So when is this shit going to blow up?
So when is this shit going to blow up?
what coin is this
nice just bought 10k
Not until after 2032
this is Veeky Forums, crypto only
you should be charting the fucking dollar, this is just people escaping a dying shit coin
>No recession period since 2008
>usually economy cycles every 6-8 years
>10 years and no recession
>Implying economy isn't going downwards spiral after 2020, when Trump isn't president
>Higher tax cuts are placed again
>Spending is reduced
>Company earnings is reduced
>Cycle continues for 2-3 years
Trump literally played 5d chess on the dems. The recession was supposed to happen during his term but it literally didn't cause of his amazing tax cuts.
Once those are gone, your US economy is going to be fucked
When the praborlic curve is violated expect a retrace to the fobity firth flib
I had a financial markets professor who used to say that the market has predicted 9 out of the last 5 recessions. And there was always one retard in the back who never understood what that meant. Is that you, OP?
I know next to nothing about economics, so maybe
2020 probably.
Probably at the same time as BTC
the tax cuts have literally been in effect for a few weeks, if a recession was going to happen it would have happened
When they assassinate The President.
It’s mooning get in b4 it’s too late
>dollar crashes
>market crashes
>boomers flee to bonds and gold
>people under 35 flee to crypto
>if a recession was going to happen it would have happened
That's not how recession cycles work. It's a slow and gradual fall. Different than a crash.
Plus 2008 was a crash, recovery period took 4 years. which makes this the 6th year. So it would've happen next year if medium, or year after that if max.
But 2020, WILL decide which direction the economy is heading, if it's not Trump.
Hope to God that your president is competent.
>Dollar crashes for no reason
>Market crashes due to no reason when profits are all time high
>bloomers flee to bonds and gold even though stocks are still superior returns
>People under 35 on crypto are speculators not investors.
Trump tax cuts for middle and lower class are not permanent. They are going to see an increase on their taxes in 2027. That’s what is going to fuck us hard when your average American can’t spend money. Sure he will be long gone but it will be his doing.
People are fleeing bonds which is why stocks are going up so much
>His doing
That's the thing. The guy is playing 5d chess.
Republicans are blamed for all the recessions when even though these cycles are supposed to happen. He literally changed the cycle rotation towards Dems. Dems will always face the recession time.
No it's not. There are multiple tax cuts expiring at any moment that get extended/removed. The world was supposed to end when they stopped the temporary employer fica decrease of .5% but somehow it kept on going
>Trump literally played 5d chess on the dems. The recession was supposed to happen during his term but it literally didn't cause of his amazing tax cuts.
never open your mouth again you complete brainlet
2019 or 2020.
I made a post with exactly the same image 1 hour ago, I made a video about this, I might create a new thread just to talk about those thought
>Hating on Trump
There's a doomsday scenario coming up, and its going to go one of two ways: the fed will continue to prop up the market and keep interest rates low and allow a hyper inflation to take over or the fed will rapidly raise rates and shrink there balance sheets and cause a market and housing crash worse than 1929
When Schiff sells all his silver
What how do stocks go up if people are fleeing to bonds??
I'm not hating on Trump, I like Trump, but if you think he has any impact over whats going on your an idiot
central banks own everything. 40% of the Japanese stock market is owned by the BoJ for example, the banks are still expanding their balance sheets when they stop the game is over
>but if you think he has any impact over whats going on your an idiot
>Prez has no impact on anything they just there
You, sir are the idiot.
The regulations, the tax cuts they do have an impact on the economy.
Lower tax cuts does encourage higher spending. Every dollar spent is someones dollar earned. Every dollar earned than is used to spent.
This is basic finance and economics 101.
The markets are fake (
>Trump's 1 month old tax plan caused an 8 year old stock market bubble
I agree the tax cuts have a big impact on the economy, but the 'everything bubble' is nothing to do with them, its to do with a 5x of the base money worldwide and a decade of negative interest rates with banks becoming major stock buyers - the markets are all fake.
>this is basic finance and economics 101
thanks brainlet, I'm a 3rd year economics student
Holy shit reddit leave please for the love of god.
