I'm 37, never married, $450k in crypto

Got my own house. I'm tired of being alone, I don't care if anyone looks at me funny, I don't care if she's brown and greasy.

I'm about to fly to Phuket to meet my bride agent there who will show me 3 of the ladies I shortlisted based on pictures and personal data I reviewed.

I just want to cuddle at night and have someone around the house.

Am I making a mistake?

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if you have to ask, then yes. yes you are.

Yes be careful never tell anyone how much your worth if you want them to truly care for you than you can never be sure.

You're gonna get robbed, one way or another.

yes, you need to hang out with her long enough to figure out shes leeching off you.

no, if you're actually gonna be there for a few months to get to know her family then thats fine.

Anymore pics?

No dude, just try to meet people like a regular person - at work, friends, family etc

Mate, I live in Bangkok. If you're really that desperate to marry a Thai, do the search yourself. Most Thai women are ravenous, violent whores. The good ones are still highly emotional, but they will less likely cut your dick off. Thai women will always assume you're cheating on them,

Now with that being said, of all the places you go to Phuket. You're gonna be offered an yisan whore that isn't worth your money. Use a fucking dating app like skout or tinder and explore Bangkok. You have much better chances of finding a decent woman.

You're making a big mistake. I live here and there's so many older guys who literally jump off balconies cause they inevitably get fucked chasing young pussy. Find a woman that's not too unrealistic or you'll get destroyed.

it only takes about a year to really change yourself for the better. Why not work on your health, interests and social life for a year or so and make a decision then. How do you think your life will be after marrying a mail order bride if all you have going for you is under a mill in crypto?

Share the pics so we can help you decide

This lad is right. Do you see still enjoy living here? Immigration is far too strict and employers, most of them anyway, are thieving gooks. Can't wait to get married in Japan.

I know people who have done this, OP.

#1 advice: Don't give them money, or anything valuable. This includes gifts.
If you have any sort of correspondence, show it to her to confirm she wrote it and not some pajeet scam artist.
Build a relationship over time, just like anything else. I hope you're not autistic, and can tell when she hates you.
At the end of the day, all women go into a relationship for social security. You are their provider, be they american, european, or from some poor-ass country. Love is overblown in our society, what's important is the mutuality of your relationship.
I know some east-asian women who paid almost $50k for american citizenship via marriage. If you talk about it, many will be pretty open about what they expect from this relationship. It's up to you what you get in exchange for what you provide to them.

I can't be bothered mate. I'm just going to trust my agent, we've been at this for 6 months to tell you the truth.

I'm looking for a 5/10 face 8/10 body and low key personality and zero tattoos. Because in Thailand, tattoos usually means you're a street walker or belong to a pimp group.

You do realise you’ll be hit up for a lifetime of financially taking care of her extended family and village in north Thailand? She will never view you more than a bank.

of course you are dummy

if nothing else you could have just found a single middle aged woman who was ready to settle for a rich loser. then got a prenup..they have apps for that

once you get married in the states she will immediately divorce you because she will be a legal citizen and wont need you anymore

your best bet is to sneak her in and never marry
that way she can't leave you because she'll be deported

Do you know there is a country called Ukraine that serves similar purpose and populated with non-greasy hwite hwemyn?

I watched 90 days to marry show, I am aware of the pitfalls. That's why im very careful with my choice.

No ex-prostitutes as they're especially entitled and knows how to squeeze because they're pampered by the stupid EU tourists.

it's larps like these that still keeps me here. thanks, user

Not moving to that mosquito infested shithole. One wrong move the locals jump you or your ex put a thai black magic juju on you.

So has anyone fucked a ladyboy in Thailand? How did it go?

You have no idea how hot of a woman you can get without going through an agent. If looks is what you're after, you simply have no idea what you can get. And meeting face to face matters. Just use a god damn dating app for fucks sake. Don't give these fucking evil matchmaking gooks your money. The tattoo thing is good to avoid, although a lot of Thai women have tattoos since it's not as much as a taboo compared to other countries.

I really hope you pick a good one. Just wear the pants and never disclose how much money you have to her.

It's okay. I've only been living here for a year and will be moving back to Europe with my girlfriend (good Thai girl) this summer. Can't see myself staying here super long term because of the laws (white people are always second class citizens, even if married to a Thai, even with kids), and because I realized that no matter how hard you try, you'll NEVER be "one of them". You'll always be "that farang".

How long have you been here?

This guy is right. Honestly stay away from all the tourist trap areas, they just attract the worst people both local and foreign. Try and get one with a chinese background, they are more likely to have have some money of their own and better families

lol, people are actually a lot less aggressive/violent here compared to the west, but yeah if you really fuck up you better run.

