I've finally decided to kill myself. No particular reason, no horror stories, not angry at anyone...

I've finally decided to kill myself. No particular reason, no horror stories, not angry at anyone, I'm just tired of life, tired of living all alone in a city where I know literally nobody, and I wish to go to sleep permanently. In one week I will be in a Fairmont and I will overdose on a cocktail of drugs, and if that doesn't work I will slit my wrists in the bathtub.

I have $75,000 dollars worth of Ethereum that I will cash out during this week. What should I do with it? Was thinking of hiding stacks of $1000 randomly around the city.

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go adopt a dog just for the fuck of it

have you tried hobbies, or art?

not trying to be a dick, serious question

I’ll be your friend for 1 eth you can know that you made at least 1 person happy



Fuck all the other suggestions do this, then report back


get the fuck out of your shitty hole then and go live in a livingful city like New York, Amsterdam, Berlin or Paris.

You should at least ride out the crypto market, like throw it all at XRB and maybe get lucky.

Even if you don't get lucky probably shouldn't kill yourself, but yeah I'm a fag or whatever

do this, actually purchase a dog if you want

Fucking travel. Spend a month in Thailand fucking bitches. Pick up a hobby, get some exercise. Or if your 100% commited to killing yourself, track down your high school bullies and murder them first -I don’t understand why nobody does this. Or go full vigilante and die in a blaze of bullets while taking down a local criminal gang.

I almost drunkenly maxed out a 4k credit card on ETH at $20 back in March 2017.

but i was trigger shy and decided against it

only a $200,000 mistake

sup Veeky Forums i love you all

Quit being a faggot and find a purpose in life.
I bet you haven't even tried yet.

Microdose mushrooms. I'm serious. It will change your outlook on life. If your interested I can help you learn how to grow your own.

this user and at least report back here with story and pics and become a legend. please user!

Wow you’re a complete faggot user you know that

>What should I do with it?

viva las vegas!

OP, do not do this.

respond if you'd wanna chat sometime.

would not recommend nyc unless you're a top tier human and can stand competition and capitalism in your face every waking minute of your life
>t. thought i was top tier but am not, want to kms

thiiiiiiiiis. changed my life.

cash out half and use it to make a ton of cheap soup for the homeless

Dubs of truth. Changed mine too. My last trip (this summer) was amazing..I just sat on a dock looking at the stars for about 4 hours talking to God and it legitimately made me change everything about my life for the better. I suggest every user should do them.

If you ARE planning to kill yourself, before you do, use some of your crypto to buy LSD, and try it once. It might open your eyes and make you see that a lot of things you think are important aren't, and that life is worth living. What do you have to lose, right? It won't solve your problems, but knowing that there is seeing things another way is possible might help you hang in there for a while. It might be a terrible idea, all I know is that it worked for me.

If you want to go the more traditional route, antidepressants can help you keep your head above the water while you fix things that you need to change. They're far from miraculous, but anything that stops you from sinking can be good until you can swim on your own again.

Good luck. There are good and bad in everything, and for some reason your mind just sees the bad signals and is blind to the good. It sucks, but as long as you realize that it's not rational and that there is good out there even if you can't see it at the moment, it can help to calm you down. Depression's a bitch, but it's just a game of holding tight while taking measures to eventually step out of it.

>Veeky Forums
You're looking for faggot.

Read a book by Anthony Robins, user. I hate being shilled books but give it a chance, it will change you view the world and your ability to interact with it.

I took 0.3g once every three days for about three months until I didn't need to any more. figured I'd have to start up again when fall/winter and usual seasonal depression returned but it did not

>telling people ahead of time
>muh drugs
>muh wrists
Are you a teenage girl? Because you're acting like a little bitch. Commit to your death, shoot yourself in the head or jump off a tall building.

i would like to learn

the absolute fucking state of Veeky Forums

This and use the other half to buy poison for the cheap soup

You could move out of the city. You could even use it to try and make more, move out of the country, get a gun, and live in the country.

Don't kill yourself. Go to church.

what about lsd? ordered some using my btc gains, literally just planning on doing it alone in my room tho

>If your interested I can help you learn how to grow your own.

im interested user

This is probably the best advice.
I was feeling this way last year in March and went for the hell of it. Met a few people, they were accepting of my non religious nature and introduced me to a QT3.14 who now wants to marry me.

This. You can also buy mushroom spores on /r/sporetraders for crypto's & grow them usong the pf tek method.

>telling a suicidal person to get a gun

It feels cleaner IMO, as long as you got real LSD. Make sure you know what to expect, but if you're ready for it, you won't regret it.

>tired of living all alone in a city
>I know literally nobody
You can change both of these things.