What makes you think it's going to blow up? Because if it blows, the chain reaction is going to be far worse off for your precious imaginary internet money.
It has nothing to do with economics. It's just a joke about how pundits, market analysts, and other onlookers always fret over an incoming recession due to a number of reasons. Sometimes they're right, many times they're wrong.
9 out 5 of bro is that a typo how could you predict 9 recessions theres only 5 stupid liberal college professors AHAHAHHAHA
>spending your money to go to a college where this is your professor
pic related its you!
>retard knows nothing
Not surprised a crypto child doesnt know his market history or why reccesions happen. Do you even know how an index is priced? Do you even know what a volatility index is? Equities just began a new paradigm
I have about 80 bucks in crypto, my whole net worth with the exception of my car etc is in gold. Its going to blow up because the fundementals haven't changed since 2008. 2008 was called the 'credit crunch' implying there was a crunch on credit, implying credit decreased and debts went down - but thats a lie - the whole world is in vastly more debt now than then, governments, businesses and individuals are at unprecedented levels of leverage, now this is all fun and games whilst the interest rates are basically zero but the central banks will soon have to raise interest rates to take out their QE injection money that if left unchecked will cause a hyper inflation bringing about the senario i mentioned here: they have made the deal with the expansionary monetary policy and now its time to pay the piper.
Read Mise's theory of money and credit, its not the bust you want to be analysing, its the boom. All the ground work is laid for the next great depression and it looks alot like were in 1928. My prediction is the system will collapse in 8 months to a year, maybe a little long at a push, screencap if you wish.
I think thats the point. That its "more than 100%" sure.
low interest rates and monetary expansion encourage malinvestment, the bubble has to pop at some point other wise that would mean you could never make a bad investment. Look at OP's Dow chart, we're entering the blow off top stage, this is nearing the crash.
youre such a moron it hurts
We havent even entered a consolidation period yet and you are calling a blow off top. How naive. Try looking back to the markets during the 70s and see what happens when we rise above historical valuations. We broke out of a 35 year consolidation period. There is still at least a decade of an all out bull market left
>There is still at least a decade of an all out bull market left
The Dow has gained 1,600 points in January alone, according to you the market will continue at this rate for a decade with the dow hitting 218,000 points lmao
>people arn't fleeing to bonds, gov. bonds are entering a long over due bear market
People aren't fleeing because government bonds and bonds are not good investment at the moment, unless you're a retired.
>The markets are all fake
Topkek. Yeah they all just make fake numbers up and everybody is involved in it.
If you would've said it's dominated by banks, that's obvious.
>but the 'everything bubble' is nothing
Nobody said it's a bubble.
Economic cycles happen. Recessions and growth is not a new concept.
>I'm a 3rd year economics student
You should get a refund on that education you got.
the next bubble will be the technology bubble, either caused by facebook, google, apple, amazon or netflix
>Read Mise's theory of money and credit
>system will collapse in 8 months to a year
Idiots think alike. An established and valuable system backed by the military and the government collapses in 8 months to a year yet internet tulips boom? Your delusion is going to break you. Jesus, this clown, wake up to real life.
>People aren't fleeing because government bonds and bonds are not good investment at the moment, unless you're a retired.
bonds are the worst investment for anyone, the government can't even afford the interest payments and your beloved drumpf is adding to that deficit at a massive rate
>If you would've said it's dominated by banks, that's obvious.
thats exactly what I said
>Economic cycles happen. Recessions and growth is not a new concept.
what has that got to do with the current stock market?
I don't like crypto more than fiat, like i said, everything i have is in gold
Market triples from these levels
Inflation hasn't even gotten going
I listen to a lot of bloomberg surveillance. All the guests mention 2019 as being an uncertain year
>wow the price is high so therefore it must go down!
The dow is actually going to 1 million dollars, Im not even larping. These things are built for retirement. Pensions and mutual funds are going long and staying long, as well as keeping the VIX low. Youre pathetically retarded
Both retarded. The point is that people are constantly predicting recessions that never happened. The most recent example being all the predictions of an early 2017 collapse with Trump as president.
apart from boomers are going to have to mandatorily pull out of the stock market
I hope you're joking you fucking clown because it's never happening.
