>Invested in Bitcoin several months back >It's fucking dog shit
What's the point again? I'm investing in this fake currency with real money so I can purchase gift cards and then shop at those retailers? Wow! What a true revolution. Oh well. I have some stock in it. I invest in real things, but I thought I'd just fuck around with bitcoin to see what it is and it's actually bewildering to me how people have taken out second mortgages in order to invest in this bullshit.
You poor fucking suckers. I was able to buy myself a brand new truck when I invested in VR. I tried to buy some real shit with Bitcoin but it's incredibly limited, because it's not even real and has no value or weight.
Austin Adams
>not knowing how to cash out
you don't deserve money, you're too dumb
hand over what you've got before I break your fucking jaw
John Kelly
Can buy houses, cars, travel all with bitcoin. No need to cash out ;)
Connor Ward
>hurr durr, cash out!
Lol. What a drooling fucking retard you would have to be to think I haven't done that. And you can't just cash out all your money. It's incredibly limiting to how much you can take out and how often you can do it. I understand you are quite literally a brain dead dirt fucking poor retard that is just desperate for quick cash grab, but take it from someone vastly superior to you in every single way imaginable, from financial gains, to how much property I own, to how much physically superior to you. It's bullshit. And I know you're incredibly defensive with it because you're poor and can't invest in real things, but you're not going to convince me that bitcoin is legit. The only person you're trying to convince is yourself
Jeremiah Price
lol. everyone who is a bitcoin millionaire has nothing to show for it. Just baseless anonymous claims on Veeky Forums. Invest in something real, unless you're broke as fuck like , then I guess I'd stay investing in bitcoin so you can purchase your gift cards and cash out small amount of cash every so often.
Elijah Rivera
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across theUSAand your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Lincoln Fisher
I can do $100k a day on coinbase.
Camden Robinson
>And you can't just cash out all your money. It's incredibly limiting to how much you can take out and how often you can do it.
holy fuck you are a legitimate retard
i'm sorry for threatening to break your jaw, i didn't know you had a disability
Jaxon Roberts
>copy pasta older than the internet
Skipping to the last deck in your card already? Yeah, I wouldn't want to argue with me either. At least you showed you have some sort of common sense in that tiny brain of yours, even if you do think Bitcoin is the end all be all to investing.
Jaxon Ortiz
>the last deck in my card Lmao, nice one there kid
Nolan Morgan
Ian Barnes
>Invested in Bitcoin several months back If you bought before December you made gains, so where did it all go wrong?
Aiden Richardson
Still trying to convince yourself are ya?
Also, your threats are pitiful. We both know if we were standing in front of each other it would end with all your teeth on the ground and me stomping on your joints and your testicles so there would be absolutely zero chance for you to pollute the world further with your laughably bad genes.
Adrian Cooper
this nigga got btfo
Joshua Watson
wanna know how i know your a weak handed american?
Carson Collins
1. Not America
Thanks for being a fucking retard
Who else wants to try me? I didn't realize it was this easy.
Levi Wilson
>that spacing >these posts Is it a slow day at work or something user?
Julian Lee
>hurr durr reddit spacing!
cringe inducing my dude. and it actually only exposes that you are in fact a redditor if you think reddit is the only place where people format their comments like that. So thanks Reddit :)
Colton Williams
Pls try harder than that
Henry Perry
>please try harder
Thanks for essentially admitting you have run out of arguments because you are actually fucking retarded.
You dummies aren't even fully convinced yourselves that Bitcoin is legit. Just look at these comments.
Jaxon White
Not hard enough.
Hudson Brooks
>He's still replying
How chapped are you exactly, lad?
Caleb James
>we got him to admit he's not even american fucking lmao, how are foreigners this dumb
Jackson Young
Good thing you bought stock in the bitcoin! I heard on CNN the other day that miners are taking all the new coins! Careful out there, stay safe! xoxo
Jack Martinez
>we got him to admit he's not even american
lmao. holy fuck. is this considered a legitimate argument in Burgerland? No wonder you guys are the laughing stock of the world and not taken seriously on any board.
Easton Scott
>It's incredibly limiting to how much you can take out and how often you can do it
high net worth individuals are given higher withdraw limits, you're only confirming that you're a poorfag. kys
Isaiah Cook
Lol. Kid, I have 2.5 million in my savings alone and that DOESN'T include what I have invested in real properties. I have 7 bitcoins. Worthless as fuck. You know what I bought my 7 bitcoins with? My investment money from Ty corp.
Please, you don't need to tell me your savings. I know you're dirt poor and still live with mommy and daddy in a shitty rental unite.
