The first new U.S. payment system in 40 years is coming - JP.Morgan

G-g-guys, not a huge Ripple fan b-b-but this can easily be bigger then the fappening of Bitcoin if true.

The first new U.S. payment system in 40 years is coming, and it aims to dramatically simplify processes from transaction initiation through to reconciliation.

Pivotal to this is the way Real-time Payments (RTP) combines immediate funds availability, settlement finality, instant confirmation, and integrated information flows—all in a payment made in seconds. Bringing together speed, data, and communication solves for longstanding challenges.

Combine the above with the fact that 15 JP execs were in Ripple's office in December.

How can this not be about XRP? Nothing else is able to do these things not even ETH.

Other urls found in this thread: rtp first new core payments system


Also this...

Yeah, but who the fuck cares about ripple or what JP Morgan has to say?

Were going to the moon

TRTL can do it!

Whats the daily volume of $ transactions a day in the US (payment systems)? If it's in the billions and xRapid is implemented then Ripple can easily go to $100+ r-r-right?


What stops these giant financial institutions from making their own coin and having complete control over it? what makes you so sure they will use ripple?


What stops them from building their own cars?
What stops them from writing their own operating system?

Veeky Forums 2017:
> XRP will never be worth more than $1

-Ripple consistently handles 1,500 transactions per second, 24x7.
-Payment channels can process 10s of 1000s of transactions per second.

-A standard transaction costs just 0.00001 XRP.
-The cost is not paid to any party: it's irrevocably destroyed.

[Real-world use]
-5 institusions are currently using XRP (MoneyGram, Cuallix, FlashFX, IDT and MercuryFX).
-Many banks are currently using xCurrent. Since xRapid is cheaper (saves up to 60%) and provides final settlement, they are likely to transition to it.
-Bichip will use XRP in its RFID chips.
-A w3c standard that Ripple helped develop (and was demo'd by Microsoft) will be available in all major browsers, it'll facilitate paying with XRP.

-The supply is fixed.
-Unlike Bitcoin, there's no inflation. Bitcoin uses PoW which relies on inflation and/or high fees. Bitcoin requires $18M of net new $ flowing in just to maintain the price!!

-Unlike Bitcoin, double-spending isn't possible. Bitmain (a Chinese company) can rollback Bitcoin's chain and bunkrupt the whole ecosystem.
-An attack could only stop new transactions temporarily. Participants would simply remove bad participants from their list

-Each participant can run a validator and use his own list of validators.
-validators role is to agree on an order for new transactions
-10s of reputable public & private entities around the world are currently running validators (e.g., Microsoft, MIT, CGI, WorldLink, Bahnhof,..)
-Consensus for the order of new transactions requires a supermajority of 80%

-XRP is a revenue source for Ripple Labs. This aligns its incentives with XRP hodlers. It uses the revenue to improve the tech and expand XRP's marketshare.
-Ripple Labs share is locked in 55 batches on the network. Only one batch can be unlocked per month. It would take them 5 years to unlock them all. XRP is sold only to long term investors (i.e., they can't dump).

ripple IS the coin the giant financial institutions made

I think JP Morgan is going to use blockchain technology, almost everyone will be in a few years, but that does not mean that anyone will be using the Ripple token, for financial use it's far to volatile a market, and they could just create their own tokens.

Rather be poor than invest in a Kikecoin

Poor it is!

now THAT's some meme math right there
sign me the heck up for ripple

Funny part is, those Jews you hate will get rich no matter what.

Your logic:
> grr, I hate those lousy rich Jews!
> I'm going to stay poor to spite them!

That'll show 'em, tiger!

Go fuck yourself

centralized scamcoin.
Ripple will never stay over $3, that would make ripple labs the most powerful organization in the world.

