Hi Veeky Forums. I've made about $20k trading crypto and now I'd like to put that into a few decent coins to forget about for the next 6-12 months. How would you recommend I spend it? Thinking 40% ETH, then 10% each for BTC, NEO, EOS, ICX, XRP, and XLM
Any suggestions? How would you spread the money if it were you?
Hi Veeky Forums...
snnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff...oh yes my dear....sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff....quite pungent indeed...is that....dare I say....sssssssnniff...eggs I smell?......sniff sniff....hmmm...yes...quite so my darling....sniff....quite pungent eggs yes very much so .....ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff....ah yes...and also....a hint of....sniff....cheese.....quite wet my dear....sniff...but of yes...this will do nicely....sniff.....please my dear....another if you please....nice a big now....
Oh yes...very good!....very sloppy and wet my dear....hmmmmm...is that a drop of nugget I see on the rim?...hmmmm.....let me.....let me just have a little taste before the sniff my darling.......hmmmmm....hmm..yes....that is a delicate bit of chocolate my dear....ah yes....let me guess...curry for dinner?....oh quite right I am....aren't I?....ok....time for sniff.....sssssnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff.....hmmm...hhhmmmmm I see...yes....yes indeed as well curry......hmmm....that fragrance is quite noticeable....yes.....onion and garlic chutney I take it my dear?.....hmmmmm....yes quite.....
Oh I was not expecting that…that little gust my dear….you caught me off guard…yes…so gentle it was though…hmmmm…let me taste this little one…just one small sniff…..sniff…ah….ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffffff…and yet…so strong…yes…the odor….sniff sniff…hmmm….is that….sniff….hmmm….I can almost taste it my dear…..yes….just…sniff….a little whiff more if you please…..ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffff…ah yes I have it now….yes quite….hhhhmmmm…delectable my dear…..quite exquisite yes…..I dare say…sniff….the most pungent one yet my dear….ssssnnnnniiiifffffffffffffffffffffff….yes….
looks good except I'd put more into eth and less into everything else. Also don't invest in XRP ICX or XLM, they're pretty bad desu. Also consider XMR.
20% ETH
20% XMR
20% BTC
15% EOS
15% ZRX
10% LINK
Etherdelta is already buying BZC for 5x ICO price faggots.
Here I'll pitch a coin that is 100% unknown.
buy CHBT at 1EX.trade
Watch the Marine Demo at the bottom of this page.. Skip forward a minute or so if you are impatient.
CHBT is gonna be HUGE. Their block-chain is already working before it goes to market really.
There are only 2.5 million coins
Digital Ledger Systems is a registered AG zefix.ch
They are assured that 10k TPS is a non issue and they can do "alot" more. They test at 18k TPS
They are a Swiss AG with a required startup cost of 150k as per the Swiss AG funding rules.
Transactions are instant and the coin can be used again in less than 60 secs of initial transfer.
In thier tests they are moving 100k 900kb documents on the blockchain in 10-15 seconds
The Dev is running 30 servers (32 CPUs plus and 256GB mem) for the exchange , pool and nodes at a cost of about 30k usd a year. This is all covered privately without any ico or funds from the coin. It is run on 7 x 1 Gb/ps fiber lines.
Their offices are in Switzerland.
ETH NEO BNB STRAT, you decide how much in which
also XMR, maybe XRP and unironically LINK, but these two are more of a coin toss
Dont forget NEO and maybe Check out Trinity, a little more risky but still cheap and moon Potential. just bought 1k.
i would let this chick brap on my face as i reach around and milk her like a cow... left, right, left, right, brappy for daddy
you're a sick man user
Look into BAT.
40% eth
30% neo
20% one coin you like
I think you have shilled this months ago here. When the fuck will it be on a decent exchange?
10% low market cap coin/ICO
You won't forget.
But op that's a good breakdown. I'd say switch out one and put 5%into tel and 5% in tnc
25% in each : ETH, ICX, VEN, XLM
Make sure you have at least 10% here. Added to new exchanges soon, shilling has yet to begin.
