Veeky Forums virgins

>tfw no matter how wealthy or attractive you are you will never have sex (without paying) or a gf

How do I get rid of this feel? I'm really wealthy for my age yet I don't see myself ever having sex since I'm a KHV dateless. Does anyone have any ideas of how to use money to get sex? No hookers since I'm American. I'm curious to see how many virgins like me are on biz. Post your age, net worth (assets minus debts) and number of sexual partners or lack thereof.

>0, KHV dateless.

>doesn’t know about escorts

>-€20000 (student loan @ 1% interest with 18 year repayment so literally not a problem)
>4, currently married with children

>loving gf

You really can't have it all, can ya

They're the same exact thing. It doesn't matter what you call them. Most are ugly/fakes and it's illegal. Plus I've talked to a few on the phone and they all seem very cunty.

20, 10k, 12
Would switch lives for that 600k lol

Start working out faggot and get some self confidence.

I'm a virgin because I'm saving myself for that right girl. I don't want to waste it on some roastie. It will be better this way.

I don't work out, but I'm already decently fit (pic related) girls don't really care about muscles that much at all, as long as you're not a fatass or skelly you're fine.

Jesus you have over 600 thousand dollars??? Trust me no sex on earth is as good as that. I would cut my cock and balls off for 600k - all I want in life is to someday pay off my 25k in student loan debt.

OP - if you see an attractive girl that is in your league then strike up a conversation. If it goes well then ask if she would like to get a coffee/beer/lunch or something that is non aggressive. Pick up the tab and then work on a second date. Spend a little more. If it goes well then do a third date. You'll spend plenty of money doing so.

If all you want is sex then look up an escort. Shit man it's not difficult.

its the shirt. lose the shirt and wear a watch, watches exude leadership

Yes I have a 680k net worth, not 600k in cash. I also have no debts. Around 75% of my net worth is ETH/NEO, the rest is stocks, my car, and cash.

Just get a body pillow user. Its worth it. It almost feels like you are truly with your waifu, you can feel her warmth and your heart race. Not to mention, waking up to her smiling face is a beautiful expieice


nice try american. Most unis are only 600€/semester if not free

what's with the hawaiin shirt

I'm Danish. UNI is free (?). My student loans were just to pay for rent.

I don't like watches, they make my wrist sweaty. I think the shirt looks nice, when I was younger my rich dad and all his rich friends would always wear Hawaiian shirts, I think they exude power and leadership.

>65k + 45k car if that matters
>18, currently 9/10 gf

got a handjob once though

>Invite lots of girls to dates
>Try to hit on them
>Fail repeatedly
>Acquire experience in flirting
>Eventually get it right
>Have sex
As long as you're prepared to fail, you'll eventually succeed.


>3 females

I'm trying to get a gf now

>45K car.

You're not going to make it user, any sort of vehicle should only be 10% or less than your net worth. Sell that car now, invest the money and buy a cheaper car. get a car like that once you hit a 450k+ Net worth.

I don't drink alcohol, and I've asked girls out, both IRL and online. Every one rejected me, lied, or ignored me.

First tip: don't try and dress like your dad.

lmao brilliant

>30K cash no debt

I like Hawaiian shirts. Do girls not like them?

Why is your entire Net worth in cash? Are you planning to invest it, or did you just cash out recently?

>Tried to impress girl with my cryptos last night
>At her house
>Just say Oh nice randomly
>She says what?
>Say I just made 100 dollars
>Omg how
>You know crypto currencies? Like bitcoin?
>Omg you have bitcoin? That's so cool, I don't even know how that works, you must be rich
>Heh, not just yet
I didn't actually make 100 dollars, just showed her my Delta page which was giberish to her.
Who here /cryptochad/?

>less than 10k
>never had an STD (been tested)

kissless virgins, kek

>1 Child

Wrap it before you tap it
wish I could pay child support with crypto :(

Looks dorky

>I don't drink alcohol
Alcohol during a casual date essentially lowers the difficulty setting of the flirting game. Good on you for not drinking literal poison, though.

>I've asked girls out, both IRL and online. Every one rejected me, lied, or ignored me.
Either your face is hideous, or your behavior is off-putting to grills. Are you socially awkward? If that's the case, which it likely is, Models by Mark Manson is a good read.

t. psychologist

You misunderstood. You give the girls alcohol, then you drink some non-alcoholic beer and pretend to be drunk.

