Buy equal parts of everything in the top 10

>Buy equal parts of everything in the top 10
>Sell when a coin leaves the top 10 and buy whatever replaced it
>Continue with this while waiting for ACTUAL mass adoption

What's so bad about this?

Should of done this at least a year ago for mad profits now.

>actually taking profits
GTFO. You're clearly doing something wrong. This is un/biz/like.

Implying we're anywhere remotely near the true value of crypto

>should of

Is this the martingale of crypto?

I'm too drunk to read this fukn wiki page, give me the tldr

Look at Crypto20 (C20) pretty sure it does this for you

>place your bet on red
>if you lose double your bet
>if you win place the starting bet
>guaranteed gains (lie)

ay I was looking at it right before I thought of this. I would LOVE to stop chasing moons and have a system I can just set and forget. However with c20 the possibility of hacking or exit scamming turns me off

>buy high sell low
Good idea OP

Nah, man, the total market cap of the top 10 will literally always go up. If I did this and bought btc now, it's not like when it leaves the top 10 I would be selling it for lower than it is right now, it would have gone up in that time.

Yeah ripple performed well recently

Holy shit this works. Maths proves it

I solved literally 20 captchas to make this post. I don't even remember what I wanted to say. What the fuck is going on?

well done You are correct

That's right, sell as soon as something drops of the top 10.
Buy high sell low goyim

>buy everything when it's -15% on coinmarketcap
>sell when +10-15%

technically it could work¿ i actually dont see how it could fail

xrp is still #3 tho

Speaking of which why is this a fucking banner? We aren't commies.
Just saw this. I am disgusted.


Try again


I wish I had done this OP, I'm probably still going to do it but I'll be looking at shitcoins too which is something I wouldn't have done in the past

>solving captchas before typing up your post
your fault

reCAPTCHA is shadow censoring

For the strategy I mentioned to be analogous to this, the market cap of the #10 spot would have to be constant.

the things that are down could keep going down forever