender.
Chinese guy says, "Give me a jigger, nigger."
Black bartender says, "Yo, man, that's not cool. You can't come in here and say that to me."
The Chinese guy just smiles from ear to ear. "Give me a jigger, nigger."
The black bartender says, "How would you like it if you were behind the bar and I came up and said something like that to you?"
The Chinese guy shrugs, "I don't care."
So the Chinese guy gets behind the bar, the black bartender goes outside, walks in and says, "Give me a drink, chink!"
The Chinese guy says, "I'm sorry, we don't serve niggers in here."
*Nigger fucking auto correct
That doesn't even make sense
God damn.. beautiful joke.
Your mom believed that Jamal loved her....
What do you call 100 niggers in a barn? Antique farming equipment.
A nigger and a spic in a car, who's driving? The police.
Africans have the best drinking games like the last one who finds water dies
What is black and have 5 arms?
I don't know but it must harvest cotton pretty fast.
What's the difference between a Jew and a pizza?
The pizza doesn't scream when you shove it in the oven.
Pizza also taste good, jews most certainly do not.