I know it's a meme, but seek professional help. What's the worst that can happen if you're planning on dying anyway?

OP i know how you feel. Just kinda bored with life, with no problems at all. Economically above average. Good relations with everyone. Decent sexual life. 3,5 GPA. Been there, so bored i got drunk 6 times a week. Abusing prescription drugs. Now i did some photography just to ease my boredom and somehow it helps. Oh i also adopt 2 cats. Planning to adopt a dog.

Drugs are legitimately a better option for someone then this placebo bullshit called (((church)))

I've done LSD countless times, absolutely life changing.

I've only done it once alone. 300ug.. wow really showed me the importance of life

Because it’s biz I have no idea if you’re kidding or not but if real, don’t. I’m assuming you live in a civilized place, it’s very sobering to realize that there are BILLIONS of people in worse situations than you and you gotta make the most out of life. Be grateful you have what you have and get outside and kick some ass

another ungrateful American idiot.

4th'd. Everyone needs to try them at least once. Microdosing/small doses (2g or less) are good if you want to stay in control. Anything higher and you're chancing meeting God and aliens, which is why you need to go to hyperspace RIGHT NOW and shill them on your shitcoins for maximum gains.

>tfw Veeky Forums is not shilling their shitcoins to the hyperspace entities

How do i get LSD?

u got me hyped for it man, i think that's exactly what i need rn. should be here in 2 days or so

or mushrooms

Take a shitload of mushroom and gain new insights of life...

Why stop and end it all now, this is absurd if you're still young. Go out and meet new people, especially women and adopt a dog.

gl my man. you're already dead, time to go out with a bang.

dream markets, google it because you need the tor browser and a vpn


you have the means to literally solve all your problems lmao

Dude wtf, your next goal is to 10x that 75k
What r u doinggggg

Inject spores into sterilized rye and wait a month.

op is killing himself and this guy isnt - no justice in the world

good luck OP send your ETH here please


A least move out of the city first and see how life changes

Cities are toxic

Depression isn't rational.

Hey man don’t hurt yourself pls.

If you really have 75,000:

Cash out 5-10k. Go to a child hospital. Ask for a wish list from the kids there. (Other ways to do this: go to boys and girls club, self help centers for poor folks, local churches, whatever).

Buy gifts directly for the kids. I do this through children international sometimes. You can send them money directly and let them choose what they want.

Get pictures, letters, meet some of them.

Take your remaning money and make more. Rinse, repeat.

You might not want to die anymore. I’ve done this more than a few times. Worked for me.

depression can be treated

Join us on stormfront. Be a part of the swarm who is saving our race user. Your life as a white man is far too valuable to throw away unlike niggers, jews and pajeets. When the day of the blessed rope arrives you will be glad you endured and get to kill subhumans just like nature intended. It's an exhilarating feeling.


you should kill yourself out of sympathy pajeet

You should go to Vegas and kys after you blow all the money. Or just quit your job and vegitate until you no longer have the funds to support yourself then kys.

And ruin the dogs life too?

Unironically travel to Kurdistan and fight against ISIS. Why not?

Of course it can, what I meant to say is that when you're depressed, it doesn't *seem* like it can.

Wait! Stop!

Can I have anal sex with you first?

All cities are shitholes.

Fuck. It's a retarded hobby but its a hobby nonetheless. Give them a go I guess op, everyone in this life needs something to chase if we want any chance of not taking ourselves out of the game permanently.

Is that your photo user? I like it.

Seriously though, try changing your perspective first. Hop on a plane and visit somewhere you've always wanted to go.

Hey everyone thanks for the advice. I'm a 25 yr old white male KHV, recently with no job. I already tried moving to a new city to start a new life, it honestly just makes everything much worse, the loneliness is overwhelming.
My dog just died and I have nothing else to live for, but I'm going to try what some of you said and do a shit ton of drugs (never done more than marijuana before). I can always kill myself after if the drugs don't change anything.

Give it to me, im sad and on the verge of suicide as well :(

But in all seriousness donate it to a charity or someone in need. Take thecash and go find some people living on the street. Who knows maybe philanthropy will give your life a purpose

Well you can't be completely lonely user. You have us at least.

Like how man, I love capitalism. How are nyers top tier?

Chicagofag here

>take a shitload of mushroom
And then get a terrible stomach ache for a few hours. no thanks

2g isn't a microdose
More like 1/10th of a g

nice meme retard

pure bred male Rottweiler. keep his testicles and you will be swimming in pussy after 2 years of training


user, just travel with what money you have. And see where that leads you,smoke some pot and come up with a plan what could make you happy.

I'm getting a divorce soon and been planning what to do with my future, my house is priority number one to keep my mind busy.. then go out and do stuff that relaxes me and meet new people to be friends with for a start.