Its hard when said attractive girl is being pounded by tinder chads on a nightly basis, even while courting her. Its kind of off putting, you know?

Damn user, sorry to hear that.18 is young as hell to be a dad. Hold your cryptos tight so in the future you can be very rich and be a good father.

Hawaiian shirts are Chadish looking, what are you talking about?


Fuck student loans. But being single in college makes getting pussy easy mode. Hell being single before 28 should be really easy to get with a girl thanks to bullshit like Tinder and OkCupid. I had to learn how to flirt by being rejected and also had to learn who wasn't worth dating/paying for their coffee.

Also coffee dates suck in general

t. 6'3 210 lbs 7/10 Chadlet

I wish I could help but I’ve always had a knack for manipulating girls. Just be nice, ask a lot of questions, and the secret sauce is to be honest about your attraction and feelings when in person. Say they look beautiful. Say you’re enjoying talking to them. Say you want to hang out with them more. Try and touch them casually, try and fit it into a joke.

And don’t overthink girls hooking up with other guys. It’s a double standard bc you would fuck two or more girls if they weren’t officially your gf

>0 (student loan debts + crypto assets)
>KHV till 25

travel, exercise, eating well, working a job that's "below you" for a bit, and creating something (for free) that you're proud of - all of these help. If you have enough self-love,the way you carry yourself and your conviction will resonate, even if you say some weird, autistic shit.

And also, just know it's a numbers game. Not everyone will like it, but the ones who do, will LOVE it, and they make it worth it.

t. 6'1" introverted skelly/aspie with deformed arm


>Most are ugly/fakes and it's illegal
americans everyone

God please get a chambray collar shirt. That’s the true chad shirt. Various hues of blue. You’re white man cmon look up chad white types

>touchless virgin

I could have lost my virginity as early as 16 but I kept fucking it up and here I am kissless and touchless virgin.
Feels bad

wow you lucky bastard, your 21 with 680k nigger. im fucking 25 with about 10k networth and a kissless, sightless, and touchless virgin. im pritty plain avg looking at best i think and hope, but wish i was abit taller than just 5'10". there were some grilles that kinda liked me but didnt settle for my height and lack of game. would be pritty neat to be 6'1" but i could've been shorter too i suppose. ur in good shape senpai, keep it up

Starting a business in construction and cash is king (most people will quote you 10% less if you pay in cash).

>Plus I've talked to a few on the phone and they all seem very cunty
Did you even smooth talk them

Decidedly Veeky Forums status confirmed

Femanon here, I think I squirted a little when I read this omg

>1m, give or take a few thousand (800k home, 200k IRA/brokerage/cash)
>0 KHV

>house is 80% of net worth.

Jeez, you have a great networth for your age but something that barely goes up in value like a house shouldn't be 80% of your networth.

wtf does sightless mean

I inherited it, it wasn't by choice. But fuck me, I'll take it.


I suppose you're right, I never had to deal with dating in the tinder era - thank god.

user - red wine is god's gift to mankind. It is the most natural alcohol and is shown to have plenty of health benefits. Order a couple glasses of pinot noir that's 2-3 years old. Either from Oregon, Washington, or France.

t. Oregon winemaker

0, also KHV

OP where the fuck did you get that kind of money?

ETH mostly, I also have no debts/live at home so expenses are very low also.

2 more years user

>travel, exercise, eating well
i don't even know how to start this shit



you are doing god's work user

>got a handjob once though

15k (all in crypto, otherwise 3k in my bank)
150+ (nothing below a 5/10 and most in the 8.5-9 range)

Seriously don't understand how some of you are kissless virgins even, seriously just travel. I travelled basically since the moment I hit 18 and you have no idea how easy it is to get girls. Fuck im not even that super outgoing, but get some drinks in you in that travel environment and girls just want to jump on me.

Top tips: Go to a gym, get a tan and travel = girls girls girls.

>about negative 35 thousand in student loans
>gf of three years cheated on me few months ago

it'll get better, right lads?


>have any brothers

Kek, absolute mad man.

>No hookers since I'm American.

Wut? I'm American and have banged 100+ hookers over the last 5 years. Backpage and a few other escorting sites provide an ocean of cheap attractive whores who will swallow your load for an extra 20 or 40 bucks. What the hell are you waiting for? If you can't pull a girl at a bar or any other social setting then get yourself a fucking hooker and spunk all over her face. Jesus user, grow something that resembles a set of balls and get out there and start fucking already.