ETH, NEO, ICX. Probably your safest and will still see a nice return. Neo should pump this week with the dev con.
I'd also look into ENG as it's a long term project with massive upside. Team of MIT grads, market cap is around $300M so tons of room for growth.
Full disclosure: I own all the coins listed and am not trying to shill. Just projects I'm actually confident in.
HTML or HTML5? What's the difference anyway?
After they release it I'd assume. It's already a working product. It's going to be used for legal, accounting, shipping (already is) and auto black boxes to start. Dev was a manager of a Commercial Swiss bank who quit to do this full time in November. It's all very hush hush right now but once it's not, who knows.
It's a gamble for now but the dev has sunk alot of his own personal money into already.
March is when it comes out and they start marketing outside of existing clients.
It's already up and no one knows it exist.
HTML5 is the old project. I'm not trying to shill it. Recommend checking it out while its on a dip though.
50/50 split
>NAS (Nebulas)
>RLC (iExec RLC)
Look at their teams. Filled to the brim with hardcore professionals and PhDs.
Groundbreaking tech, such as their take on Domain Name Services for blockchain; NNS (Nebulas Name Service)
RLC is part of the goddamn OpenFog Consortium and they're frontrunning Fog computing tech. A multi-trillion marketcap section.
Just 2 cents coming from a network engineer.
Had my eyes on it before but thought it's a memecoin.
Way deep in RLC since the beginning.
Hopeing for great things.
System not service, whatever fuck you.
Check out their whitepaper, github, telegram, etc. They were voted #2 in Kucoin's vote for their next addition, however Kucoin stated a decision would be made this week on adding the #2 and #3 coins.
Betting on infrastructure is legit as fuck. No worries about adoption, since if blockchain takes off so will this too. Big time.
asiansssssss woooooow.
that shit's on it's way to 0 quick.
I've stopped investing in shiny websites and promises.. I'm going with people that already have a product or are very close to having one.
I choose RLC at the beginning over Golem and the other competitors. Time will tell if I made the right decision.
Srsly how can white women even compete. Anyone who doesn’t want to exclusively date asian women has to be gay
Anyone not recommending REQ is literally a retard. REQ in a year from now will be >$20
Poorfag here, glad you did that much user, im from a shitty country and can barely make 30$ - 40$ per week, I'm going to try to invest something on crypto, I think i'm going to focus on XLM anyone has some advise?
based mommy brap poster
Source is gvg 95. Crappy jav tho
jesus christ dude what is wrong with you
Well you got my interest the first time and now again, I think I'll buy some
Make sure you join their Slack. the 1ex Slack is on 1ex.trade. Then when you are in that Slack ask for an invite for the CHBT slack.
It's a little dead right now because everyone is waiting for March but the Dev will answer any questions when he see them.
Most JAV are crappy. The covers are often great, but the content doesn't follow.
Thanks user!
Any info on market cap?
Whats up with Veeky Forums and the huge fetish on chinks? I'm Mexican and I think white girls with blue eyes, ale skin and blond/ brunette hair with a petite body is the definition of beauty. Less competition for me if you all go for lined eyed creatures anyways
20.5 Million
subhuman af. she looks like a fucking alien
mmmm quite pungent indeed
Pump group with 40k members will be having a pump on Binance at 7pm EST. You don't want to miss it!
www.discord gg/4gQsHam
Alien > Human
you're all a bunch of niggers and I hate every single one of you
>no NEO
>no ADA
>gvg 95
what does this mean
If you're holding for 6-12 months then I would strongly recommend APPC.
By Q3 of this year over 200 million users on the Aptoide platform will be using APPC (AppCoins) to buy apps.
Check out their roadmap and decide for yourself - but I would at least buy a little of it. There are only 100M in circulation for 200M users. The price will have no choice but to increase - and that's not taking speculators into account.
Buy ARY if it dips below .30
In case you're wondering who that thicc asian is: Hina Akiyoshi. Thank me later.
I'll thank you now...ffffafaaaafffaapappppapapppapppppp
Wasn't this going to be Barracuda or something? Am I thinking of the same thing?