>posts videos about crypto and "getting it together" >it's not about the millions of dollars >"Look at these lambos" >no seriously its about cryptocurrency as a technology against banks >"OMG A GREEN LAMBO!" >talks about how he started with nothing and found 5 mentors who taught him some tricks.. for free apparently >charges you for those same nuggets of wisdom he got for free >LAMBOS!
I just want to punch this guy in the face with a... lambo...
Why has no one committed a horrible atrocity against him yet?
The hype-mentor-MLM scambags are the lowest of the lower on the totem of pole of success.
Ayden Johnson
He and this chucklefuck are gonna school you in crypto
Joseph Butler
He is just capitalizing on his current wealth and his social media presence. No different than Dan Bilzerian shilling bitcoin. All these people just try to find fools to give them money. If I ever lose control of my life and I see no point in living anymore, I'll do you a solid and kill this guy before killing myself OP.
Lucas Sullivan
But let’s not forget he’s also a real estate mastermind
Andrew Rivera
>ether >binance >diversify >hope >lambos
Landon Gray
Thanks user.
Adam Johnson
>biz >forum about business and finance >shrewd businessman takes advantage of current hype to make money >biztards sperg out and hate him
Nathan Anderson
What's sad is that some double-digit IQ normie sees these pictures, and the rented LAMBO, and something in it's insect-like brain compels it to buy the fables of this con-man.
Isaac Baker
Hes actually legit. His ad videos are obv designed and engineered to be ads. Watch his informative videos. Good sound ideas. How about you study the subtler points of what makes his ads so effective, instead of calling out his obvious as fuck shameless shilling.
This is why u will all be poor. "Wow ppl r so dumb cant believe ppl fall for this scumbag's shills". No. U cudnt do it if u tried for 10 years.
Aiden Martinez
He also reads a book a day. Did you see his 7 new bookshelves he had installed?
Willing to bet he went to a Good Will or cheap book store and said "Yeah, those boxes of shit books. I'll take em."
Jayden Miller
I dunno much about this guy but he seems like an allright dude
Sebastian Ramirez
Please, link me to one of his informative videos. Something that isn't shilling. Something that doesn't involve the bullshit. A video of his laying out the steps he followed. Oh, and I should have to pay to see it, otherwise his shill tactics win.
Kevin Gonzalez
I like Tai. He's so fucking sexy
Chase Davis
shouldn't have to pay*
Alexander Thomas
Tai Lopez makes 30 million a year and is a top notch marketer. You can hate on his presentation style all you want but the guy makes shitloads of money. Biztards should be taking notes instead of sperging out. Thats how I know you fags will always stay poor.
Daniel Gray
The guys a con however he is not completely full of shit. To wit, I read a book a long time ago about Jon von Neumann and John Nash that went into a lot of detail on game theory and the iterative prisoner's dilemma. The solution to the problem is fairly ingenious if somewhat common sense. Basically, you cooperate the first round and then follow the lead of your opponent every subsequent round so if they cooperate, you cooperate, if they don't you don't. It's a good life lesson on how not to be taken advantage of and a good way to deal with other's on a business level so you come out ahead more often than not. It's helped me. Matter of fact, I used to be kind of a low life in how I dealt with other people but once discovering a sound mathematical reason not to be an asshole, now I'm not. Here's the point of my blog post. I was watching one of this scammer's videos and the guy actually went into some detail on the iterative prisoner's dilemma as a solution to how to deal with people. And that's a fairly obscure line of reasoning but it's mathematically proven over any other strategy in game theory. Even a clock running in reverse is right 4 times a day.
Michael Jenkins
If you have enough money to advertise across a large enough sample size, you will make money because there are tons of fools out there. My friend's dad bought a book the other day on how to increase your odds of winning the lottery using this guy's "secret strategies" for $100. Literally you don't even have to be smart in how you promise people the moon and they will give you their money. Nothing impressive about making money once you already have it.
Ian Anderson
>This is why u will all be poor. "Wow ppl r so dumb cant believe ppl fall for this scumbag's shills". No. U cudnt do it if u tried for 10 years.
What do you mean?
All that's required to do what he does is have $2000 to rent a property and a Lambo for a weekend, a digital camera and absolutely zero shame or dignity.
if its so easy why dont you run some ads and make millions yourself?
Jeremiah Baker
Not that user but I saw an ad of him on fb, it was 2 hours long and told you how to set up an online shop. Yeah it was babby stuff but now I am aware of the opportunity and I don't even need to buy his course, but honestly I would if I already had a ton of money. 1k$ is nothing if it helps you set up a lucrative business.
John Richardson
1) Because I don't have the money to run ads to a large enough population 2) Because I don't want to ruin my name for money through scams. You think I want people to associate my name and face with some bullshit scam?
Kayden Collins
Some people waste millions on ads and get nothing in return. It's not that easy if you suck at it.
Camden Hall
you think tai lopez started out throwing millions at ads? you start small and scale that shit up. also you can use pen names or even have someone else as the "face" of your product. but sure its much easier to shitpost on biz than to ever actually go and work at something that takes effort this board is really pathetic
Ian Campbell
I will. But i woild like to mention. All of his vids regarding steps or plans are shills. He has solid conceptual or even philosophical videos. Cant dig through right now but id be happy to follow up my post later when i get home. I feel like digging through his shit, havent done so in awhile.
Exactly this I'm surprised the army of /b/ has not fucked with this guy
Luke Carter
You still don't get it. If you think everyone wants to make money off of other people's stupidity or to scam people out of their money, then you are an underaged redditor and you need to go back. Not everyone wants to become rich through any means necessary. It is possible to make money and not be a complete fucking asshole like Tai Lopez.
