Friendly reminder that you want 80% of your long term portfolio in BCH

Friendly reminder that you want 80% of your long term portfolio in BCH.

>implying any of you own enough to warrant a long term portfolio

Other urls found in this thread:

>increasingly nervous cashcuck for the 999th time this year
even Roger has admitted defeat on twitter lmao, keep bagholding like the little cuck you are


Not going to lie, I'm kind of amazed at how long you cashies took to revise your new FUD agenda. We haven't heard from all of you in what feels like months

If you didn't have a single digit IQ you would be able to read between the lines of this post:

thread theme

but bch is not the coin that was created immediately, they're calling the now dead chain bitcoin cash but bitcoin cash was a hardforked altcoin from the original bitcoin chain.

if they're going to use definitions like that, then the "original bitcoin: died 5 years ago

Gold. Thanks user.


Fuck off Roger you kike. Your coin is shit.

>owning either btc or bch
Go to bed gramps.

except this isnt true at all you revisionist brainlet retard. the agreement in may of 17 was activate segwit in aug and then raise the block size for 2x in nov. before segwit was even activated, the scamtards ver, jihan and co renigged and then forked buttcorn cash in early august. in late aug consensus ruled that there was no hard fork needed to activate segwit.

Friendly reminder op is a raging retarded Faggot

I sold mine immediately and flipped it into ethereum Do not fucking regret that AT ALL.

hot dog. Did Bilderberg just refill their shill fund?

bcash is inferior to ETH, it literally has no purpose

I'm holding mine from the fork, cause u never know....

there is not a single reason to limit the blocksize to 1mb. Therefore there is no reason for segwit which damages the immutability of the blockchain.
Lighting network is centralised an require a blocksize increase unless you don't believe in having any on chain transactions

oh cool finally two posts not spamming something brainless.
I'm pretty sure core has paid shills with BCH-triggers. I mean, if any of the above posts had a real argument or even addressed that the fucking NIST just acknowledged BCH as the proper bitcoin I would be willing to think that at least some were real people.

be greatfull for the fud, the internet wide troll campaign is probably suppressing the price allowing us all to stock up on the real bitcoin

>>imma illiterate faggot
i did answer the fucking NIST you fucking faggot

There is no point in BCH though. Making blocks bigger is kids stuff, there is a reason why they are not 8mb in BTC. In any case there is XRB now and any kind of BTC fork just wont cut it.

>mfw bcashies turn out to be right and the flippening will happen but both BTC and BCH will fade into nothingness because it's a useless obsolete shitcoin to begin with
You cant win, cashies

there is not a single reason to keep blocks at 1mb


SegWit is actually a decent idea, it eliminates first party malleability without a hard fork.

From a technical standpoint it's a good thing, and I like BCH.

BitcoinCash shills are so fucking delusionals...

segwit is cancer

Technically Roger ver and the chink cartel are scammers doing whatever they can to take over the bitcoin name for their own personal profit. They don't care about the crypto market as a whole or the future of crypto

The Corecuck is upset!

>here is not a single reason to limit the blocksize to 1mb

It increases the resources needed to run full nodes.

But that's besides the point. Because 1 vs 8mb block size doesn't matter at all. It is a worthless debate because upping the block size doesn't solve bitcoin's scaling issues at all.

Bitcoin can do like 10 tx/sec, BCH can theoretically do maybe twice that? Visa can to 50,000+/sec.

I think the real benefit of BCH is putting pressure on the development of real scaling solutions for bitcoin, one of them being lightning. At the expense of creating confusion and spreading misinformation.

non mining nodes do nothing, if you had 1000000 non mining nodes and 1 mining node the mining node would have complete control over the protocol.

bch has a 32mb block limit which will soon be removed. BCH will scale on chain larger than visa, there is not a single reason on chain scaling can't work

how about no? He didn't even vaguely imply this.

This, I love that BCH is cheap right now. I want this downtrend to last as long as possible, but unfortunately I only have until about Q3 -Q4 to get into the 21 BCH club.

