PoWH (PonziCoin 3.0)


The buy orders are just continuing to flow in. The thread on reddit is on front page /r/cryptocurrency and ethtrader

You are going to fucking regret not getting in the next Bitconnect.

The contract is designed to sustain itself from people selling due to the dividends. You still have plenty of time to get in before this hits mass fomo from normies and media outlets report on this unabashed ponzi blowing up.


Other urls found in this thread:




discord.gg aH4kRs

just threw 5 eth at it

already made .5 eth from putting 5 ETH in like an hour ago, and I was 3 or 4 hours late.... con confirm, is legit. Check out the discord: discord.

Just asked george soros and he told me it was a scam, steer clear boys

You do realize this will slow down as people won’t want to pay $250+ for a coin

>Currency ticker - Check.

can confirm
been here for ponzi coin 1 and 2.
This is the legit 3.0 with no preminded and no exit scams. How you ask? Read it.

mfw I didn't buy more

People were paying .64 eth for the first one, more.

This can absolutely continue until $500/coin at least.


not only were they paying .64 for a coin. People were dropping 25 eth then too

People were paying even 1.28 ETH per token in the first one. Right now PoWH is only 0.12 ETH. It's basically a steal.

This is huge, comfy at the top of the pyramid

When did you get in? I got in a few floors off the ground at 0.04

>tfw youre comfy even knowing it will crash

Holy shit, are you guys seeing this? It's receiving so many buying transaction at once that it doesn't even fit in a single page anymore. This shit will become viral by midday.

Isn't it supposed to crash eventually? Meaning if I buy now, I could lose everyhting, instead of waiting for a dip.

That's the beauty of it man. No one wants to sell because of the dividends


>putting money into a LITERAL ponzi scheme

I made 1 eth of this fucking thing. I love you retards.

most holders want it to crash so they can get dividends on the way back up and reinvest their dividends into more tokens

Just put 0.1 eth into this. I'm a poorfag so this better not be a fucking scam, Veeky Forums

Just consulted with some PhDs, this was the result

Not him, but I got in at around 0.025. Comfy at the top as well.


Reddit post at 200 upvotes. Not far from the top of the first page. Not bad at all.

You sound like the bitconnect guys.
Listen biz, this is fun and all but it is a ponzi scheme. Smart money does not invest in ponzi schemes. I threw 200$ at it, but I have a six figure portfolio. If you are truly gambling large chunks of your portfolio on this, odds are this will not end well for you. Be smart.

shoo shoo weak handed

To be fair if you got into BCC 5 hours in, you got really rich

serious question: why can't all coins be like this?

They are the real scam

Most PoS coins and 99% of masternodes are exactly like this, just obfuscated.

they already are


whats the maximum supply?

Doesn't matter since it's not meant to be a real crypto. It's just a game.

This is literally the exact way a coin works. The entire crypto market is just a grand ponzi scheme, trying to sell your shitcoins to retards so you can dump on them.

can't believe they made it THIS easy for us to make money


guys, are dividends given out by time held or amount held? many anons make the argument that if u hold during a crash you'll be rewarded by dividends

>its like 80 and nobody botheres to confirm and it just robs 80 people

Just got off the phone with igor bog, said he will pump it soon and not to trust jews.

You get dividends on dumps. Literally on the main page

Seriously. I turned .5 ETH into 1.3 ETH in like 3 hours. This is the best timeline.

0.14 now

poorfag i put in $75 and got $13 as dividends in like 6 hours, i invested it back in even though it was 3x the price. why the fuck not

This shit literally prints money.

too late for me im guessing

is it too late to get in on this lol

hell no, this thing has weeks of life

Imagine trusting a scam whose contract has the following tokens. The absolute state of crypto

How can I even x3 my money if the contract is already 500k wont it have to go to 1.5 million?

But not its not too late, I am collecting a very nice dividend so far.

>trusts scammer more

Isn't it too late now?

no the dividends are on buys only. if a lot of people sell and it crashes you're just left with bags kek

LOL its too late unless you like money

It will have to go to 1.5m for you to 2x your money.

whats the overall profit so far?

it broke 500k in 7 hours....how long until a mil?

Lol I put in $20 and already doubled my money. So mad I'm a poor fag and couldn't afford to throw in more.

