Why people don't understand SWIFT will use their own blockchain solution?

Why you don't get it's much better for them to develop their own product?

Umm of course people get it, it even said so on the chainlink website?

Why would a business use Windows when they can make their own OS

No one will use Link for anything. It's a fucking joke. If you like J Parser oracles for some reason, check out Mobius

Ah, another spam thread of that failed Tumblr "artist". You should really kill yourself. You're not only an utterly worthless piece of shit as a human in general, you even suck as an artist in particular. Just look at what you spam, it's a copy. You can't even create. As an artist. How sad is this? Pretty sad. But also fitting for your overall sad little existence. A pathetic waste of space on this planet, you shouldn't even breathe. It's really no surprise nobody likes you, you're just too pathetic, too disgusting. Just look at you. You know it. You are nothing. An unloved pitiful piece of shit. You probably heard that before, maybe even from your parents, because that's what they think about you. Maybe they didn't tell you because they know you're even too pathetic to kill yourself and spare them the suffering of being related to you, they've basically given up on you. Come on, let's make them happy, make everybody happy and kill yourself! Show the world you have a last glimpse of decency left to do the only thing you can do to make that world a better place, rid it of your pathetic little worthless existence! Come on, you can do it!

then why people believe they will use LINK?

I read it in every LINK thread


Why would they? It costs money for them to develop, and they could just use ChainLink and be first movers. Are you retarded?

They won't. SWIFT has already hired Jason Parser to create a tailored blockchain for their needs.

Look at the bottom

If that doesn't scream third party solution then I don't know what does

There's this little piece of attentionwhoring shit again. Still haven't killed yourself? You really should. Nobody likes you, neither in real life nor here. You had a shot at just being accepted as user, but of course you fucked it up just like you fuck up everything else. You just annoy everybody around you, nobody will ever truly like you, and the world will be a better place without you. Just be reminded of these facts, but of course deep down you already know it. Just kill yourself. Come on, do yourself and the world a favor. End your pathetic existence.

ChainLink is NOT ready though, in principle they might be faster doing it themselves

is this a new pasta? i keep seeing it everywhere

They did. It's Chainlink.

Seems there is some effort to drive that redditor who spammed his shitty nujack into suicide. Good old Veeky Forums, never change.

Value added product suite.

Think adobe. Businesses use it for everything. You think a high end design studio could just make their own Photoshop? And keep doing their main job? Massive companies don't even have in house designers for their products/brand anymore. They get someone who specializes in it to do that.

Do you think ibm would bother making their own PDF reader etc for work only? No it's cheaper to use adobe because they have become the fucking best at making various software for pdfs.

It's cheaper to pay for access to something that is built/will be built to do the job than to pay millions to hope your in-house team can do the programming in an allowable amount of time.

Guarantee swift doesn't have to pay a fucking dime for access to the link network too.

>using this image for a LINK thread
Worst FUD I’ve seen yet.

>Guarantee swift doesn't have to pay a fucking dime for access to the link network too.
Even if this turns out to be true and Swift pretty much creates its own proprietary network within CL by hosting all nodes themselves (unlikely given the complexity of many transactions), the endorsement alone is going to have an absolutely gigantic marketing effect for CL.

Nujack is actually more manly looking than wojak.

How can I get updated on CL development? They are absolutely silent on Twitter... Seems sketchy

Holy shit this gay wojak needs to die already

>Seems sketchy
So stay away.

Lurk more

You don't, sergey is dead

[email protected]

Ask for an invite to the slack.

Not this

Because said blockchain solution wouldn't be decentralized, and the banks want to claim their system is decentralized. AssBlaster explained it pretty well. Find his posts and read them

Pump group with 40k members will be having a pump on Binance at 7pm EST. You don't want to miss it!
www.discord gg/4gQsHam

Writing something like this isn't difficult.
Writing an OS or photoshop is difficult

Nujack is HD, is manlier due to his strong jaw and has a far greater charismatic appeal. Deal with it.

faggot meme, faggot thread.

OP has aids.

SAGED+thread hidden

Not a stinky linkie, but isn't the whole point of blockchain is to be public, decentralized and trustless ? What's the point of running a private blockchain when it's data can be tampered with ? Bitcoin can't provide this level of trust if only a handful of people use it and verify transactions

The point is that there's gonna be a shift away from the dollar.
This is NOT because of omg blockchain.
It is going to happen anyway.
Using blockchain stops the US/NSA fucking with central ledgers.
Of course they will try to 51pc things but will fail

>Writing something like this isn't difficult.

Then why the fuck aren't there decentralized agnostic oracles yet?

cause LINK poo die hard fans say so

Swift won't use anything because it won't exist in 10 years.

u must be out of the loop
ur posting on this shithole anyway

The difficulty lies in coming up with the very concept, and then establishing the network.

OP is a retard.

>coming up with the very concept
but the concept is very well known now... How many people in LINK team? Not much... Despite the head start other development teams might do it faster...

Hell, why not ETHEREUM itself?

Business actually did their own OS though... Retard.

>but the concept is very well known now

>other development teams might do it faster...
So buy their coins then.

Uhm, no. Your uncle Terry in your garage doesnt count as a business sweety.

>So buy their coins then.

Yea, that's why most major servers run a proprietary operating system written from scratch by their own companies. Fucking idiots

why would anyone fall for this bullshit dead project?

buy mobius

You're either fudding or you've been fudded

>buy mobius
that's what I wanted to hear

Anything you want, little buddy.



somewhat right, but they will still use parts of decentralized and public blockchains to power their ENDORSED network. (SWIFT will not make their own)
AFAIK it is based on IBMs hyperledger that uses the stellar network to settle transfers and chainlink for data feeds.

First actual informative answer in the thread. Thanks mate.

>IBMs hyperledger
Swift is a founding member of hyperledger.

>hyperledger that uses the stellar network to settle transfers
Swift isn't involved in this.
Swift's project for cross-border transfers is GPI.