I Should Not Have Bought. ExitScam Confirmed

TurtleCoin is Confido part 2.

I really fell for this one. I'm like so stupid. Who reads biz for investment advice, lol?

They're trying to halt mining operations now, because they're trying to make it look like a legit slow exit until this coin disappears for some "technical difficulty" reason.

There were keyloggers that stole people's turtles. Many peop[le on discord, early on, were complaining that their coins suddenly vanished -- but before they could make too much noice, the purple admins banned them from the server.

Whenever they remade discord acconts and joined, they get banned again.

No one can say anything bad about trtl without getting banned.

Now they're stopping mining because of some other "bug" where all the coins they're mining gets funneled into the "dev charity fund" or something.

People are complaining but if they complain too much they get banned.

I don't know why I fall for shit like this.

Other urls found in this thread:


FUD. I just received 820 turtle I mined earlier today.

Who knew a shitcoin shilled on a Bhutanese chopstick carving forum would turn out to be a shitcoin?

What FUD? That screenshot is straight from the official discord group.

You're probably in on the exit scam.

They've literally stopped mining.

Look at this picture, they've even got a bot announcing the hashrate: It's literally almost 0.

My opinion on this coin.

It was not pre-mined which is good. But fucking greedy admins didn't announced the coin until they and their closest friends mine the shit out it to gain millions of coins in hours/days.

Now they started to shill this shit labeling as the next dodge coin with the premises of being community driven, and since we all here too greedy as fuck we want to buy things at their lowest price possible to have greater gains in the future.

TLDR: Fuck you.

there are some rumors that it's not as premined as one thinks. If you look into the code, one guy who knows how to code discovered it. Then he got banned.

He tried posting on biz before, i saw his post. but i ignored it before buying turtle, but yeah i got fkn' justed.

the most troubling thing is that the two main devs are anonymous.

All coins that are legit (except bitcoin) and succeeded in price -- they all have transparent devs. Even XVG's dev, who was a former hacker, put his real info out there.

But these two turtle devs just go by their discord handles. And one of them isn't even original -- neet took it from Cowboy Bebop. Do you really think someone who watched Cowboy Bebop can code? No Neet or Otaku has ever been useful in society on a level where you'd feel safe trying to invest in them.

Neets and otakus are only successful if they enter the anime/manga/vn industry. But to code a potentially viral coin? C'mon.

All the red flags were there u kno. And i still bought this shit. Anonymous devs with troll names, etc. etc.

They even call buying their turlte coin, gambling:

WHY are you still calling dogecoin dodge coin?
DOGECOIN. Spell correctly, we are in 2018 year of the doge.


Well this thread was fast lol.

Rock already is reimbursing accounts from the accidental fork and has killed it to resync....

It was literally a blip

lmao dude you don't know shit about crypto do you?

the disapearing turtles is literally just that you need to sync again. Once you sync again you'll be able to access all your turtles. It's been a few times where I see like 5000 turtles and need to reset it maybe once or twice before my full amount is seen. The wallet/syncing is a bit shitty right now, but I've never lost turtles....

Oh, hello, reddit reverse pajeet !

Mine2gether's chain got out of sync and forked due to an influx of miners because of a ddos attack on the pool the NiceHasher's used.

It's fixed now. It literally was literally fixed in less than 30 minutes. This is obviously lying FUD.

That bot shows one pool, and the pool went down. Chill with the FUD.


Just think about what you write. If the main devs are reimbursing accounts -- wtf do u think that means? It means that there's lierally shit happening and they want their exit to be a slow and graceful one. They want to leave cleanly with their exit scam.

Just admit we three made a mistake investing in a coin where your coins actually disappear and you need to be reimbursed. Seriously.

And that's not even including keyloggers and shady premine. And anonymous devs too scared to reveal their incompetent and/or criminal identities.

I still have yet to see evidence of this, and how should you protect yourself if you ran the simple wallet and xmr-stak miner? Does it run anything in the windows background at all? Am I fine if I just don't run them?