Ryder Powell
Levi Howard
you do realize you can use marketing to sell legit products you dumbshit? and fwiw the content of tai lopez products is actually pretty decent if you bother to listen to it. youre just a poorfag with a loser mentality that will never make it.
Dominic Miller
if you hate this guy, you only watched 2 videos of him. If you still hate him after watching more, you will always be poor and should get of this board
William Harris
You don't know a thing about marketing if you think this is true. Winners in the marketing game either have a killer product or they sell false hope like Tai Lopez. If I had sensible investment ideas and tried to market them, nobody would listen to me and everyone would listen to Tai Lopez. Because Tai Lopez is marketing his bullshit in a very flashy way to attract fools. You are just an absolute idiot you have no idea how the world actually works.
Jonathan Thompson
The thing is, you can cry about Tai all you want but he's not stupid and he sells his brand really well. Whether he is actually providing value to people is debatable, I've seen some of his videos and I'd argue that there is possibly some useful substance contained inside them. Would I pay for his courses? Hell no, but he's selling his product and people are buying, that's how business works. If it is so easy for you Veeky Forumsraelis to replicate, then why don't you get off your asses and create something?
Jace Perez
whoah nice kot
Christian Jones
thats funny because Im a full time marketing professional and write the shill material you hate so much. there are plenty of people who use flashy marketing and sell solid products. its called sell them what they want and give them what they need. again if its so easy you should just do it yourself. but youre just some guy who likes to hate on other peoples success stay poor faggot
Nicholas Gomez
This guy is the best example of >fake it till you make it
Everything is fake but his dumbass audience believed him and now he's sitting on money. Guy is a con artist, nothing more.
Cameron White
why are you faggots even watch youtubers
Hudson Myers
There's a video with him and some pajeet kid and the pajeet kid didn't know what the fuck he was talking about with alt-coins. All just a bunch of smoke, mirrors, and virtue singaling
Kevin White
>fake it till you make it
tai lopez ran several successful businesses before he started promoting his bizop shit you guys are really fuming mad and dont have the slightest clue wtf youre talking about. the absolute state of biz
Lucas Morgan
>t.- forever poor rented lambo jose
Ayden Flores
Yea I can have great investment ideas but the difference between how I sell it and how Tai sells it is that he shows you his lambo and says you can have one too if you listen to him. Whereas I'm not a scum piece of shit and would tell you the reality of how much money you would make. Guess who people would listen to??
Tai Lopez doesn't sell any innovative or groundbreaking knowledge or ideas. What he is selling is false hope to people with little money and big hopes of getting rich quick. Which is somehow something worth admiring according to you.
Jeremiah Thomas
Why you haven’t bought Ufr ? > buy Ufr!
Nicholas Rogers
well guess what, he does what he does because it works. that doesnt mean you can put sensible ideas into your products. FWIW I have a millionaire friend who swears on Tai Lopez's shit. Personally I cant stand the guy for his delivery. But what Im saying is that you fags should start taking notes instead of acting like a bunch of butthurt bitches because another man is successful. This is a business board after all.
Brayden Turner
What you fail to understand because you're an underaged little faggot is that success shouldn't be admired on it's own. How someone becomes rich and successful matters a lot. And no one should respect a scam artist and tell others to take notes. Fuck off.
Lincoln Gonzalez
Ian Green
>tai lopez ran several successful businesses Name one.
The only thing Tai Lopez is good at is marketing. Look to Tai for how to market, nothing else.
Alexander Wood
lmao its funny because youre so off in your assumptions a scam is what your friends retarded dad bought. Tai Lopez promises business advice and thats what his products contain. How is this a scam in any way? Wit your kind of mentality I can guarantee youre poor as shit.
Parker Anderson
go on his twitter and read through his history. poorfags bring this shit up all the time so he has adressed it there. he made a shitload of money running dating sites for rich people and had other business ventures too.
Mason Morris
>hurr durr its so easy making millions advertising on youtube. I just chose not to do it because Im such a good guy with strong ethics
you guys are the equivalent of libtards who say trump didnt really accomplish anything because his dad loaned him a million dollars. dont hate, appreciate
Henry Collins
somebody please get this salty homo out of here
Christian Hall
Brandon Allen
Yea and Dan Bilzerian made millions playing poker. It's true because he said he did.
Bentley White
I like this guy, even though I would never take his "advice"
Blake Allen
stupid biz
this is why you will remain poor while Tai cums in your waifu
Aaron Ward
>people on Veeky Forums shill shitcoins is fine >some guy shilling business strategy is somehow wrong be honest you're just jealous he's richer than you aren't you?
Benjamin Williams
Fuck off, tai. Nobody here likes scammers.
Julian Wood
ok if he's a scammer show me one person who's lost more money in him than people lose investing in crypto
Parker Adams
For what it's worth, I am ambivalent on Lopez but that's a pretty low bar.
Jaxon Baker
>Nobody here likes scammers >speculates on the price of shitcoins that no ones uses in practice
Thomas Miller
Are you fucking serious? Crypto is a zero sum game. People make money off people losing money. Nobody here justifies it.
Lopez is just a scammer. If you're pissed that shitcoins get a pass but shitadvice doesn't, make Taicon and stop spamming this shit board with your over the top shit.
FYI, I've only owned BTC and LTC for transferring betweent exchanges, faggot. I'm an index investor and I hope Dante's inferno is true so you can spend eternity there.