> Google will never capture search, email, and online advertising
> Amazon will never dominate online retail
> Facebook will never take over whole social media market
> Apple will never be worth more than Microsoft


Ah yes, the 5th law of physics, no company can be worth over a trillion dollars.

the difference is google's source code is protected.
ripple already has a fork named stellar.
Banks aren't interested in holding XRP long term.

Why won't people switch to a competitor that didn't give themselves control of 90% of the supply?

xrapid is not open source. xcurrent is not open source. xrp is open source.

kek i see the retarded math you did there

Prove it wrong if you can.

This ignores the fact that XRP is eternally Crippled as all Banks uses the Ripple Protocol but NOT the Token

xrapid = xrp. don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
if xrp was not necessary for xrapid, xrp would not exist.

>what's network effect

if facebook open sources it code today, it would still be facebook. You think the reason FB hasn't been replaced is that know one figured out to code a clone? kek

Strange that some of the largest banks in the world are asking about it then.

xrapid is bank software that uses xrp. xrapid is not a token. xrp is a token.

you shouldn't need me to explain this.

in case that wasn't clear, ripple is a network like facebook, like the internet.

google is a service

you can create your own internet or your own facebook, but you won't get anyone on board.

oh shit i forgot the part where amazon already accepts ripple, we're fucked! and banks are jumping all over themselves to buy xrp!

xRapid is the software sold to institutions that uses XRP on the ledger in order to provide liquidity for them.

You know, the fact that they deal with money, not cars or software.

Money transfer agencies and Corps are all interested in XRP.

World's largest banks are interested too.

none of what you said is news to me.
yes, tha'ts why for all intents and purposes, xrapid = xrp.

It's like saying the bitcoin wallet is not bitcoin. it's a pointless difference to point out when you're comparing currencies.

What stops them from minting their own currency right now?

xRapid is not a currency, it's closed-source software that provides interaction with the currency.
You either don't understand, or don't want to admit you're wrong in order to learn something new.
Either way, no one cares.

2015 - Banks will never use Ripple. $XRP is dead. Sorry bag holders.

2016 - Bank announcements are just proof of concepts, they'll never go live. $XRP is dead.

2017 - Fine, 70+ banks are going live but they don't use $XRP. How come dumb bag holders don't get this?

2018 Jan - Fine, 5 institutions are using XRP, but not banks, Ripple is dead!!!
2018 Feb ...........?

I just created 8 bitcoin wallets, since a bitcoin wallet is the same thing as bitcoin, do i now own 8 bitcoins?

They are interested in the network NOT the Token
Why should they, seeing as they can issue THEIR own token under THEIR own control?

> Fine, all the banks are using XRP and it's worth more than BTC now, but it'll never be the ONLY currency in the world.

Sorry to burst your bubble but it's not ripple. rtp first new core payments system

This. Crypto is about taking money away from the banksters not about giving them more. If you support XRP you need to go back to your containment site

38739142811/16826237 = 2302
not 23

whatever you guys are set on being pedantic.
apparently no one understands the benefits of oversimplification.
enjoy your shitcoin.

They're interested in both, as you could easily find out if you wanted to.
Why would individual banks want to waste resources creating their own token, then convincing everyone else to use it?
You should ask why they aren't doing this now in a non-crypto context.
Why don't they print their own legal tender and ask the other banks to use it?

>November 14, 2017

JP Morgan and Bank of America already have their own blockchains, even patented the shit.

Ill sell you my newly created bitcoin wallets for $500 each. what a steal!


Did you completely miss the entire part about comparing BASE UNITS?
Go back and read it again, user.
You're off by two orders of magnitude.

>trade them my future world reserve currency for their digital good-goy shekels

You're set on not learning something.
Enjoy being ignorant and retarded!

Enough about XRP unless you want Ford Taurus money.

If you’re down with ripple then fuck you.

Ah, so you must already have XRP.

kek, you mean $4.90 per xrp

>s h a d i l a y
kek guides his chosen few, the virgin NEETs, to Lamboland. Praise him.

