Bought into the mining bit.
I only have enough to get two GPUs.
Am I retarded? Tell me not to do it, anons.
Is this going to be a big waste of money? Or will I be able to adapt my mining along the way?
>I need fucking help, fampais.
Bought into the mining bit.
I only have enough to get two GPUs.
Am I retarded? Tell me not to do it, anons.
Is this going to be a big waste of money? Or will I be able to adapt my mining along the way?
>I need fucking help, fampais.
Dont do it ,user.
you know that there are mining calculators, right?
Is electricity cheap?
Do it user
if you don't pay the electricity bill where you intend to use it, then sure, go ahead
Doesn't sound like the greatest idea. The cards are so inflated right now. Guess the question is will they drop in price in a month or two
Ive done the math. it works out. I'll break even in about 8mo. And my property mgr pays my electric
fuck it.
this is my biggest issue. Paying $500 ea for cards that should be maybe $300
$1600 if you had that money 4 months ago you could have gotten some sweet asic machines
How to tell which coin is clearly ran by pajeets. If the coin replies to a thread with a reply that doesn't make sense to the thread the coin they shill is pajeet.
but breaking even is contingent on today's prices
forgot to post pic
dude i'm kicking myself for not doing this 6mo ago
u my fave reply so far, paifam
>Guess the question is will they drop in price in a month or two
u really think they will though? it seems like the mining fad is only gaining ground in the normie world. my bro was at a game conference recently and said everyones starting to build their own rigs now.
Never spend at Best Buy.
It's best to find cheap deals on Newegg, Amazon, Ebay, or something else online. Lurk on /g/ and buy stuff you see on sale.
Also, mine something that's not listed on on CB, a mistake a lot of people make.
I would be of surprised if they stay this high. This seemed to be a pretty sudden event and I'd think the supply chain catches up and prices start coming down again over the next few months. But I dunno for sure obviously
With custom Volta's hitting the earliest in Q3, nvidia mostly focusing their production capacities on volta and thanks to the newest fad with deep fakes where you need cuda capable gpus expect further increasing prices at the slightest sign of an alt bullrun.
there are some gtx 1070s for 570 CAD and 1060s for 400 CAD at a local department store
would desperate online cucks really buy them for an even more inflated price? the same cards are literally X2 that price on newegg
You'll get better returns by buying an ASIC miner for scrypt coins.
are asics still cheap on alibaba?
don't do it. gpu's are overpriced.
Don't right now. GPU prices are super inflated. List the hardware you'd be getting for 1600.
I bought my 1080ti's for $800 a piece. They're like ~1300 a pop now.
Mining profitability has gone way down right now too. A few weeks ago It was around $20-$25 a day on this rig. Now it's about $12-$15. IMO not really worth it unless you don't pay for your electricity, then reaching your ROI will happen in like 2-3 months.
2x XFX RX 570s
z270-a pro MOBO
3930 intel
EVGA 750 GQ 80+ gold power supply
ddr4 4gb ram stick
2 risers
128gb ssd