Would you trust this man to give good investment advice?

Would you trust this man to give good investment advice?


ye dis niggah on nxt lvl sheit yea wut I mean

i don't understand why he's still going apeshit on ponzis, does he really have nothing to worry about?

>tfw you take solace in the fact that he will eventually be arrested by the police, and because the United State of America is a third world shithole, he will likely be killed during the arrest by 89iq police officers

God is fair. White people have pale skin, blue eyes, gold hair and highest IQ on earth. Brown folks have sticky hair, smelly body, greasy skin and low IQ.

Look at the face and color and you can instantly know whether to smile and wave or to cross the street.

Thank you God.

jews have the highest iq actually

Thanks for falling into their statistics. Also, Hillary got 99.9% chance of winning according to all news outlets and pollings.

You're so pathetic, under that logic the earth is flat too, because we can't trust what science tells us, right? because its all manipulated by THEM. Truth is, IQ is related to success. The reason they've played the white race is because they're smarter than you, that's it.

trevon knew.

i'm a burger and i kek'd

/pol !!!! Some of your patients got away. They're humping my dog. The neighbor saw one of them eating his newspaper. Why does that one have teeth around his ear?

No look at the bum I would never take advice from a shrub head. Get a shave you big ape.

Meh, I'm a White Nationalist and I don't dispute this. Our main challenge is to wake our people up. The good news for us is, once we do that, the Jews won't be able to dodge us. It took the whole world to stop Germany, and even then, Germany almost won. Who is going to stop the United States when we decide the Jews have run out of time? Hell, we could probably just kick out the ones living here, and stop supporting Israel, and the Middle East would take care of the problem for us.

>Keep Calm We're Coming Back

never trust a nigger

Dumb cunt. KYS or someone soon will.

Nigger spotted

says the guy with a shit colored id
top kek

Probably whiter than you, you fucking scum. I would kill you if I ever got the chance. Like literally slit your throat and let you bleed out. It will happen in some form or another. Good luck user, you’ll need it

Ironically, you do too. absolute top kek there

Bullshit user, I'm the son of a purebred aryan from the Hitler youth.


Relax and chill. When the lion roars, the brown manlets that foster a nation of headchopping cartels, the smelly Indians that poop on American restrooms sinks, the Jews that suck everything we have and turning EU brown, they'll understand the power of Aryan.

1488 we will rise.