
The price has been lowered.

It is time to get in.

1 hour 26mins, 9pm est

Thought AIX was big?
Same group, bigger balls.

Larp. Same thread yesterday saying it was gonna happen at 3PM. Zero action. OP is just looking for a couple of you fags to buy in so he can force the price down further, force you to sell, and accumulate more for himself

5 million whale here. Wont sell until $1

Gucci Gang Gucci Gang Gucci GanGucci Gangg Gucci Gang

how about whaling it to 1 dollar then faggot jesus christ

Aw did someone forget to eat their Wheaties this morning?

Stay the fuck out of our thread

This is real man shit. Not a thread for $200 portfolio pajeets

bnty is was a pnd nothing more to say

fucking newfag thought you could pull the same larp twice in a row? i will eat my dick if this shitcoin is higher than 50 cents by midnight you literal nigger

watch this shit get saged right in front of you faggot, you suck at life why would you succeed in crypto?


>bnty price lowest in weeks
>still bleeding out
>nothing you can do about it
enjoy those bags kid

>>thinks I'm holding any
>>doesn't realize I'm all in on ETH

good try rajesh

we get it, your life is depression and you like to play fantasy

run along now

Based senpai

In for 10k btny

Don't fuck me

>all in on ethereum
nice crypto portfolio newfag enjoy your 20% gains this year if you're lucky

enjoy getting fucked with dumps senpai

eth is solid and I'll take 20% of 200k any year

but enjoy your moms basement

broke ass nigger don't even bother responding, work on your fucking dogshit portfolio or you unironically will not make it kid

you are so cute

there's a reason you don't invest more than 5% of your portfolio into coins

i've already made it, but keep trying to pay rent your acoustic fuck


I'm in also

You fuck me, I'll dox and find you fuckface

you fags just got pajeeted hard

>buying at 25 cents
>getting pjaeeted

you really don't understand economic do you

What's the sell point

I'm out at 90 cents
Some with bigger balls will try for 1.25

Fuck that tho

Better safe than sorry

it wont even be 90

aim for 75

thought you were all in eth you dumb faggot why are you shilling in the bnty thread still huh?

the absolute state of Veeky Forums where pajeets THIS fucking trash are actually having people buy in. you niggers deserve to get locked in this shitcoin for another month

keep talking hard on the internet

i bed you're a real bad ass


>Same thread yesterday saying it was gonna happen at 3PM.
>it dumps at 3PM

yep i'm done helping the newfags. let them get JUST'd by this nigger, done my due diligence