Who else /all in/ on bazingacoin? 4 more days left GET IN HERE ANONS
Who else /all in/ on bazingacoin? 4 more days left GET IN HERE ANONS
Other urls found in this thread:
1. zero info on the team
2. shit website that looks like it was made in an hour by a 12 year old
3. "Bazinga" is literally trademarked and owned by Warner Bros. (not that these pajeet streetshitters care since they are just looking for a fast buck)
4. the concept of the coin is being "paid to write comedy". Jesus Christ
5. zero potential for any legitimate partnerships or growth in the future
If you buy this literal pajeet shitcoin scam, you deserve to lose your money. I have zero sympathy for you.
This is a fair warning for all you nucoiner normies, don't listen to any bagholders shilling this trash. Norton, TrendMicro and Mcafee detected background keylogger installer. DO NOT GO TO THIS SITE.
These points HAVE NOT been "debunked", no matter what these street shitters claim.
how is this pajeet coin getting past my filter?
where's the proof?
fyi it's an erc20 token abiding by oracles standards, there's 4 days left of ICO, MOONSHOT DETECTED
fucking unbelievers go to hell
All in, no regrets. We're all going to make it
Pajeet, your constant proxy switching won't help you POO IN THE LOO
i am not pajeet you subverting kike trying to shit on one project that has potential
Your FUD is pathetic
ppl don't realise how efficient it is to shill on /biz. I don't condemn this, actually kudos to the dev team for choosing the apropiate market strategy
>be pajeet OP
>spam the board with an autoposter
>reply to your own posts from several proxies
Utterly pathetic
prove it kike
wtf is that, pajeet, did you just google it to pass as a local polack? Sad!
Pump group with 40k members will be having a pump on Binance in at 7pm EST. You don't want to miss it!
discord gg/4gQsHam
Not true but keep living in your fantasy world you schizo
I got more where these came from, your weak FUD cannot stop BZC from mooning but keep rubbing, maybe some faggots will believe you
No arguments? Wew lad you really showed us. BZC will make us rich while you dwell in your racist lalaland
You better be the proxy switching Radesh because if you really, seriously sent money to OP's scam you're the most gullible fool ever
I hope Veeky Forums isn't falling for your lazy FUD, normies will be all over BZC.
I seriously start to think that think people who haven't bought an ICO in their life will cry 'scam' to any ICO out there. You can't be this paranoid, there are high chances this is a moonshot, low chances that it fumbles. Would you not take a coin flip with more than 50% chance of winning? If not, then maybe crypto isn't the field for you.
OP did not spam his crap for like several weeks. Then we SUDDENLY have a swarm of the same autoposted threads with immediately posted fake replies + 1-liners in random threads. This is the definition of a scam.
I'm saying this still half-assuming that you're the samefagging OP. If you're not him, you're literally a good goy
So what happens when it's released? if I make money with this shitcoin am I a good goy? What is a guy who wageslaves from 5 to 9 then? a nazi?
You linked some guy's spammy marketing technique and say it's scam, if BZC won't be released and we all lose our money then I will say you are right, but until then I'm not buying into the FUD.
you guys know that you're just popularizing this thread by bumping with your hate?
Don't bother, we're going to make it soon
Nice just bought 100k
proof of keylogger?
That's the new basic FUD for every ICO on Veeky Forums