Triggering Truths

- I post true statements that trigger biz
- If triggered, reply/argue
- Truly beautiful women to ease the blow

Nobody give a single fuck about the blockchain technology in the real world.

It's all a game of speculation.
If for whatever reason Bitcoin crash to 0, the value of the other coins will tank with it.

LINK has a truly brilliant whitepaper but is unlikely to take you to lamboland. Because the hurdles to competing networks are relatively high, it will moon but not to the degree biz expects. It may even get scooped by Mobius simply for the fact that most smartcontracts don't require the depth of complexity that ETH/hyperledger can support and could likely run faster and cheaper on stellar.

ITT we are posting truths, not butthurt whines and not pleb tier fud.

Speculators are as doomed to lose their money as any other gamblers.

Daytrading and TA are things that make dumb people feel good. The human mind is amazing at enforcing confirmation bias. There is a reason Buffet is recently a million dollars richer and a reason the coward who lost talked a big game but didn't double down.

TRUE statements you fucking moron. Blockchain tech is still in it's infancy and people do give a fuck about it. You think billion dollar companies are partnering with cryptos just to speculate?

ITT we are posting truths. This is true in some instances and untrue in others.

Pure deflationary currency coins are doomed to fail (BTC, LTC, XRB, etc). Their only utility is gambling on future price, and offers no benefit to being actually used.

The world's economy is moving towards a state in which there are a handful of productive sectors in STEM and creative outlets, with the rest being a zero sum rentier/plunder economy held by whoever holds the biggest stick in very much the style of Russia's oligarchy.

The vast majority of people on biz would be far better off purchasing a portfolio of 4-6 value proposition coins and only checking them once a month. Most biz posters love it here because it allows them to distract themselves from the major deficiencies in their lives. Ironically spending biz time on those things would benefit them far more than even the best information that can be found on biz.

So if something has a complicating externality then we are defining it as untrue?


ITT we post truths. This is untrue. For a rapidly deflationary asset this is true. Crypto does not even approach the rate of deflation that would truly inhibit spending in the absence of technical/real world limitations.

Agreed. Please post beautiful women ITT.

Me too.

this but maybe a few very immature and not really significant use cases

true for the most part in the real market and 100x true with crypto

Money alone won't get you a beautiful girlfriend, Your social status is more important.

Don't flaunt your wealth nor talk about your crypto to birds youre dating so if shit hits the fan you're all good.

BTC's only value at this point is as a mediator for the purchase of assets with real value. When trading pairs flip to ETH and/or a fiat-crypto pathway like fairx comes online the price will crater. It will take 3-6 months for the marketcap of crypto to recover but the market overall will be better off for it.

Nice try pajeet

So true. Eye contact, good body language and confidence beats millions always.

For the record I own both.

>Nobody understands blockchain technology

Fixed it for you ya dumbass

Cryptocurrency will be regulated starting at the point of exchange and working out from there. Speculative bubbles built on large gray and black markets tied to crypto will abruptly pop. This isn't inherently bad.

Women are EXACTLY like every other asset. If you invest in one with good fundamentals she will appreciate over time; the converse is true.

If you participate in the same market as all the other investors you will end up with a middling woman who is always trying to get a better deal. If you seek markets more favorable to your value proposition you will reap the rewards of your courage.


i realized this months ago but i'm not ready to leave. i also realize anons who make it leave and i'm left here to read dumber and dumber posts. "you are the product of those you surround yourself with". it's true. pajeet is trying to drag me down to the shitting streets. it wasn't like this 6 months ago. as soon as i've got a few good positions i'll stop coming here. it's not even entertaining anymore. coming here is a bad habit.

>Buy regulated LTC
>Shapeshift into XMR
>Buy black market items with XMR

>Mine XMR
>Sell for cash

DLT itself is the real gold, crypto is just the first and most obvious application. In 10 years people will be unable to imagine data consensus and security without it and will be kicking themselves for "not buying Y when it was X cents."

You do not have the ability to discern what Y is but you can likely get it if you take a few good guesses. The key is to do the research up front, invest and let time tell. The vast majority of even very smart people do not have the discipline or humility to do this.