I mined for a few days but I don't do any personal business on mining computers...

Fuck off with this autistic FUD, literally give any evidence of keyloggers or a premine. You just hint to it because you don't have the evidence you stupid fucking clowns.

No premine, no exit scam, still very active devs, no coins have disappeared, no keyloggers.

You are just spreading lies and rumors so you can buy back in at a lower price. Why else would you be reciting lies?


You like being poor user?

You just don't want the truth to get out.

Just want people to buy this scam coin.

P R O O F, faggot

Definition of FUD on wikipedia: "FUD is generally a strategy to influence perception by disseminating negative and dubious or false information and a manifestation of the appeal to fear."

Why would he fucking want that on his Discord server?

I'm just glad I got out at 30 sat. Feels good man.

I FUD turtle daily in multiple threads and i wont stop until someone sends me 100k TRTL


turtlecoin is a trojan horse x-virus that was designed by the US govt and stolen by the chinese. when its activated it WILL destroy all aspects of your social media profile

They're about to kick someone right now. They want the exit scam to be clean.

Holy shit you guys are so fucking dense, of you couldn't tell it was a scam from the frequency of posts about if with LE EBIN CANNED RESPONSES XDDDD and fucking Reddit tier memes you deserve to lose whatever money/time you invested in it.

as much as I hate this coin, believing he keylogger thing is pretty dumb.

You and everyone else who tries to win a lottery are retards. Name me one thing with turtle that is unique? One fucking feature which is supposed to differentiate them against 100 of other coins?

just join the discord and listen to the devs....you really if this was an exit scam they'd do it now?

Its not an exit scam and OP is still a faggot trying to trigger a panic sell so he can buy.

I'm not a nerd desu. I'll probably fresh install windows after I get my turtles on an actual

kin u download the turtle wallet plz I would like to poke around ur PC

The premine thing was replaced with nicehashing the first blocks for them so they could mine millions with very low difficulty which in my books is the same as pre-mine it. They didn't went "public" with the coin until they had enough.

they're censoring us. they're about to ban us.

Probe that they went public the first day the first block was mined. You can't find anything about turtle coin days after it was already been mining.

No one is being censored it just morons trying to spread bs FUD that is annoying.

FUD? You mean truth? They've threatened to ban me for starting this biz thread.

The price is now 9 sats. THe exit scam is almost complete.

Bro... If you're going to edit the conversations don't make it so obvious that you cut and pasted by removing the right side with the uneven lines.

Dude your spacing and placement isn't even right look at that shit at least put in more effort to make it believable. The avatars aren't even centered with each other. Is Veeky Forums this retarded

Why the fuck do I never get screen capped.
t. Purple name.

I'm highlighting the main important parts of discord chat, because in between these are pink wocj and talks about mining hashrate going down.

You're just looking for any excuse to discredit me because you probably either 1) are involved with this scam or 2) you're a hodler who doesn't want to open his/her eyes to what's transpiring.

All i'm saying is, remember how confide made its announcement and everyone was in such disbelief.

I don't care if you sell, I don't care if you hodl.

I'm only here to warn potential crypto investors not to go into this scam coin.

If you really want to involve yourself in this coin, then before doing so, join their discord and demand that the devs reveal their identities so that they can be personally held liable for any potential scams.

If they won't do that, then would you really want to invest in that kind of coin?

Satoshi was the only true person and/or group with altruistic intentions.

But we're talking about something called Turtle Coin, where the main website is Turtlecoin.LOL

My miner stopped working yesterday. Or bet yet it was working but I got no turtles. I read the connection you need to make before opening the wallet. Within minutes my address is cut someone else uses my miner to get themselves coins. What is also fishy is when I went into the discord for help rocksteady told me to write a fishy ass command in the daemon. "log_2 random numbers"

Pretty obvious after that it's keylogging. And the dev is in on it.