Keep your crypto a secret, never under any circumstances let a woman near it, or know about it.
Other than that, good luck.
I married my wife after knowing her for two weeks, still together 13 years later.

Go to POLAND op

Thanks, I'm introverted and shy, I can't go to bars or pick up girls, I never ever open a conversation.

Arranged married Pajeet detected

Shut up and buy a Porsche already.

I think you're wrong about violence in SE Asia, you're too dumb to understand how quickly you'll be in the shits of the locals got to you, the cops will just join them.

Yep. That second class treatment is Typical in all of Asia, yet the way Thais treat outsiders of all types irks me. They're very arrogant for a country that has accomplished almost nothing. But I always remind myself that I'm white and feel fine. I've been here for 2 years now, and only because my gf is studying here. Will leave asap. You made a good move leaving.

>whiteboi can't handle being a minority


Dude, nooooooo! DO NOT DO THIS. It won't be fulfilling at all. I'm the same age and here's what I did:

-Get yourself a puppy and hit the gym everyday for a year. The puppy and the gym will take up all of your time. You'll be happy, loved, and confident enough to go find someone who likes you that you might actually like.

Also, where do you live? Maybe you need to move to a more metropolitan city?

Dude you don't have to do that. Stop jerking off and watching porn, get in decent shape, just don't be obese. There are decent women out there that you will be attracted to. Foreign women have foreign culture. It's weird.

Spend some time in Phuket before doing anything. If you want you can have a hot live-in piece within a week but I wouldn't cave too soon. Also, get snipped before you go. You're welcome.

>Am I making a mistake?

A very, very big mistake.

I'm in rural California. I hated dating because it always ends up with me feeling worthless

Ya dude - because you live in paradise, or gilroy or wherever the fuck - no good. Get outta there and get down to LA. Or even SF.

Honestly OP, I thing you're going to regret it.
Also, in all the SEA I wouldn't pick a Thai girl.

Anyway if you're going into this, never ever tell her your net worth. Never.

Fucking never.

Aww poor faggot complaining about xenophobia on Veeky Forums

Why would I want to stay where I'm a second class citizen when I can just stay in Europe with like-minded people and have my full rights.
Being "a minority" here is not like being "a minority" in the west.

fucking kek

No, but she is.

Because dating is basically a meat market where everyone is super ready to trade up for the best model.

You've probably heard the "just work on yourself" meme, but its real. Invest in yourself, and treat your relationships like investments rather than quick trades, and youll attract others on the same level.

Not complaining, brainlet. Stating facts. I have no problem with this.

Start your new life by traveling for six months. Meet normal women, bang hookers, see a pyramid, cruise Paris, smoke weed in amsterdam, ski in the swiss alps - all the shit people dream about. You'll be cultured, cooler, and happier.

Just a thought.

lol you're stupid and entitled. Minorities in the west describe their experience exactly how you just described yours being a minority in the east...but since it effects you its so much worse right LMAO kys

>Am I making a mistake?

Yes. Any man worth his salt, of any age, cringes so fucking hard at retards like you. Learn how to get a woman in your own country, or you don't deserve one.

Besides, she'll probably fleece your ass. These woman only want a green card.

how old are you?

I'm not saying it's bad, God you're literally retarded. I have no problem with them treating me as an outsider cause I am.
I'm just saying I have no reason to stay here forever. I had my fun and my travels, time to move on.

Hey stupid..I've lived in japan and had the same experience and i left for the same reason. i simply pointed out the humor in your whining when minorities in the west literally have the same experience in places they are actually from.

>I'm 37
when the answer is in the first two words

36 here

Two friends have lost it all doing this

One to a vietnamese woman, one to a thai woman. They seriously see you as a loser and loathe you. Once that rings on and everythings signed..... watch out....

Oh, and the vietnamese one. Her 'brother', turned out to be her long term bf who married her and got citizenship after she divorced my mate. Oh and he had a breakdown lately too. No longer working in comp sci. On heavy meds now back living with his mummy.

Again, I wasn't whining. Simply stating the reasons why I'll eventually be back in my homeland, Europe. Not sure why you're trying so hard to say I was whining. Bad day?

>cut your dick off
This is actually a thing
Yeah, of his dong.

not particularly..who doesnt talk shit on here

Goddamn I hate these types of people.

This user, honestly i hate to say it but you can't buy affection and unless you're with that 1 in a billion soulmate who truly love you for you she's just gonna be a blood drinking parasite only in it for the money, but if you really need the human interaction and affection don't marry right away just take her to live with you and see how it works out


I don't know how I can say it more clearly. I just want a person to walk around the house. I'm in the middle of a farmland and the loneliness is crippling. I have a bit of money now I can pay for a bit of stable companionship.

