>"Sorry, we couldn't save your computer or your cryptowallets"
Are you enjoying your decentralization now?
>"Sorry, we couldn't save your computer or your cryptowallets"
Are you enjoying your decentralization now?
>keeps backups on several locations
Jokes on you faggot I have my money stored on an exchange with 2fa
>what is a brainwallet
This, and my level of autism wouldn’t allow even anyone who finds my seed to know how to decrypt it. Anons take note.
My wallet Will be under my skin
The coins are not in your Fucking wallet. You do not know how things work and your presence in the gene pool is an afront nature
I'm not stupid enough to not have a backup of my private keys lol
>*hacks your exchange*
Both are fucking idiots
>keeps wallet on 3rd party service rather than his own HDD
Encrypted so its all good
If you can break encryption you can sell that knowlsege for billions in the black. Arket
nigger please, i have private key laminated and flash drive in banks security deposit, and just for you, i will be engraving my private key on a thin small piece of metal and keeping it with me where ever i go but you will never know where to find it
>Doesnt have backups
>Doesnt have a 2 hour fire rated safe within a larger 2 hour fire rated safe so that even if there weren't backups the private keys would be safe
In your ass?
good thing they are all stored on the exchange xD
Try harder, script kiddies.
>"Hand it over, white boy"
>he doesn't put his 10 factor auth. locked hardware wallet in a fireproof waterproof bulletproof bombproof magnetproof safe buried underground on a random property with armed gaurds and attack dogs
fucking insecure fags
enjoy getting robbed
lol tfw not seven backups
I've rented a room for my wallets in Fort Knox, comfy as fuck
>have to download that encrypted .zip i emailed to myself with my private keys, what a hassle
This made me laugh.
My shit is on Binance pussy
>he doesn't store his long term holds on paper wallets in a fire proof safe
ishygddt. Where do you keep your other important documents?
np, can i get into my room to grab my cryptosteel?
>using centralized exchanges
You know what? Imma going to tattoo my private key on my dick or inside my anus.
> Keep ledger in fireproof safe
Your move firecuck
>he doesn't have his wallets keys engraved on a stainless steal commemorative plaque
>online wallet
>paper wallet in multiple locations
>hardware wallet in fireproof safe
Wait this is bait, isn't it?
>he doesn't have his private key tattooed on his cock.
be careful about this 2FA shit homie. Especially google auth you read the story of the retard locking himself out and coins went bye bye uh