>Bitcoin Weiss Rating: C+
>BCashie Weiss Rating: C

Nah, I think I know who I'm backing.

>there is not a single reason on chain scaling can't work

There you go again "there is not a single reason X," there is a shitton of reasons why huge ass blocks and on chain scaling of 50,000 tx/sec won't work, and why instant transactions are impossible on chain.

name one

C- actually, lower than DOGE. BCash is forever tainted by the insider trading incident with Coinbase and Ver's utter stupidity in saying there's nothing wrong with it. To most people on Veeky Forums, it's not a big deal, but it is to institutional investors.

Yeah whatever dude

>any piece of shit coin could get listed on cuckbase and go to the moon
>bcash gets listed
>goes nowhere

but.. muh real bitcorns!

You wouldn't happen to have the picture that someone posted here comparing the two would you?

Because every full node has to store every transaction that ever took place ever, at 50k/sec. You you even know how much storage that would take? There are so many performance issues with miners processing transactions, and network congestion when blocks would literally be in the terabytes. It blows every single performance metric you can think of to ridiculous requirements once you even get to 1/10 of current credit card tx rates. No one in their right mind who is even mildly familiar with blockchain technology could ever think 50k/s on chain transactions could ever work.

>being this retarded
Did you buy into the bitconnect x ico too retard?

on chain scaling:

1 gb blocks:

article on feasibility of terabyte blocks

segwit is cancer

lightning network is centralised

>get btfo
>start linking youtube videos
Back to pol with you

>no one can give an argument as to why on chain scaling doesn't work

then why doesnt this shitcoin do anything? theres no demand for it

They can and have. You're just a Brainlet.

they have said large blocks are too expensive. 1gb blocks are not cost prohibitive with todays technology today let alone in 10 years as shown here

The BCH argument that terabyte blocks can scale relies on moore's law with storage capacity, network bandwidth, and processing power doubling every two year to make a couple thousand tx/sec theoretically viable. Peak credit card tx rate is many magnitudes higher than that and moores law is no longer true, especially when it comes to network bandwidth. And no one can claim zero conf transactions are secure even without a large amount of unconfirmed transactions.

man, until ADA runs out of money to fund their shills, BCH threads will be total clusterfucks. The only reason I made this thread was to warn folks so that they have no excuses.

kek this was funny

when you're top 10 things like that don't make you moon like your shit coins.

visa is 2000tx/sec this is demonstrated possible with 4core cpu 16gb ram and 60mb/s machines. To suggest this is cost prohibitve for miners today is ridiculous. Why then would you implement a 1mb cap which has absoloutely no technical justification and isn't even sufficient to service the proposed second layer solution (lightning network requires 130mb blocks for global adoption) other than to centralise and control bitcoin as is described here

global adoption at 50,000tx/sec will require increases in technology efficiency. What do you think you'll be using an i7 in 5 years?


Average over time for VISA alone is a couple thousand. Peak usage is more than 10 times that. And that is just one payment processing company, and a single centralized system. With the blockchain, every node has to process those transactions. As the blockchain gets longer, more and more storage and network bandwidth is need. 60mb/s is already a shit ton and that is a low ball estimate. Brute force "solutions" like upping one variable solve none of the scaling problems with bitcoin. Nothing linearly scales and you get diminishing returns for just brute forcing capacity by upping limits and assuming computing power will double every two years. None of that paper math with extremely optimistic assumptions about computer capabilities in the future will ever be even close to working out. On chain transactions will never scale, and they don't need to.

cashies actually still exist? are oyu fucking kidding me? holy shit lmao

To Cashies, there are only 2 things in the universe: Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash. Since BCash is clearly superior in every way (and you're wrong if you disagree lalala I can't hear you lalalalal), it is the best coin in the world, because it is better than Bitcoin, which is one of the only other 2 cryptocurrencies that are on this plane of existence.


lost 50% of my value in 1 month, not recovered. Sold at 50% loss to get into something with decent gainz.

The biggest JUST ever. Manipulated to the max with empty promises by Coinbase.

Hope it dies a slow death.