TRAC is a WTC killer at 1/10 the MC. Get it on IDEX before it hits major exchanges. One of the few x10s left in the game. You're welcome, bros.

Already done a 4.5x, not stopping anytime soon.

This is so clearly one of those coins that Biz ignores until it's already done x10 and is listed on Kucoin. Sad.

I did x7 of my entire portfolio in January.

Put 25% of my portfolio just in TRAC. That's how confident I am.

TRAC is only 4.5x and partnered with GS1

Yeah I agree with you, I said the ride doesn't stop here. I bought 10k at 13 cents, not selling till $5

Fuck it. One more bump for you guys. My way of saying thanks for prior moon missions. Good luck everyone.

what other coins are you in? 7x is impressive for Jan, dang


uh...I put my whole portfolio in this coin, am I fucked?


Ultimate chadfolio

Withdrawals are locked until tomorrow night.

How fucked am I?

you see sphtx blowing up soon? got in at 35 cents and it's been stagnating the last month.

I did really well. Early in Jan I held XRP and TRX, and I sold the top of both, so obviously those were huge for me.

Also held ICX. And catching BNB and KCS before they really took off were also HUGE for me.

There were assorted moon missions I caught super early and hyped myself. BNTY was one. Shit like that.

Right now I'm in PROC, HAT, TRAC and ETH. Most of my portfolio is on the sidelines in FIAT though, until the corrections end. I don't see BTC making out to well in the next few weeks and I think it will bring a lot of alts down with it.

You can verify some of my past calls on my twitter: @gordon_crypto

Why would you ALL-IN one coin? I really like PROC and it will probably do really well, but holy shit dude, unless you're really poor don't all-in something...

Whoops, meant to say TRAC. lol. I like PROC too though.

hahaha I follow you man! good calls. saw you just got into trac so I'm not selling yet.


Does Portfolio mean your entire net worth? I meant out of all the coins I'm investing, I'm only investing in TRAC. (I have a couple thousand dollars put into TRAC and nothing else) I still have some money in my bank IRL

lol awesome man. yeah I don't make genius calls all the time. DRGN was a bust for me. So was ETC. But I haven't made any TERRIBLE calls yet. Hope I can keep finding good ones for myself and others.

at least you can admit the drgn call was bad. not even your fault because of the ico shit. most twitter accounts call shots and only acknowledge the good ones.

Portfolio is just what you are investing in, man.

I would never all-in one coin. Although maybe if my portfolio was only a few thousand I would. I dunno. Depends on your risk. Good luck to you man. I think maybe if you're new something like ZCL would be a better coin to all in, much safer. Probably won't moon like crazy, but who knows what happens before fork next month. You'll probably double your money from this entry.

You know, the funny thing is I still like DRGN. It's just bad timing. It's overvalued along with nearly everything else. And when BTC continues to fall (which I think it will) DRGN will continue to correct alongside it.

Such a shame.

>tfw have 100k TRAC

Am I gonna make it bros?

Seriously how high can this thing realistically go?