So this is how it feels to go all in on one coin. The bliss, the knowledge that you are going to make it.
Thank you Swissanon.
Thank you anons who sold me the dip.
So this is how it feels to go all in on one coin. The bliss, the knowledge that you are going to make it
You are holding bags from 12k aren't you
We're going to make it!
I bought at 8000 and now at 9000
>actually believing a larper
No problem.
Remember I also talked abou SwarmFund. Tomorrow they are going online.
Ambrosus speaks for itself, user.
Give us proof dick head I don't believe you.
it feels amazing
sold my entire stack of LINK at $1.30
went all in on AMB
Holy shit this guy is the biggest swinging dick in the game. Doubling my position
I always come at this hour.
I'm here to give the telegram.
Thoughts on AION and 0x?
i would kill for that telegram swissbro
WHY ARE YOU HELPING US? Huh? What if you're just a LARPer who's trying to get people to buy his shitcoins? What's in it for you to setup a telegram, and take your time to help us? You're the manager of a huge hedge fund aren't you guys busy as fuck? IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. I'm being skeptical because this is Veeky Forums and 90% of the time people just want to fuck you in the ass, I hope you understand.
Lemme in negro. I bought dat amb on your rec
btw what do you think about bankcoins like XRP and Stellar? I guess nobody asked that in the last threads
Trolling for commoner reactions, or user totally blacked from crash/drug crash
The actual price hasn't gone down for 2 days.
ETH just had a huge rally.
Never all in because of shills.
A hard lesson I learn by all in LINK instead of diversifying to Stellar. I deeply believe in the LINK shillings just like you have blind faith in Ambrosus. Stellar was $0.015 when Teeka recommendation was leaked to Veeky Forums, ATH is $0.90. And I all in LINK.
IIRC he hates XRP but average joes will continue to pump it. ADA is good but doesn't have a whole lot of moon potential?
This. Seriously this. Eventually you will burn yourself so hard that it will negate all the gains you had from before.
You should at the very least have 2 coins.
yeah that's what he told about cardano, i remember
The sad thing is AMB doesn't need all this Pajeet tier shilling, its legit one of very few undervalued coins on Binance
When I saw that they hired Parity Technologies to build it, i figured it couldn't be complete crap. That means it's already better than 95% of blockchain projects. I've met some of the Parity people, including Jutta Steiner, very intelligent crew.
Great, however it's the smaller of the three: ICX, WAN.
It's fine. We also want people to do well. We don't have any other intention. Also if you follow our recomendations or not, it's not like biz has enough money to buy our dumps anyway.
It's okay to go all in a sure moon.
Pretty much. I
Not a lot of shilling yet. People are focused on other shit coins.
Thoughts on AST? Also do you see OMG hitting $150 this year?
That's my only chance of making it as a poorfag. I'll start to diversify when I'll have 10k.
amb seems to be quite far away from a real product in their development
why do you think it will moon soon?
This is also my main concern. Enlighten us with your knowledge, swissbro, please.
>It's okay to go all in a sure moon.
What makes you so sure it's a sure moon?
I've got 10k right now and I still don't think it's worth diversifying. I have an 85/13/1/1 portfolio atm.
It's okay to be ballsy with good coins. Don't be a cuck that buys ADA, XLM, EOS and just sits back sipping pina coladas.
Why do you keep ignoring the question about 0x tho?
Is it perhaps because you know something or? :^)
Should I buy some swarmfund on etherdelta before it drops tmrw?
(currently selling at .0018 - .002 SWM/ETH)
Two other admins are trustworthy.
Yeah. It's good.
Because there will be fomo. It might stabalize at around 50k btc. They were talking about making masternodes, meaning if you are buying now (before announcements) you are buying extremely cheap.
The thing is, it's a very low market cap coin that will easil make x10. Bear in mind BTC will be worth 100k this year.
This year will be fucking nuts. More than the past year. Old money will start pouring in a little bit (old money= before computer moneys)
Also, do you recon it's still a good time to buy in ICX?
How about ZRC or Iostoken. Livestream tonight was like 4 kids waiting on delivery food in a motel.Great backgrounds but seems like they are renaming some existing theories taking some $ and giving it a go. Flip side is big $ no ICO launch. At least interesting.
What do you think about AGI?
You think it'll be worth 50k sats while BTC is 100k USD? Am I reading that correctly?
God damn thank you so mucha
thoughts on Omisego?
>no tripcode
we talked about this swissbro
Thanks for last weeks tips. Lots of good intel.
Do you have any thoughts on HPB?
And what do you think about Lisk? Rebranding in a few weeks.
He replied about HPB and INT in this previous thread:
AMB has been moving sideways but fluctuating anywhere between 9500 and 8200sat, great for accumulating.
How long are you holding Skycoin for? Were you the hedgefund that tried to buy $40MM Skycoin OTC? Am I deluded to think it has a decent shot at becoming a top 3 coin eventually?
Also you should use a tripcode if you plan to post here regularly.
Koreans will be admitted to new exchanges soon. They might start humping their love boy. If they do, fomo might kick in from them. They REALLY like Icon.
It's an awesome project if they pull it of it'll moon. It seems like they are doing it. However marketcap is already starting to get to a point where they need a mass of normies to buy or whales wont put more money in.
Already said what we thought on other threads
Wait for the announcement tomorrow and if its good you can buy. The coin is REALLY under the radar and they even might to an airdrop soon. They have silicon valley friends.