Economics has no internal tool to predict a change in preferences and explains existing preferences through heuristics. It is at the moment a grossly incomplete science because it can neither fully explain nor predict, thus falling short of the goals of the scientific process, at least for now.

Bancor is stoppable

Post pictures of hot babes, not your HIV test results


this every day.

but its the only thing that lets me feel anything other than numb.

Your wealth isn't real. The only true way to finiancial freedom is by owning hard physical assets.

They decrease their interaction significantly, but they never leave.

Your post is incorrect and the woman is not beautiful.

people who spam this board with photos of women are virgins. Link and Fun will go up in value because the whole market is a bubble. Most people shitting on TA here are technical analysts role playing for fun. Crypto corrections follow fibonacci.


Damn get rekt

XMR is the only true cryptocurrency at current. The true societal implications of that are massive if people understood that. One example: it provides a floor below which people have a de-facto method of "voting out" despots by depriving them of revenue.

Unfortunately humanity being what it is this will likely never be realized in my lifetime and the primary use of XMR will be to allow safe purchase of drugs on the darkweb. This is a tragedy but not a net negative for society.

Incorrect on all four fronts.

Dude she looks creepy.

Economics 101 teaches a set of potentially fallacious conclusions, such as the one regarding "surplus labor", that result in the educated layperson suffering from an exaggerated version of the Dunning-Kruger effect. Sometimes this is unintentional.

>Sometimes this is unitentional.
Fucking high class roast mate. Just got my BA in Econ. I concur.



Truth, an i fear I am not one of those people.

explain the fallacy of surplus labor?

The BRIC economies are a house of cards waiting to collapse the global economy.

biztards tare as miserable as they're trying to make look indians.
all this pajeet shit is about yourselves.

you're fuding legit coins to buy the dip and shilling your bags. no, it's there is no indian army. no, I don't like indians. but in fact hou just hate yourself trying to avoid the fact that you are pajeets.

The vast majority of even smart (IQ110-140) people will not recognize smarter people of greater expertise because of a desire to protect their egos. Ironically, a common denominator of those that are truly successful is the ability to suppress this urge. For many if not most extremely high functioning people this ability comes from one or both of two sources: religious faith or drugs.

Link will hit 1k without breaking a sweat. The real question is when will it hit 10k.

It's pretty inescapable, and I find myself unable to completely trust any econ 101 teacher that doesn't heavily preface that lesson because it makes their political agenda plain.

It would literally take a class to explain.

I have heard this now from multiple sources I trust, but I lack expertise in the area. Can you explain more?

There is in fact a way to make a non-virgin woman into a good long term life partner. Whores can be turned into housewives.

The methods for accomplishing this, however, are such a pitch black pill that they can't even be whispered in real life and can only be hinted at in anonymous internet forums.

General: they all have incredibly high rates of corruption and opacity.

Brazil: On a boom bust cycle tracking commodity prices.
Russia: On a boom bust cycle tracking commodity prices.
India: On a boom bust cycle tracking labor outsourcing and tariffs, but currently booming.
China: Due for a major real estate collapse due to bubble, on a boom bust cycle tracking labor outsourcing and tariffs, and holds enough dollar reserves to fuck up the valuation of the dollar as a global reserve currency as it tries to stabilize itself.

Thank you for explaining, that was helpful.

Everyone is capable of becoming their best selves. We simply blame our deficiencies on externalities rather than our own lazyness, poor habits, and bad mental attitudes.

Human intelligence and expertise depends on unconscious instincts rather than conscious symbolic manipulation, and these unconscious skills can never be captured in formal rules.


well shit

Every woman, even the most reserved and prudish, needs both romantic sex and animal fucking. If you've ever seen a couple where the woman dotes on the man and loves doing it, it's because he's doing that and being calm and confident in the face of her shit tests. This applies to all women.

I'm not sure I follow this one. Can you explain it at a simpler level?

The paradox of wage-slavery will probably continue to make fools of everyone from Marxists to Libertarians. It has been doing this since antiquity when it was first described.

