Bought the dip

bought the dip

>shitcoin goes to 0

B-buy the dip guys!

I'm curious. Did all you whales coordinate the dump or did a few of you go rogue?

Was the nicehashers dumping, all the "big whales" that where early on haven't sold anything

Nicehashers we're spending like 2k/hour at some points. Shit got to 100mh/s

This isn't going to go over 30 sats again for months. I hope you guys sold at the top.

Yfw it hits 100 on TradeSatoshi

No I bought high and sold low in typical Veeky Forums fashion

bought 20k at 13sats

please tell me ill be alright

All the major whales in Discord haven't sold much at all of their stack. biggest one has 700 million and he can't dump with this little volume

800k @ 6 sats. Suck me, Shredder!

are you me?

It was 1 sat 4 days was pumped to 38 then miners dumped....sitting steady at 10 sats everyday ifmit pumps and levels another +10 sats...

I mean just go ahead and miss the boat if you want but I personally got 10m at 9 sats

200k at 15sats
we'll be ok user

you stupid fucks

cashed out 3MM mined turtles for .5BTC.
Thanks everybody!

Im gonna hold until bitcoin level
Thats The Turtle Marine
No virus all clean for the new scared people

Turtles go here:


Join this discord and post your trtl address, you"ll be rewarded.

What the fuck, that's like no money at all. What the fuck are you even worried about you cuck?

Send me and i will HOLD IT


>be poorfag
>work as a slave
>put lifesavings in TRTL
>risk it and all in
>get called cuck by user
>panic sell

D-did I w-w-win?

that's like 30 bucks