Sick of you chickenshits shilling this here

Sick of you chickenshits shilling this here
Haven't seen more threads claiming moon, or wakey sneky than with this coin

Stop being delusional fucks, XLM is an anti mooner
It doesn't stay up, i don't care what the fucking project wants

Soon as people see the supply of this shitcoin they bone out.

>duhhhh developers aren't holding them user!

Sure they aren't , enjoy having 1 trillion coins floating around. Which you own 100 of , AHAHAHAHAHA faggot. You will never make it past 1.20
Screencap this, fairx will give it a boost to 80-85cents followed by crash

Look what road map did for it :) Remember what you guys said about the road map (moon imminent) LOL

Other urls found in this thread:

>mfw I too fud my own coins

nice copypasta

i like xlm, solid coin...but it tends to stay stuck. with other coins, i get scared im gonna miss a moon if i pull my funds out. but with xlm i can always return...right where i left it at +/- 1 cent

After 2 months of tanking, trading sideways then tanking again, I am dumping my XLM for ETC. I suggest you do too dickheads, this callisto fork is going to make me some bank much unlike shitcoin XLM. FUCK YOU STELLAR JEWS

lol xlm was the best coin this month.

OP confirmed faggot

I don't get this incredible OCD hateboner for XLM.
I just don't get it.

Here's where the hate boner comes from: the road map. They treated me, the investor, like a joke. Fuck xlm and fuck Jed McCaleb. I hope he gets his little Jewish cock ripped off by a werewolf

it just werks

And how is it a joke?
Is it the vagueness?
Is it the language?
The lack of specific dates (That you can dump your coins)?

Even so, it is by no means atrocious.
Stellar never made any promises it can't keep.
If you want to be a wannabe daytrading mong, then you fully deserve to stay poor

>best coin
>Down 50% from where it was last month
Whats it like getting tricked by a shill article you faggot?

>how is it a joke?
Literally one third of the road map was an actual joke

The roadmap had literally nothing in it. Calling it a roadmap is a fucking joke, and like the other user said, its a slap in the face to the investor. They would have been better off calling it "Few meaningless words on paper so nobody forgets about our pathetic shitcoin"

Name the Joke


XLM Whitepaper is the joke


Actually the only people I see in support of the road map are faggots from reddit.

And let me guess you are such a faggot
Go back to Plebbit circlejerk and stay there, you ignoble peasant

XLM is a basic coin with no redeeming factors whatsoever. When it comes to TPS its outclassed by many up and coming projects. Its DEX is shit and the competitors are better. It has no long term value. It'll jump again perhaps by as high as 100% but it will eventually die out, alongside 90% of the other coins.

After this road map xlm is officially Reddit: the coin. You see, it is you that came from reddit, not I.

Then how do you know it is Leddit's coin if you haven't been there, you larping streetshitter

It really is the worst coin. Everyone needs to sell now.

u caught me
That was me xD

I'm just spreading FUD for the gigs
I have owned XLM a few times, i have none right now and don't really plan on having any for the time being

I still hate their circulating supply tho

Because I saw the replies on Twitter shlomo. I've never been to Africa but when I see a nigger I know where they originated.

when there are billions of pajeets around the world using it, it makes sense. I like XLM because it actually revolutionizes the remittance market. a poor pajeet only needs .000001 xlm to send his shit back home, but he does that every week.

>spreadung fud over Stellar

Not going to work m8. Got in at .13 so iron hands here

I've bought xlm since about $0.12, had up to 50k of them and currently at 7500. I truly believed the $5.00 meme, and maybe some day it will be but I won't be around to see it. I don't see $2 by EOY. It's a great platform but I feel like the upside is getting played out and a lot of the other blue chips will give better overall returns.
It's appeal was that you could get a fuck ton of coins for a little $ amount, but that appeal will vanish as it goes over $1. I do feel it is safe, so it's not a shitcoin that will fuck you like TRX, but unless you already had a ton sub-.50, you aren't making it. That said, keep an eye on coins using the Stellar platform.

PS, FairX is not going to help. They've been too cute and coy with their "I've got a secret" shit so unless they launch with something really mind blowing, there will be a bigger dump than gain. They've talked themselves into minimal upside and huge potential for downside as the fan boys let their expectations run wild in the absence of any real details from FagX.

totally agree, if you get in super early i'm not hating on people holding XLM

But if you got in at 50 cents and think this is gonna become 5 dollars by EOY then kys

I'll go even further. I bought SureRemit ico on Jan 4 based solely on the Stellar name, 40k for 909 lumens which were at around 6800 sat then. They accepted USD also but I didn't want to wait for coinbase and I was so sad to give up the xlm which I thought would be $2.50 within the month. With ico bonus %, I have 56k SureRemit and if it launches at $0.02 as advertised, that's a 20x on day 1.

Oh hey it's that same dumb redditnigger that can't actually point out a single specific thing they dislike about anything. Time for some copypaste

Roadmap is live, the only people fud'ing it are 'le reddit' retards and people who bought in at ATH

Goal #1: SDEX – the Stellar Decentralized Exchange
This is our main product focus for 2018, and we’ll reveal further details on SDEX’s specific roadmap, brand, and leadership in the near future. SDEX will be the world-class front-end that our underlying technology has long deserved. It will enable on-chain, protocol-level trades for any Stellar token, and we will create liquidity to minimize spreads and maximize choice of assets. Specific niceties the SDEX implies: Day One trading for any Stellar ICO token, atomic pathfinding to discover the cheapest rates between any two assets, very low trading fees, end-user control of secret keys

For SDEX to compete with other major exchanges we will need to increase the quality and number of anchors and market-makers on our network. We continue to offer grants of up to $2M for partners in these areas. The Exchange also promotes our vision of moving more real-world assets on the blockchain. ICOs are already coming to Stellar because we’re cheap, scalable, and fast. See Mobius’s We Did It! announcement, posted just a few days ago, for their impression of our platform. In 2018, we will put significant energy into bringing a wider variety of financial instruments on to the network. SDEX will be the exchange of first resort for all Stellar tokens, and we foresee a future where, say, carbon credits, oil futures, and the latest digital asset are all traded together—cheaply and quickly.

Secondary Product Objective: Better Ecosystem Support
We recognize that our platform is only as useful as the tools built on top of it. As noted, we’re seeing more interest in Stellar than ever before, from randos and !randos alike, and we want to make sure it’s easy for anyone to begin building on our network. We need a robust and informed community of developers and entrepreneurs alongside us to become a global financial protocol.

In 2018, we plan:better overall brand communication, more implementation walk-throughs to help people get going, better technical documentation, including release notes, continued improvement to our Horizon API and the surrounding SDKs. We will also continue to award lumens, via the Stellar Build Challenge, to people and businesses who contribute to our ecosystem.

Goal #2: Lightning Network on Stellar
Technology has always been the strongest part of the Stellar story, and we will make it even stronger in 2018. We’ve noted the market demand for more private channel transactions on Stellar, and we will integrate the Lightning Network in 2018. For those of you unfamiliar with Lightning, this Vice piece is a decent introduction: WTF is the Lightning Network and Will It Save Bitcoin? Of course, unlike Bitcoin, Stellar doesn’t need “saving” . . . we’re just going from a good place to an even better one.

Lightning will have a huge positive effect on Stellar’s long-term scalability and security. We’ve been aware of Lightning’s potential for Stellar for a while, and we’ve recently collaborated with Stellar advisor and Bitcoin Core developer Jeremy Rubin to optimize our implementation.