Hey anons, what are the discord servers you check daily and actually get some useful info.
No pump&dump and scam servers allowed.
Here's my candidate, this server has a bot that copy pastes from most of the important premium servers (including Palm Beach, Asian Whales etc.):
looks good, wasn't expecting that
hey. seems to be ok. thanks.
I have nothing to offer you dear mr. sir but many thanks for improving the quality of biz.
This is just taking me to the discord landing page. Doesn’t take me to any specific server. Give me another invite.
This is the server I spend the most time in, Cryptobro's a cool dude, gave me a lot of solid advice.
I'm in paid group with the most famous whale in crypto history
Lmao at shitty pnd groups full of pajeets
No thanks OP, your link is stinky. And we know all your discord buddies are the ones replying in this thread thanking you for linking it.
In the True Capitalist Radio Inner Circle. Comfy as fuck, hanging with Ghost. Too bad none of you will ever be in it.
user please, I need to know.
Got a fat whale group on telegram we he atleast 5000 btc cumulatively
How much did it cost you?
He's good indeed, he did add some paid services didn't he?
300, was last group to be able to enter.
You will know nothing
Pump group with 40k members will be having a pump on Binance in at 7pm EST. You don't want to miss it!
discord gg/4gQsHam
I believe so, I'm not sure. I've only been in the Discord a few weeks now.
But Ghost senpai...
I'm in 2 servers, gg/yPQwdG7 for signals and gg/rpMt6p7 for decent TA
It's a good starting point into DYOR
>No pump&dump and scam servers allowed.
anyone know any good mining discords?
I know some servers has dedicated channels on mining but none of them mining only, there should be one tho...
discord gg/wyeJTJg
Veeky Forumscord
we have ama's with devs and we are a small but active Veeky Forums community
i like Veeky Forumscord's, nice one
whats your username on discord?
anyone know where lambo from crypto world news went?
damn bro this seems like a solid group...
Are there any actually good bizcords? And by good I mean not shilling their own AMAS with links to the discord on reddit