No. It's only too late when it reached Youtube and Facebook.

Being that biz has already beat this dead, the climb will gradually slow down until people are fed up and sell and move on. Then I’ll by the dip

How do we spread this past the chans its not that big on reddit

id say only .000001% even know about this

Don't. Wait for the next inevitable ponzi instead, people lose interest. They'll want to FOMO into the next one.

Except when this crashes it starts over again and greedy people will FOMO and try to be the first ones in again.

This is air-tight!

set an example, forever, at just how good these can be. Dont you get it, this is the OG of the OG


The beauty of it is
no need
this one will go up and down
and you will make money both ways

due to the nature of fee every time it goes does there's more possible Ponzi coins that are able to be cashed out at any single time

therefore It cannot last forever

it goes down*


If somebody leave the contract with more money than they bought in with, then the average ammount of money per person left within the contract is less. The dividends just accelerate the rate of which money leaves the contract

People who make money are unlikely to cash back in

therefore eventually the contract will run out of money or have a bunch of bag holders that get paid minuscule fees

Every time it goes down from the profit takers the fees are split among an even larger ammount of coins and there's fees to be split among even more coins

The coin supply would not change, it stays the same, coins sold to the site are not in circulation.

the thing is, both buyin price and sell price go down when the pool goes down

Anyway yes could be wrong on my math but my point is money is leaking out the contract which is unlikely to come back in.

The price adjusting down is a nice feature but it just traps people who bought high if the price stagnants and profit takers decide to take profit and people who took profit probably wont come back

Ponzi's by definition cannot run forever thus I'm going to try and make a ponzi where money leaks out less

I only have myself as an example, but I've invested back the divs in the scheme

well yes some will but the point is some people wont, and money leaks out.

I'm going to try and think of a way to prevent money leakage will promoting money flowing in too

My current idea is to make it harder to NOT reinvest than to reinvest

maybe a lockup period of 3 days for the dividends?

Make it so if nobody invests any money in the last 24 hours, the last guy who invested got all the money left in the pot.

that's actually genius, I didn't think to incentivize later investors

> make profit on something
> conditions are back to the same again
> nah i'll skip it this time

this is actually legit (well, as legit as a ponzi could be)

solidity is a relatively easy to read javascript-like language - go read the contract and see for yourselves etherscan.io/address/0xa7ca36f7273d4d38fc2aec5a454c497f86728a7a#code

Lol this is genius. Add a dividend syste. people will literally never stop buying for all eternity

I can't explain it in detail because I haven't bought in and seen exactly where the money is going

However I do have the conceptual understanding the money that we could prevent from leaking out is going to start leaking out that won't come back in.

Once the people in the absolute top cash out, the ponzi will crash, they for sure wont invest back in.

winner winner chicken dinner

yes - once everyone's bored and money in is too slow, people will start cashing out.

Price will start tanking

More people will panic and rush to cash out

if you cash out during this panic, you lose money. If you stay in, you potentially shill harder next cycle, plus collect dividends for the rest of time

the question is, will the pumps get smaller and smaller as everyone loses interest, until the whole thing just sits dead?

It theoretically lasts forever as long as eth is around, and there's a sucker born every minute...

even if the whole thing goes dead for a while, its just sitting there as an opportunity for the next shills to come along

if there are too many ironhands tho the price never gets low enough to be worth shilling to the masses - hmmm. but, then the loss isn't so bad either

will be interesting to see what will happen.

As long as profit takers exist that won't reinvest the ponzi will eventually die, somebody has to lose.

the whole point of this is to check that question. will the world run out of suckers? will people who lose money in a ponzi still put more money into the next ponzi?

when you say:
"the ponzi will crash, they for sure wont invest back in."

you seem to be speaking of a new race of better smarter humans than the ones i know

The top of the Pyramid have the biggest profit, when they cash out there's going to be a bigger deficit between Money in and Money Out

im just thinking how we can minimize Money Out

holy shit all this larpOk guys there is an obvious lack of IQ on biz... DO NOT BUY THIS... you literal retards

Its over 900 ETH bois
holy fuck


Literally the btc killer

1128 ETH NOW


mooning over 1100 ETH


their whitepaper link is to an SEC warning on virtual ponzi schemes sec.gov/investor/alerts/ia_virtualcurrencies.pdf