Ada is a great coin mate. You have to understand that the market cap is really high and it means moon potential is lower. It can go
hey man. Nobody believes it's you without a tripcode. Although at this point anyone could throw up a trip claiming to be you and we have no way to validate it. You're respected on biz now but your words have no force behind them because any pajeet could pretend to be you (they already have) bad job
Will we see some movement on AMB by the end of this month?
Trip code activated. Sorry bout that.
It's activated from now on.
Yeah I know about the Koreans, but I'm afraid of being dumped on with this price. I think they start at 4PM EU time so I guess I'll check in the morning to see if there will be a lower entry.
Swarm airdrop confirmed on reddit
No an Austrian typing via mobile phobe
Yes. There might be a dump before the fomo. ICX is bound to moon soon.
Then be an early buyer. Rubes will buy. You can dump it on them.
alright man.
if it's really you, thank you for your work here.
Sweedlord, what do I need to improve my portfolio? I also have 2.5k in Bitcoin.
Will I make it to millionaire status and finally buy a house for me mum?
Thoughts on the below. Much appreciated.
I forgot the picture like a fagget. Forgive me my lord.
Yall should join his telegram he posted above:
hes actively responding there as we speak
Any new pics/names?
thats not actually swissbro, larp
is there any masternodes you think are worth investing in? ive been researching payfair and trac quite a bit. but I just feel like i'm missing some piece to the puzzle for pfr
I like how the larper ignores this question. It's a major one. AMB seems like a good project in the future, but right now all supply-chain tokens are just riding on the coat tails of Vechain.
Swissbro, what do rich zuggers do for fun?
It is. I will always use this trip code from now on.
You need to get 1 btc before the end of the year. Makte it your goal. You are not that far away. Get into moonshots. If you make 1 btc before the end of the year, yaeh, you'll be able to buy a home.
That's actually pretty good. If Swarmfund news tomorrow talk about an airdrop buy and hold. It will be a sure moon shot. Typically low MC coins go to at least x5-x10 before a nice drop.
It's me. You can pass if you want. Not everyone can get into heaven. Some must remain with the nigs forever.
Maybe Trac. We can't say yet. But it's getting a lot of attention. People are starting to shill more. So we are taking a new look to it, but we are not deciding anything yet.
any masternodes in the 20k or less that you think are worth getting? or any that you think deserves more research. Ive been researching about 5hrs a day at min on nodes for the past month. even pointing me in the right direction would be very much appreciated
just got into this board
is it stil too late to buy amb?
If you just got into this board, you probably just got into crypto. did you just get into crypto? If so, just split between eth/xlm/ven/icx and walk away for a year
Have a question for ICO brahs. How do you get into these ICOs when they sell out in a millisecond?
Bots? Low ping to the server? Help please
Get some REQ too. It's a very comfy long-term hold. It's also quite cheap right now.
Thanks for all your advice! What’re thoughts on telcoin?
thanks my dudes
MC is really low still. It's not too late. You can decide to get in on a dip or just ride the waves.
I'd change VEN for WTC.
You need to get into pre-sale and whitelists or you wont make it into good coins. ALso big projects are sold to friends and family first.
Maybe PosW if they get their shit together. THey had huge blunders in the past. But it's a good concept.
We're all gonna make it, bro
thanks brah
swissbro im having a real big psychological block of selling my ven masternode :(
much appreciated
Swiss guy should provide some proof he works at a hedge. No reason to believe he does right now.
Even if he doesn't, he does seem like a knowledgeable guy you should take advice from.
Don't sell it. If you bought it cheap why would you sell it? hte ROI can be really hihg if you bought it cheap.
Any reason why you are choosing WaltonChain over VeChain?
I read online that they're partnering up with Sysco and Samsung, but idk if true.
Even if he doesn't work at a hedge his obvious knowledge gives authority and credibility.
I believe in QSP, but you're convincing me to move it into AMB instead. Is QSP too long a hold?
What are you talking about? That means he was lying to everyone. That completely changes everything. Theres no way his coin calls can be credible anymore.
i bought it relatively cheap but its a large portion of my portfolio
Perhaps DYOR after following his advice? He's opinions seem pretty legit.
Your choice really, nobody is forcing you to follow him blindly.
he already proved his calls (or maybe he got lucky)
he said ven is exhausted and to get into icx wtc amb
ven is down, the other 3 are up
he made me a lot of money so far
Am I gonna make it SwissBro?
This. I'm sick of these morons just throwing each of his calls to the side without doing any research. He told us about AMB and I researched it for like 4 hours before I was convinced. Then I checked a ton of his other calls and they look legit.
I mean I dont think his calls were bad. But im lurking in the telegram and it really doesnt seem like he works at a hedgefund. And I have no idea who the other admins are. The way he was talking about AMB in the past threads made it sound like his swiss hedge had connections and insider info to AMB.
If hes lying about being a hedge, that changes things significantly.
I think the biggest red flag for me was when he said after this year he's going to retire as a billionaire. There's no way he's cashing out that much money from crypto so soon.
larping faggot
You all will be living in switzerland in two years.
Where do you live? It's really bad advice, but you can always take a loan out for the amount your MN costs and put it in another coin. If you lose it all you can always pay it with your MN. The thing is that you most probabl wont lose it all.
Nice catcb on eve.
You can choose to believe whatever you want.
Keep in mind we cannot give personal info or post any inside info we might have blindly. That would mean jail and basicaly that we are dead meat for certain kind of projects, you do understand that, correct? But we won't lead you guys into any traps.