Oldfag here. In my aged wisdom I can tell you there are 2 reasons you're not getting laid. Youngcucks are so desperate for pussy, women can smell it on you. Stop drooling over tits like they're filed with money. And don't be a pussy. Women smell your fear and lack of confidence like fucking sharks. Don't ever flash your cash. You're welcome.

>poorfag, just started on crypto
>divorced incel
>too autistic for dating

>I don’t even know how to start this shit

Travel - I did it at your age, just take out maybe 2k of your gains and take trains around Europe, or a road trip around the US. Do it alone, and fend for yourself. Don’t be afraid to sleep on a bench, talk to people honestly, and don’t be afraid to ask to crash on their couch/have them sneak you into their hostel.

Exercising - just start with pushups and jumping rope, and the thing in the picture I attached

Food - depends on your body. See if you know a friend who’s an aspiring nutritionist who’ll give you a profile for free (or spend a little gains on a veteran). Mostly plant-based, low sugar, low-grain diet worked for me. If meat, I go for fish and white meat, rarely red. Grew up on sardines, carrots, sauerkraut, eggs, spinach, and beans. Never led me wrong, and cheap af

He's right you know.

Backpage is a good place to start. Or you've got money right, just go to a place where whores are legal. DR and Amsterdam were great, and much cheaper than the US standard prices. Fucked a solid 9 for 50 Euro

I’m dead seriously down to help anyone in this thread who’s having trouble with this kinda shit. I been there. Telegram @sabajin

Godspeed and good gains to you regardless

>not having sex with each other
Veeky Forums you're missing out

>150k (just paid off 180k in student loans)
>1 hooker
I got educated, got fit, traveled, went to a bunch of music shows/festivals with friends. Maybe apathy from smoking so much weed is what's holding me back. I'm lonely but don't bother to ask girls out.

>0, i have a ldr


>Be ugly and short
>Almost 30
>Women ignore me entirely

When i started making money I received some attention from women. It was too late at that point. I could only see them as gold digging whores

>girls don't really care about muscles that much
That's what I always thought, but when I took my shirt off my then GF was all over me in about 5 seconds.

Chicks will say they don't like big muscles and women don't actually know what they want.

>lose the shirt

>Don’t be afraid to sleep on a bench, talk to people honestly, and don’t be afraid to ask to crash on their couch/have them sneak you into their hostel.
The thought of talking to random strangers give me anxiety alone. fuck I have problems

>implying poorfags like me have money for that
kill yourself my man

what a fucking CHAD, bet his name is OUCH

>KV until december when asian flatmate started cuddling and blowjobs
>Still virgin and she's said no to anything more significant
>Not really attracted to her but she's still the best I've got
This is probably the year I visit a prostitute.

2, but I'm extremely handsome. People think I get a lot of girls when I actually keep fucking up on dates
pic related

Holy Fook where do these big tittied asians exist

Marriage, prostitution, hookers? What's the difference?

Hey look, it's me.

bet you're short. OUCH

no im 6 1

Looks like you suck a mean dick

I'm basically the biggest beta chad you will ever meet

About 10K
1gf only got to 2nd base.


that's okay you're the best kind of chad bro. Brofist

Oh and ~$200k with ~$50k student loans but I dare not take it out of crypto since it might be worth so much more in the future. I'm a long-term true believer, but at the moment it's just stopping me enjoying/squandering my gains.


I think I know this feel really well. Not larping. Fit, about 180 cm tall, not attractive but overall above-average and had a few girls hit on me (even straight out asking me out). Have female friends, too. Not socially awkward at all but in terms of 'dating' I have absolute 0 game as there is no self-esteem in this context. Maybe you have the same problem?

t. Kissless virgin at 28

>no self-esteem in this context
Wanted to add that I feel that the female brain can somehow recognize this. Thoughts?

get some liquid courage and stop giving a fuck. girls smell low self-esteem like sharks smell blood

If you cant afford to travel you should just kill yourself now. Its fucking easy to save up 2k. 2k in asia central america could last you a couple of months. Its about travelling smart and not being an idiot with your money.

you don't even need to hold a proper conversation, girls will rate the best discussions they've had with males when they get the most talk time, i.e. ask them questions, shut up about yourself unless they ask something and crack the occasional joke