Another user who cannot into math.

>derives unit conversion with respect to base units
>converts whole units using base unit conversion

stop doing this gay ass "g-g-guys b-b-but" online stuttering shit. Makes you look like the biggest faggot on the fucking planet. And you wonder why you don't get pussy smfh

Look morons who don't want to make money, yep that'll show those rich banksters, dying poor.


of USA chooses cRipple I will leave the country it's over

We already knew the Jews love ripple. Shits a guaranteed moon and possible (getting more and more likely) Mars mission.

If you don't have a decent chunk invested at this point you're retarded. This may be the next BTC and there's actual evidence of that, not just shilling and speculation. Those guys that sold on the first dip are going to be flapping their arms off a 10 story building by the end of 2018.

Electrum is the wallet that people use in order to send bitcoin.
Yet electrum never comes up in valuation discussions, and you don't get people saying "people only use electrum, they don't actually use bitcoin"

that's why I say xrapid = xrp. it's a simplification, but no one cares what the name of the software that uses xrp is. only if banks are buying xrp or not, right?

Two of the largest online shopping malls in South Korea are going to allow users to pay with crypto (including XRP):

It's amazing you can't see your mistake.

Yeah nigga. I've been investing heavily in ripple for a month, hope the payoff is big

Good thing I read Korean.

okay deluded retard

Which company is selling Electrum to banks?

I'm going to buy this only because of FOMO but I'm going to keep my expectations low because everyone I talk to says 'xrp is shit bro stay away from that coin'

Good think you have Google Translate.

HAHAHAHA stay poor goy, it'll definitely show us

it would be a different story if banks were not buying xrapid, but only their other services.
but they're not, so i give zero fucks about meaningless distinctions.

>you can create your own internet or your own facebook
are you 12?

And we give zero fucks about your opinion.
Stay poor.

Say what you want about ripple.
But no other coin do we hear about banks adopting it.


why dont you just make your own cryptocurrency user?
good luck trying to get everyone to use it

What is counterparty risk? Why will PNC Bank and your local credit union trust Wells-Fargo-Coin over XRP?

Instant cross border SETTLEMENT without the use of nostro accounts.

XLM is not XRP fork. Dummy.

This. Ripple has potential because the fucking Jews are willing to back that shit. buy XRP and use their kike tactics against them


>In its end state, here is how xRapid will work:

>Financial institutions or corporations will initiate a payment through xRapid.
xRapid sources the most competitive liquidity option across all of the exchanges and third-party market makers it connects.
>Whichever market maker offers the tightest spread takes the sending currency, trades it into XRP, transfers the XRP to the destination (in just a few seconds), trades it into the destination currency and then settles it in the destination account.
>This end-to-end flow is instant, seamless and enables FIs to service cross-border payments on an on-demand basis — no more trapped working capital or expensive FX services!

I have over $7000 invested in Ripple.

Put your money where your mouth is!

Had forgot I saved this.

Bullshit peddled by Jed to distance themselves as copying Ripple.
The only difference is some tweaks to the consensus mechanism, which effectively is meaningless to end users.
tps is still 1500.
Supply is still the same.
validator tech is the same.
tx speed is the same.

is verge not a fork of dogecoin because they made changes? no, it's called a fork of dogecoin because that's where it originated. doesn't matter they made changes later.

Now let's see if king mouth breather will admit he's an idiot.

it's a private blockchain you mongoloids

christ you fuckers can't even get more retarded

> Old homeless guy doesn't want Ripple

> Open-source codebase

> Multiple companies/institutions running validator nodes

> Ripple's stated 2018 goal is to remove one of their own validators for every two third-party validators added


well well more complete bs from ripple about banking what a surprise scamcoin

They're both shitcoins.

>third-party validators

Always do the opposite of what Veeky Forums says

I bought ripple at 20 cents instead of chainlink and it was the right choice. Because biz hates ripple so much means you should buy some.