Also too little whales killed the coin. It's as bad as being premined.

only time a coin dissapered is cause the wallet didn't load correct to connecting servers u tard.

>Who reads biz for investment advice

I do.

Any coin biz suggests I avoid like the fucking plague.

it's on a clear downward trend, will hit sub 5 sats


Well, now i'm banned.

I've given my warning.

Caveat to the rest of you.

To those of you hodling like idiots, good luck too. Hopefully the devs and whoever give you an out before they go full on confido.

Mark this thread. In a few days you'll be hailing me as a hero who tried to warn people.

wow what a shitshow, not only this but their shit forked today too

If you're in their discord group. STOP trying to convince others about the truth. They're still banning people. It's best to be on the inside.

I got this screenshot from my guy still in the group.

If anyone asks if it's a scam, just PM them and send them to this biz thread. No use getting people banned.

So you planned a sell off yourself to tank price, didnt get support for it, then try to pass it off as a planned attack others are doing?

I dunno wtf is going on but I bought more trtl since it's down.

TurtleMarine you mong. you're not even banned.

wow... so many reverse pajeets today
why FUD a simple privacy memecoin ?
why is reddit sending its troll to kill /ourcoin/ ?
fuck this shit

You two are funny. So you ban me, pretend i'm not banned :D, then take a "camera screenshot" of one of you changing your discord names to my Biz handle haha.

Biz knows that people use camera shots when they're at their computers because they're paranoid people will realize their fake screenshot is fake.

I didn't use camera shots, I wonder why. You used camera shots, sad.


There was literally a thread with discord screenshots proving it was a scam OMEGALUL

Heh. Now the exit scammers and their cult followers are trying to FUD me like idiots: That's fine. They can't even counter my arguments, because well -- my arguments are sound and valid. Logic 101.

You guys can't win. All the intelligent cryptoinvestors won't buy your coin if conditions remain the way they are.

You're in a catch 22 I guess. People who want to buy in will ask devs for liability protection -- but devs won't give them any.

And now all you can do is make camera shots about me and a "pump and dump" hahahha.

Look around, it's a bear market. If i wanted a low-priced coin, I'd go for almost anything else. Why would I want to dump this already dumped coin?

>damage control

It's okay. Their intelligence can't replicate my writing proficiency. And that's boringly apparent from those camera shots.

Run a stylometry test too.

Ironically, it's only proven to bring well-needed attention to this thread, so more cryptoinvestors can make rational decisions for themselves.

Please, exit scammers, do make more camera shots of fake conversations with me. And please, use a dictionary next time -- it might hurt your head looking up words past a high school education -- but believe me, you'll be more credible.


Does Trump post on biz?

Okay, lets just break this down into several easy steps:

We tweaked an algorithm and one of the mining pools went off on it's own fork for a little while (coupled with a crazy ddos attack on other pools), and this idiot decided to loose his mind.

Missing Turtles? Simply restart the daemon and reset your wallet, they will all appear, they were always there! That is how a blockchain works, and the very principal of it. The history is always preserved. If someone was "steeling your money", you would see outbound transactions. It is a really annoying bug, we hope to crush it very soon.

Premine, basically no. I don't know how to put this any other way, but the genesis block shows no premine, the code on github can confirm that, there is not much more I can say about that because yeah, it's easily provable and not a thing.

One thing that TurtleCoin is trying to do that others are not? Hard to say, we are trying to do things differently, its hard sometimes, we have lots of community input into the codebase already and we are trying to make a 30s block work, which has real challenges when out in the wild.

Keylogger, oh geez. Yes some virus scanners may report some parts of the software as a keylogger, these are obviously rubbish. It's the same false alarm as most other forks of bytecoin. In fact, simple wallet is a small enough program that any reasonable dev could easily look through and find the calls to "std::cin" and see there is nothing going on.

Reading this thread has been a trial of endurance, there is so much stupidity out there, and never before has so little knowledge been given such a platform.

I tip my bonnet to you though, you really have to work hard to understand so little.

