Nearly 3 thousand tweets 3 million impressions and a news article

>you not getting involved is apathy at its finest, almost like you hate money

Other urls found in this thread:

But Veeky Forums started this...

actually rediit did, Veeky Forums does not associate with fuck-ass hashtag campaigns

Veeky Forums did start this the og reddit post mentioned getting it from here, reddit just decided to jack our shit lmao

Whatever dude. Veeky Forums is the epitome of society retardation. Let's not fool our selves. Reddit > Veeky Forums intellectually. And any meaningful changes that will happen to society wouldn't be because of Veeky Forums no matter how many people here circle jerk each other about it.

Veeky Forums has been pushing LINK for 4 MONTHS! And look at it. Just draining slowly. IMO Veeky Forums killed ChainLink with it's toxic community.

What did Reddit advertise during that time? VEN, ICX, XRB, NEO. All succeeded. Veeky Forums was good at propping up scam low cap coins cuz that's all we're good at. Memeing and scamming. Don't think we're pushing society to a new frontier here.

I was in the first few threads 2 days ago, it’s kind of cool how big it’s gotten

Yeah it's gotten big because of Reddit. Because they actually talk legibly. They actual discuss real ideas instead of just wasting their time trolling all day like here. They actually attract a lot more intellectual people than this shit hole. Veeky Forums is filled with retards and it's obvious.

lol then keep making threads on reddit, I think if Veeky Forums ever realizes this is a good idea then they’d get involved too

>too dumb to read between the lines

It’s ok buddy not everyone can be a shark. Veeky Forums is no doubt intellectuallly superior to reddit and the biggest difference between the two is that on Veeky Forums, we don’t try to be.

Why are you even here? I bet you didn’t even know what Veeky Forums is until post 2010 some time. Fuck off back to plebbit

>it is gotten
>they actual
>muh reddit legibility

some guy actually saw the reddit post and made an article about it haha, but reddit is a shithole too. It’s a huge circle jerk and if you have a negative opinion you get downvoted to hell. One of the only place where I saw legit two sided discussion are in skeptics and paywithcrypto


>Reddit > Veeky Forums intellectually
I would say for the most part they are similar on that basis in that there are some savants here and some Pajeet idiots, but for the most part Reddit is a spineless, normie, cuck infested shithole that would gladly give a testicle for an upvote - and they outnumber us. That's the main difference desu

by the way if anybody cares, I'm the guy who made the reddit threads that got it popular, lol. i was in the og thread of the guy who started it but I don't know who he is lmao. i was like the 4th to tweet (the infamous frog poster lol)

I started reddit exactly a month ago because I wanted to track TRX's news and I ocassionally went over to r/crypto and it's just as bad of an echo-chamber as Veeky Forums is -- you guys just try really hard when you post replies lmoa

>browses Reddit for a scamcoin
you’re still plebbit-tier bro

i had to beg for upvotes on the trx reddit so I could post on crypto lmao you needed a minimum karma of 100 and i had like 3 lol

found the pajeet

either way I think it’s a good idea, even if plebbit takes the credit what did the post even say to get it so popular like this?

Wtf you talkn about I got into All those from Veeky Forums and I have never been to reddit before. I don’t even know how to navigate that site

idk if you can see the view count if you click on a thread on the other end, but nearly 50k views seems like a lot

>begging for upvotes
i beg you beg tyrone to let you watch as he fucks your wife too

nah senpai, I give the best dick in town

>the state of adoptards
why would you push for adoption now? we had at least another few months to keep doing shit

>checked, I'm all for discussion senpai

I think after that January dip that apparently happens every year normies got spooked and a lot of them that wanted to get in decided not too. I'm almost positive that everybody who "wanted to take a risk" and switch fiat to crypto already did so, and after getting rekt that hard in january they're scared to buy the dip

Reddit is the absolute definition of room temperature IQ, echo chamber bullshit.

I'm sorry you're one of them and you can't set a pajeet filter properly. Good luck with the rest of your mediocre life.

The only thing you idiots are asking for is severe regulation as vendors do not want to assume risk.

They aren't going to make it easier for you to get rid of profits made speculating. You're only making it worse on yourselves.

How the fuck did this thread devolve into an argument lmfao. This idea came from biz (as mentioned in the first reddit post) but it doesn't even matter. Regardless of our portfolios, we should all be able to agree that shilling crypto to popular companies to encourage adoption will benefit the entire industry.

because reddit did most of the leg work but it actually started on Veeky Forums lmao, i literally made that first reddit post. In the first thread the guy was asking people to post it on reddit for him because he didn't have an account, it definitely came from fuckin' biz -- I just don't who the guy that started is which is pretty funny

holy shit this is actually a good idea, I tweeted OP

thanks homie

nigga what
NEO was shilled on Veeky Forums as far back as 10 cents, fucking ants in my pants pink wojak topics as far as the eye could see, shops of piccolo bitbean piercing dgb raditz and ans goku
XRB was also shilled at 10 cents, anons kept telling others to buy on that pajeet exchange and try out the gambling app
i missed out on both because i thought like you

>Reddit > Veeky Forums intellectually.
Veeky Forums is unfiltered, uncensored, true discourse
reddit is a peer-review, safe-safe, censored, circle-jerk lacking original thought

You're completely right, but then again Reddit is a good place to start big movements like these because of that same upvote system that makes it a bad place for discussion.

This is embarassing. Reddit started it and was even ridiculed for it here on Veeky Forums despite it obviously being a good idea.
I don't browse Reddit but I still find Veeky Forums users' animosity towards it idiotic.

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that’s true, Veeky Forums thought this shit was gay as fuck lmao we still started it tho

I'm gonna make another reddit post lol, you guys are really apathetic and don't care about doing anything productive. If you're on plebbit and see that shit upvote it

>i don't browse Reddit
sure, bud