I got scammed didn't I?
I got scammed didn't I?
Kek. Sell now and you will be kicking the absolute shit out of yourself next week.
Biggest week ever for 0x coming up...
yes. degenerate potsmokers run this project that fud their own token
are you guys suggesting the rumor that it will be listed on coinbase is true ?
This coin made good gains the last week, just dont buy ATH and hodl
it hasnt retested its ATH yet
No I’m suggesting that it will power coinbase...
I predict a massive dump on or after Jan 30
Cryptothrowaway324, the "insider" you fucks are sucking off constantly, said that
>Litecoin will be taken off of various exchanges pending a lawsuit against Charlie Lee (wat)
>Sell NEO (right before it mooned)
>Elon Musk loves Ethereum and to expect Tesla + Ethereum
Such a fucking larp
a 0x based rollout on cuckbase is at least a year away
Plausible deniability, working perfectly
Do you think that Coinbase, the leader of the pack, has no plans whatsoever to deal with the threat of FairX and Robinhood?
No they are going to wait a year per this guy
Yes you did. They found a keylogger virus in the source code
When's this coin gonna go back up? I bought at $2.10
Bump. Come on faggots, you shilled me into this
Lol fuck off pajeet
Go, on. Sell.
too dependent on ETH
shoo you little street shitter
This is shit for short term, probably valuable long term
How the heck can a erc20 token power Coinbase?
Just buy Ufr and be happy to reach the moon
This might not be a good pick short term, but it's really one of the comfiest holds long term.
If you want shit that will moon soon go for AION/ICX/APPC imo.
Coinbase made an app called Toshi. Now I could very well be wrong but I believe they mentioned that Toshi will be using the 0x protocol. This coin is going big places in the future.
Beware of the street shitters fud
zrx is one of the few coins that actually has working real world applications. it'll survive the coming crypto winter. maybe not at $2 but it won't go to zero.
Go ahead and sell OP. God damn you have the patience of a gnat. Just dump your bags I'll gladly keep buying them.
Why? U think this shit gonna keep pumping?
Why u shitstains always buy at leak of a mini moon and cry like a baby when it doesnt 4x?
If you knew anything about this project in nov you bought at .20 if y9u discovered it last week the chart was prime at 1.60 if you bough 2.10 juwt fucking hold and stfu. This will do well. Eat some riddlin you impatient bellends.
Yeah that's not a bad thing
Read the white paper.....
The token is the dex's liquidity.
I'm an economist. This change in concept is big.
1k for a black and white lambo
You don’t deserve ZRX. Dump your bags coin jumper.