It's just a shame you messaged people to say your plan was working, get ready to buy.

You got to admit for an exit scam they've got some sweet ass wallets indev. I think the windows one is already released.

And people are still in threat of being banned for trying to say anything negative about TurtleCoin.

Ask yourself this, if TRTL is truly a solid project, then why did my one thread drive the price from 12 to 8 sats?

Either what I'm disclosing is legitimate, or the project is, at best, "weak."

Fyi, this is the first time I've ever posted on biz about TurtleCoin. This is my nascent thread.


they're not banned, they're removed from general chat for spreading lies. there is no keylogger, it's open source. honest devs. there was a pump and dump, nobody was exiled for saying that.

but when people start calling each other faggots and posting faked screenshots then ya, i'm glad the admins remove them from the general chat and put them in the #exile chat. they can say or do anything they want there.

This thread is FILLED with reddit spacing lol
holy shit
it makes sense
the FUDDERS...

IT'S THE GARLIC COIN GUYS?! (disclaimer I have both turtle and garlicoin)

OP got banned and now he's M A D

OP skipped his schizo meds and is in a full-on delirium since yesterday
kind of sad

I'm glad I accomplished a few things:
1. The Keylogger is real. And you and the previous poster up there (who I assume to be RockSteady or Bebop from their stylometric response when compared to the FAQ on Reddit) admitted that the apps were being flagged as keyloggers (whereas no one else would even admit to anything keylogger-related.) People have been trying to voice their experience with the keylogger hidden in the code, but you snuffed their voices with banning.

So antivirus has flagged for keylogging, and now we're supposed to take your word that they're not keyloggers -- how many other wallets and miners HAVE ANY OF YOU used and were they ever flagged as keyloggers? I'm pretty sure virtually 0.

2. You're literally banning people who are trying to voice their negative experiences with TurtleCoin (and that's putting it lightly). These people have been scammed, robbed, and experiencing a barrage of pump and dumps. But you ban them, citing their information as fake and doctored screenshots.

holy shit, not only is this guy a pedophile, he's also an unhinged retard. jesus christ.

It actually is sad. he's been acting very strange recently. I'm starting to seriously believe he's schizophrenic or something.

>I still have yet to see evidence of this
That's because there isn't any.
Even the most casual and pointless shitcoin still has professional kike FUD working full-time trying to destroy it. It's just the nature of the jew.

>miss the boat
>lose his mind

>selective screenshots of conversations out of context, while hiding the actual context
You really do have pure kike blood. The holocaust wasn't real, but it should have been.

dude, go get help. you're unhinged.

Its being mined as hard as ever dumbass

The problem is Mr Marine, your argument that your comments should not have been able to affect the price is in itself ridiculous.

TRTL is a young and low volume coin, it will of course be easily susceptible to influence from channels like this, as the coin grows in popularity the affect will become less and less as people get used to fluctuations and some of the bugs are ironed out.

The reason you got banned (eventually I might add, you were allowed to FUD for a long time before everyone complained and got fed up with you), was that you are entitled to your opinion, you can come onto discord and call us a shitcoin and thats your right. But when you spread dangerous mistruths it worries people.

If you had any genuine concerns why did you not try and put across your points in a communication to the dev team, why go to all this effort? The effect is clear to see, just above this post is someone saying that the devs advice to change the logging level so it prints out extra debug information, must be a keylogger.

I can only assume that people do not know how a keylogger works, or indeed what system privileges it needs? You seriously think that any program can read the input into another program? or install itself as a system driver without your conformation?

And the bigger point is, if it was an exit scam we certainly would have mined a lot more, and given away a lot less.

Peace out.

>1. The Keylogger is real
Turtle is open source. Link to the keylogger or STFU with that.

>2. You're literally banning people
I didn't ban anybody. I'm not one of the admins. The only people being removed from #general are the ones being assholes and spreading lies. You make way too many assumptions.