Take it a day at a time and relax, money isn't everything but it can build some confidence in putting a plan and future together

Plz this with pics and posts

do some mushrooms and or get a dog, get a extremely cute dog and girls will rain

Rx drugs wil fuck your head up so bad.

Had a good run with percocets last year. Stay strong user

>Good luck. There are good and bad in everything, and for some reason your mind just sees the bad signals and is blind to the good. It sucks, but as long as you realize that it's not rational and that there is good out there even if you can't see it at the moment, it can help to calm you down. Depression's a bitch, but it's just a game of holding tight while taking measures to eventually step out of it.

Thank you for this, really

Not OP but I love this idea. Saving for myself.

You're a good person user

Just take a step back and realie what is going on before you make a really fucked up decision.

There were days I never thought I’d make it through. I’m usually the dude to be funny and act like everything is okay (I guess that’s usually it goes). Taking your life is the most selfish thing you could ever do. I never did because I know that things get better. They always do OP. You may think you’re okay right now and just bored with life but really you’re being blinded by depression. That shit works in mysterious ways.

If you don’t want to live then there are issues going on and those issues can be fixed without having to kill yourself. Take it from me

Hope these words can help you

Life is a fuckin wave, ride that shit.

And when I say those issues can be fixed, I’m not talking about with anti depressants.

Just fuckin live life, make yourself a better human and get tinder or the bumble app and see what can happen. Don’t throw shit away Just because you’re in a rut right now

Spend 10-15k and get a truck and a dirt bike. That shill will change your life, it really helped mine.

I'll be your friend

>user wants to kill himself and you give him the only worse option next to suicide

hey user my dog is 10 yo old sweet pitbull cutie and she's growing tumor right now...
I know this feel bruh my mom wants to put her down but I just fucking can't do it...
>i'm a fucking coward for leaving my old puppy to my mom to deal with, you're a fucking hero if you dealt with your pet final moments all alone and still here with us.

>go to shelter on Monday and rescue a tiny little fucking pitbul lab mix - when she'll grow up and you over pain you can always give her up for good hands


You will die one day, no matter what. Why not use the time you have to make someone laugh or smile? Even a man who owns a T-shirt and nothing else is rich in a way, please don't do it, it makes me sad :(. Email me at [email protected] if you need a friend.

no dont come here its shit

The amount of projection in this is mind blowing.
>high school bullies
We aren’t all losers like you user

Just screenshot this and put it in my goal folder for when I make it. Thanks user.

Sir, we will rekindle your will to live.
Come to India.
we will sell the country for 75k.
handsome deal.

If you're ready to face the void you've stopped caring by default. It's not just being sad and wanting to attain something better, it's more like not perceiving anything good existing at all.

>Go to /r/sporetraders and look through the current suppliers inventory. I suggest golden teacher spores, penis envy, and stropharia, and albino a+. There is always someone selling spores for about $10 per liquid syringe. Most suppliers accept btc, ltc and xlm. Purchase 3 kinds if its your first grow because they all grow slighly different, some are more stubborn than others.
>payment is discrete, just pm the supplier on leddit, ask for wallet address, send them your shipping info and they arrive in about a week in a discrete package. These people can be trusted from my experience and their supply is quality.
>watch youtube videos on the pf tek method. This is the easiest method for your first grow. You will need about $50 worth of supplies consisting of vermeculite (a mineral sold at menards), brown rice flower & mason jars. You mix it up (following the pf tek method) and wait for your substraint to turn into mycelium. I made an incubator to control the environment, which I would suggest researching as well.
>after about a month you will have mycelium (shown in my picture) ready to grow. This is the hard part because you have to treat it like a pet...this is a living organism at this point and requires a lot of regular attention (air and water). Research how to build a fruiting chamber at this point.
>the mycelium will "pin" (little mushrooms form and then start growing) and then you just pick them before the veils completely open, put them in front of a fan for a day to dry them and thats about it.

From my experience, it's a long process. Its a legal gray areas because it doesn't become illegal until you pick the mushroom...everything else you do up until this point is legal (in terms of growing and possessing). I have learned to be more patient, which helps me with my crypto long term hodl's, and its rewarding to research something other than crypto's, but it gives you the same sense of pleasure you get from watching your money grow.

I'm trying to help my sister get a new ride if you feel inclined to help . 0x380677929d9f6265e6cdfcf8da73f10b02858815 things arnt that bad dont do it op do some traveling

Don't do it man, like others have said, mushrooms or lsd can change your life. Lot to live for if you know where to look.

Using vpn here. Thanks user, here's pic of my cat.
That's the point user, when i mix oxy with whiskey usually i just woke up in a gutter. Havent touched anything since 3 months though.