Best I can reason is that some people will naturally be more proficient at skills than other, even if the others receive the same or better formal training they won't be able to grasp the skills as well.

Also OP have you ever listened to any Alan Watts? Your thoughts on him?

This is the first thread with actual depth of discussion in a while.

I would like to continue this in the future.

Anyone know how to set up a telegram for those interested?

Fuck off

You give good advice, but Zepplin OS and REQ will take us there

How did Mozart compose symphonies by the age of eight? Some forms of human intelligence and expertise can not be explained by the formal rules of chemistry or biology.

right? dudes ideas about crypto are pretty spot on but then for some reason he has to clog up his thread with this insecure red pill bullshit.

Just started listening. Initial instinct is that he intentionally over complicates things. Definitely worth taking a deeper dive to see if there's real value, however. Will listen to a few more hours.

you are such a pretentious prick

Triggered. I always feel like I'm the smartest person in the room. And even if most times it may be true, I never have the humbleness to give myself a chance to learn from other people, and I think this attitude is holding me down.

the flippening will never happen

If you'd like to make a reasoned counterargument that would be more in keeping with the tone of the thread.

It's not really true that TA is wrong

for example, someone who thinks TA is bullshit would then argue that it's bullshit because the price is a random walk

But we know that people to put buy or sell walls at exactly $10,000.00 USD (or $9999.99)

Think about it, in euro or other shit that exact amount makes no sense. That is a purely psychological figure.

TA says that there is a "resistance" at round numbers. It's clearly true, because people are not 100% rational. TA is irrationality based on price movements - since everyone is looking at the same charts and looking at the same numbers.

>red piller
>criticizes others for overcomplicating things

You are owed nothing. You are entitled to nothing. The world is not fair, and it is not forgiving.
Kindnesses done to you were just that, kindness. Be thankful, for they are not the natural order.

As a holder I hope so as well.

Forgot the pic

Steve Jobs struggled with this and said one of the most important experiences of his life was using LSD.

I'm on this forum to talk about cryptocurrency, not your shitty ideas about women lmao. Your inevitable loneliness will be counterargument enough desu

>cuck detected

I'm married to a woman who is as attractive as the women I've been posting. Her looks have held up well through having our children and her as a person has become amazing.

People who have this mindset are generally happier in my experience.

Psychadelics have definitely helped to humble me. They offer a strange trip into who you REALLY are. Its useful to break yourself, fail, etc. Only once you know your limits can you push them. Ego serves nothing when trying to improve. But it dies hard. It deludes you into overestimating your limits. Drugs help.

Feel bad for her. And you, for that matter. You realize how absolutely psychopathic you sound, right? What are you going to do when she finds out that you think of women as "assets" and argue in favor of raping them on estonian yak shaving forums?

She fully knows about all of my views. The ability to be honest and confident in who you are even if she disagrees is one of the strongest aphrodisiacs for women.

You are operating on an unnatural order. Wishful thinking. Finding these ideas intellectually distasteful may make you feel better, but it does not invalidate their truth. This user is speaking truth.

"intellectually distasteful" lmao either you think women are people or not.

I'm interested in an oasis of smart (if pretentious*) posting, considering all the shitposting I expose myself to on the daily

but, I thought you said that >they can't even be whispered in real life and can only be hinted at in anonymous internet forums.


Admit it dude you're LARPing.

No one said they aren't human user. They are simply different and require different things to be happy than men do.

I am not LARPing.

Ironic that I've never said what that black pill really is. People have only projected their own worst fears of what the truth may be.

This is a fun thread.

This. Weak PCbots try to deny nature and wonder their ranks are filled with neurotic trannies, harlots and numales.

Dude you have me interested, what is it?


It doesn't matter what your le pill is. What matters is that you've been caught in a lie. Either

1. Your black pill doesn't exist
2. You haven't, in fact, told your wife everything about your views (since you said that your black pill can't be uttered IRL)
3. Your wife doesn't exist.

Uneasy crypto truth: the greatest advantage in gambling lies in not playing at all. Good thread OP.