TurtleCoin is Confido part 2.
I really fell for this one. I'm like so stupid. Who reads biz for investment advice, lol?
They're trying to halt mining operations now, because they're trying to make it look like a legit slow exit until this coin disappears for some "technical difficulty" reason.
There were keyloggers that stole people's turtles. Many peop[le on discord, early on, were complaining that their coins suddenly vanished -- but before they could make too much noice, the purple admins banned them from the server.
Whenever they remade discord acconts and joined, they get banned again.
No one can say anything bad about trtl without getting banned.
Now they're stopping mining because of some other "bug" where all the coins they're mining gets funneled into the "dev charity fund" or something.
People are complaining but if they complain too much they get banned.
I don't know why I fall for shit like this.