>be highly paid analyst
>consult magic eight ball
I'm convinced.
whats never happening?
heres a fun fact for you: the Berkshire hathaway stock is worth $325,915.00
thats more than the DOW, and Warren buffet uses a similar but slightly better strategy. Still dont think it can hit those levels?
>calls others idiots
>uses muh tulips argument
opinion discarded
When money becomes more expensive. Hint: what is the federal funds rate
>the Berkshire hathaway stock is worth $325,915.00
>thats more than the DOW
what the fuck has that got to do with anything?
I don't think you understand how valuations or indices work. Prove me wrong.
bBUT b-b--but Drumpf?xD
Not surprised you dont know that the Berkshire stock is worth so much because The massive company invests purely in the companies listed on the DOW
>Warren buffet uses a similar but slightly better strategy
better strategy than what?
During downturn, investments flow out starting from most risky to least. Always. Guess what crypto is?
He buys everything listed on the DOW except for a few picks he drops, and slightly outperforms it
thats his entire secret
you are actually a brainlet, this board needs a good old reddit purging
You guys severely overestimate the financial literacy of the average person. They will likely do whatever their advisor/bank tells them. Which will never be crypto. People with enough savings and knowledge to get into crypto are already in here.
U know what u are talking about. Any comment on crypto's role when these scenarios obviously and jnevitably occur?
Only thing that crashes markets are expensive dollars. FED raised interest rates prior to 2001, 2008, and is doing so now. It thier game, they dictate when and how the markets rise and fall period. Cheap currency and wall bets, expensive cash and they pull back.
the dow isn't a stratergy its an index of the 30 largest us companies
>Berkshire is the best, it has the most expensive stock
Lmao, is this real life? Must be a bait, god I hope it is. This is literally the same logic applied by idiots who think Tron/Ripple will be $1000.
The ONLY reason Buffet refuses to split Berkshire stock keep drooling idiots like you away from it.
>the babby resorted to name calling after losing an argument
What a shock
Rates Already priced in holy shit you guys are retarded
depends how long they can be postponed for, if certain cryptos can build up a soild safe haven reputation before then they could do well, but nothing compared to the precious metals. The shit and meme coins will be whiped out in a crash, maybe two or three coins will remain viable and may rally. I doubt bitcoin will be one of them.
Yes I know what the dow is obviously, I think your missing the point
Stock picking is a strategy, Warren buffet mimics the Dow almost exactly, this is how Berkshire Hathaway gets its massive cash flow
What's would be the best crypto to hold when the stock market crashes?
Recessions cycle every 8-14 years.
Tax cuts cant prevent a recession.
Nobody said that, learn to read english you filthy jeet
your guess is as good as anyone elses, i feel confident in saying it wont be bitcoin, you would be better off buying physical gold and silver you can hold
Gold and silver goes down in a recession too brainlet. You need to be in USD/XXX
>heres a fun fact for you: the Berkshire hathaway stock is worth $325,915.00
thats more than the DOW, and Warren buffet uses a similar but slightly better strategy. Still dont think it can hit those levels?
Nothing, because if the Stock Market crashes, it will be 90x fold worse for crypto. Crypto is 60% Stock Market money.
I believe the global nature of crypto creates an uncertainty regarding howit performs in a downturn.
God you're fucking stupid. You can't even remember your own posts
okay the troll has definitely identified himself now
Did you forget the context of your own conversation, you insect? You said the Dow is too high, so I showed you a stock thats worth more than the Dow itself
please be a troll, no one can be this dense
Lmao, I mean you could just check the charts yourself but I suppose you are too stupid
>not reading the full context around the posts
still mad, little insect?
explain to a brainlet whats actually going to happen and how it will affect ourdaily lives pls
How bad will it be?
this is very brainlet/normie friendly series, watch the whole series if your interested, I have shown this to my family and they enjoyed it
dont listen to the brainlets in this thread
>heres a fun fact for you: the Berkshire hathaway stock is worth $325,915.00
Holy shit literal brainlet.
>dont listen to the brainlets in this thread
duly noted