Dude, seriously, you have issues. I hope you have somebody to talk to. If you continue down this path you're only going to make your own life worse. I don't know what happened to you to mess you up, or maybe you have a medical issue, but it doesn't matter. You need to figure your shit out man.

he does have some pharmacy links in his browser's bookmark bar

Whoever this was, warned me off running it when I downloaded it from Github.

Thanks, based user, wherever you are.


Yes. Keep attacking my character because you have nothing else. I'm pretty sure biz will buy TurtleCoin now that they think I'm a Jewish, Pedophile, Retard, with a very sad life.

In fact, it makes my altruistic intentions more positive.

Btw, I'm really enjoying that coincidental DDOS attack during the TurtleCoin fork -- sureeee it was a coinkidink heheh.

Btw, again, if any of you don't believe me, you can always check this thread I mean, look at the intelligence there. They're so obviously correct. Now go buy TurtleCoin, right? :)

Thanks just bought 100k

if you're actually worried about a keylogger you can use the paper wallet. you don't have to download or install anything. if you're refering to the miner it has NOTHING to do with turtlecoin directly, it's the monero miner and if there's an issue with that you need to make them aware of it.

> POWHcoin dude
> it's PonziCoin 3.0 with a crashproof algorithm
> don't believe it, read the contract
> peeps making 5x gains within an hour
> buy in now, whales are coming
> it's only 5 hrs old, just breaking on reddit


>retarded jewish pedophile

This 10x

Reddit is chiming in to get a piece of this. Be quick or get btfo'd by normies

you shouldn't gamble more than you can risk losing faggot. Get fucked and go back to le ddit and your garlicasscoin you fucking shitbag

Can you fucktards at least start your own threads?

Multiple people in this thread have responded directly to your criticisms and claims.

Your faked screenshots aren't proof of anything my friend. You have managed to cause quite a stir, I'm guessing this was your intention. It's good that people went and looked at the turtle source (it's here btw, have a look for yourself everybody - github.com/turtlecoin ) I always say people should verify things themselves.

For the record, the main devs have never told or asked anybody to buy TurtleCoin. Not once. They invited people to mine it. Everything else was the community that formed around them.

Np. I just don't want what happened to me, to happen to you.

Biz is full of shillers, and only in a blue moon do people warn of actual scams.

I don't mind taking the hit from these guys, as long as less people get screwed over.

It's sad really, most of the people defending TurtleCoin are probably hanging onto bags in the higher 20s (or do I fear higher?). They're so bitter they'd attack my character. Which is fine. I guess they need to let their angst out.

And in the end, when it all tumbles in the next few days, they'll just look like what they are -- fools.

they're bots / paid shills. they don't care for their own threads, they probably get paid per post.

pic related from his thread pharma bookmarks, reddit bookmarks, and rihanna

no one is ever going to respect turtle as a serious security coin. not when there's already an established security coin in the market, priced at a deliciously appropriate $326 per coin. pic related

Oy Vey!

----- KEYLOGGER ------

Yes, some shitty virus scanners pick up the simple wallet as a key-logger, but most (better ones) don't. This is exactly the same at the Aeon, and Moenro wallets until mid 2017, and in fact nearly all the clone coins that use the cryptonote base code, as it's all the same code.

They use a very simplistic bytecode scan to determine that keyboard input is being perpetually read.

And this flags up a false positive, because the program can only read in keyboard strokes from it's own console input, not other programs or the system in general.

I've searched everywhere and can find nowhere that anyone told us where the keylogger was, perhaps you would care to share a link and i'll be happy to take a look.


People are directly responding to your comments and criticisms. You're ignoring them and claiming it's a whichhunt.

top kek

Yes hello goy,
I downloaded your meme money and the wallet/miner turned my keys into a log. (pic related)

proof of him being schizo is hanging onto the keylogger thing
the code is open source on github, FFS !

You openly fucking talked about your attraction to prepubescent women on the public discord. I wish i had a screenshot, but fuck, you're a freak.