You want to try again? :)
Carson Gutierrez
>I get my validation from role playing on the internet You're amusing
Brandon White
you have 2.5MM and only 7 bitcoins? no wonder you never made money off crypto, you're terrible at investing or whatever you're trying to do in your mind. probably bought way too late after hearing all the mainstream hype, meaning you're basically retarded.
you're also a horrible larper, no one with 2.5MM would be concerned about getting their 7 btc worth less than a measly 80k off an exchange (which you can do in one withdraw on most exchanges because it's way under the withdraw limit). that shit is pocket change, i would know since i actually made money off crypto unlike you.
Jordan Edwards
>posts copy pasta >gets destroyed >continues replying to my comments without any arguments >he's STILL replying to my comments without any arguments 6 posts on >to add insult to injury he posts an anime picture
Holy fuck you pathetic. So this pretty much confirms you're underage then? What do you even do here? You're too young to invest, you have no money. Do you literally just try and fit in here or is your sole purpose to throw out god awful shit posts in a desperate attempt to get luls?
Jack Anderson
I can't stress enough how mentally fucking ill an underage you would have to be if you think bitcoin is the number 1 priority to invest in. I invested in bitcoin for shits, because I have REAL investments where I receive REAL money instead of fake money.
I realize you're young, naive and generally all around stupid, your knowledge of the world outside of Veeky Forums is non existent. My real estate properties alone bring me in $250k a year and that is JUST from thatm not including my job or my other investments.
Next please.
Carson Ross
>feeling this insecure that you need to brag about your shitty property investments to anons on Veeky Forums
fucking kek, i actually made more than half your entire net worth last year alone (not to even mention your low annual income) despite the fact you're probably way older than me. how does it feel to be pushed aside by the younger generation?
Levi Hernandez
Are you trying to convince yourself you have more money than me? Because your stupidity has already exposed you are not who you are pretending to be.
You continue to struggle in your "argument" against me, all I will do is laugh. If you need to know, I pull in 1.5 million a year. That is more money than you will ever see in your entire life. More money than your entire family combined has seen in their entire, empty, worthless existence.
Keep trying to convince yourself though. I gotta admit, it's entertaining as hell watching you try this hard
Eli Long
>keeps inflating fake net worth into multimillions >bitches about not being able to cash out a measly 80k in crypto
are you even trying nigger? worst fucking larp ever
Jack Sanders
>still trying to convince yourself
Your insecurity is just pouring through harder and harder with each and every comment you reply with. I can picture you right now in your parents house, using your parents computer, eating your parents food to try and convince people you're a multi-millionaire. Just remember, the only person you have a shot at convincing is yourself. I already know you're a sad, feeble moron that has nothing :)
Asher Powell
>eats popcorn
Grayson Reyes
Totally agree OP.
Ian Lee
>no answer to glaring mistakes in your story >resorts to ad hominem attacks
i doubt you can even crawl your way out of a paper bag let alone make millions in the real world if you can't even address my original point without you ree-ing about how poor you think i am instead.
Brayden Gutierrez
>He's still replying >He's still trying to convince himself >His insecurity and anger keeps leaking through every time he replies
Even trolls on /b/ are more convincing provide better arguments. But please, for the love of god don't stop, this is too good watching you struggle to convince us.
Kayden Gonzalez
>"he's still replying" >replies to my post
Samuel Nelson
>He's STILL replying >Except this time he literally just gave up and resorted to regurgitate my comments back at me
Christ you are a sad, sad man-child. Your childhood was full of sadness and neglect wasn't it?
Jaxson Nelson
>projecting this hard
Kayden Cooper
Thanks for coming back to bump my thread :)
I know I've struck a cord with you so the rest will be easy
Benjamin Brooks
I just bought BTG. Am I fucked?
Dominic Thomas
>I've struck a cord Where? I'm just giving you the validation you desperately crave.
Jack Cox
lol i feel bad for u op
Jaxson Brooks
Seems like you don't know shit about crypto and deserve to lose. And also yes, I'm ignorant about a lot too but have at least some grasp about its use and the market.
Logan Martinez
>Replies again >Posts more anime
Lol. Yep. You are so chapped.
Nicholas Rogers
>Seems like you don't know shit about crypto and deserve to lose.
Huh? Where did you get this idea? Oh wait, you're a anime loving child that has virtually no knowledge of how the real world actually works. Twisting peoples words on anonymous messaging boards and making assumptions is the only thing you know how to do because it's the only thing you've ever done with your life.
Zachary Brown
And what you have to show? Your fucking pathetic life? God some people are just retarded..
Hudson Flores
Eth will pass BTC this year. BTC will stagnate to 18k while Eth will be at least 30k this year. With celebs coming out in favor of crypto, ETH will be the new "normie coin".
Adam Murphy
>And what you have to show? Your fucking pathetic life?
Try reading the comments in this thread before posting. You'll make yourself look a lot less stupid and clueless in the future. Also, thanks for exposing even further that this board is pollute with retarded 17 year old kids that can't get a fucking clue.
Noah Campbell
Much butthurt kid? no one here cares about your fake properties and your opinion ... just stop