Invite Bigfoot in. I'm sure he's lonely out there too.

OP, at the end of the day you are the only one who is living YOUR life. If you did your due diligence and actually took the time to get to know her and know that she actually loves and not just using you for money then it is ok you are good. However, if you are getting some bar girl or rushing head first into a girl you barely even know then take it slow dude.

wtf go to a nerdy city like portland or seattle
plenty of loser girls there

You're making a mistake as far as I can tell.

You really need to just get out more, ever heard of murphy's law? No? Look it up and start hitting up woman.

I dont really think its a mistake. If it is you'll know in 5 years or so and maybe you will be willing to give it another shot whether through dating apps, or marriage agencys, or international dating.

I wouldnt use an agency though if I were you though I get the appeal that they do a lot of vetting. Theres a lot of international dating sites with women looking for foreign husbands. I signed up to a couple while feeling lonely and actually got a lot of messages first, scoped out social media on a couple of the girls and they seem legitimate. Average looking women ready to settle down, prefer a foreign husband that can offer some sort of security or change of scenery.

Sounds like you need a dog.

Get a dog for companion, get a woman for sex.

move dude, farm life is not for you at this time.

Definitely making a mistake by bringing chicks into your homeland. Especially if they can take all your money. You are really dumb. Why do you think you need a woman? Should have bought a 18 year old prostitute or something.

Wrong damn quote I ment to quote

I tried many Asian dating sites and they're either fraud or very few ladies that meet my requirements: under 21 and no tattoos.

>go to bars or pick up girls
Sounds like you have a warped perception of how finding a mate works.

>Am I making a mistake?
wrong board... but otherwise no

>unless you're with that 1 in a billion soulmate who truly love you for you

>unironically still believing in soulmates

theres no way youre 18 or older

Southeast Asian girls are so fucking ugly compared to Korean/Japanese girls

kys, or just wait it out until your """""wife""""" does it for you

>take $450k out of crypto
>buy two houses
>rent them out
>become realtor
>meet realtor wife
>wife makes you money instead of taking it

shit user just skip to the end and off yourself now, whats the point raping yourself emotionally before you do it ?

I don't care much about looks actually, I want zero drama.

At least find a better one. Why don't you find one yourself rather than having someone picking them for you? you shmuck.

> comparing being a minority in a first world country to being a minority in a poverty stricken shithole

You're going to a poor shitty country with zero rule of law.
Of course there's going to be drama.

>Tfw you will one day be some old white guy looking for poon in SEA

I'm bringing her back to my place if all goes well.

You're so fucking stupid if you do this op. Dear god.

just look for a 30 year old american girl.

tfw 23 and richer than you

your shattered dreams are showing

I know, why not marry a wife that will make money for him instead of taking it all. What a dumbfuck lmao

No I'm white, married a jungle gook from the Philippines.
Best thing is they're loyal and dumb as a rock, they'll never figure out crypto.

>my requirements

LOL a disgusting 37yo virgin beggar going off to a 3rd world country to bring home a bitch that will resent you when she realises how fucking pathetic and spineless you are. It will become VERY apparent how unbelievably shit you are in relation to other guys she'll inevitably see around. You'd have a better chance keeping her in Thailand so you won't look as bad in comparison. But for real, work on yourself for a bit. Thinking you deserve a companion because you are fortunate enough to have some money is predatory as fuck. I highly doubt it will make you as happy as you think.

If you want no drama you should go for a flip m8. And they're Catholic too so divorce is haram.

No flips sorry, I can't stand the mixed race over colonized thing, flips have zero culture unlike Thailand.

The most flips got is greasy sausage over rice and puffy shoulder dress, fuck that.

+1 feel

>Thinking you deserve a companion because you are fortunate enough to have some money is predatory as fuck.
SJW subhuman female detected, tits or gtfo.

women are loq IQ wastes of organic material

Best screencap concerning relationships. Hope that user put some money in crypto.

Asians treat minorities like dirt compared to the west. Especially S.E Asians. I do not feel bad for a foreigner that manages their way into a first world white paradise. With that being said, second class status has its advantages. People assu,e you can't speak their language and leave you alone. Perfect life for cynical introverts like myself.

Whatever you do, when you meet your potential wife, walk with your chest out and not like a retard trying to look like a man. Just be a man and never have your woman think she can walk all over you.

I have a realistic expectation, that's my key for doing this risky venture.

My formula is simple.