Enough of your bullshit Jewish coins. I want a coin approved by Hitler himself.
Enough of your bullshit Jewish coins. I want a coin approved by Hitler himself
Sieg Heil brother.
Hitler here. I only approve one coin, and that is BNT token
You must go back to /pol/
Reichblocks. Blood crypto.
Normies are literally going out of their ways to buy this shit. Get rekt, BZC is the only one they'll buy for fun.
WE Veeky Forums NOW
>Enough of your bullshit Jewish coins. I want a coin approved by Hitler himself.
>approved by Hitler himself
And you’ll still be dumb white trash.
shitskins have no merit here. Go back to your dirt home
Lamden ist zir übermensch
Finally, tell us fuhrer which coin will make Veeky Forums great again?
It's in the works user. Trust me.
I hate jews and niggers but I hate /pol/tards just as much. If dubs OP dies the next time he's in a car
I will I'll him for you
Reminder that the guy in the video was sent to prison, because (((hatespeech))) is illegal in yuropistan.
Do you know nothing about Hitler? He'd approve of the Jewish coins, just not allow the Jews to own them, he'd simply transfer control and ownership to suit himself.
Aryan approved science
can i actually make money from this piece of garbage
>Star of David
Hitler hated speculation, he would literally have made crypto illegal and send all you miserable larpers to prison camps.
Many already have, why would they be shilling something that doesn't make money?
No, he would institute a national crypto scheming organisation to scheme away all the crypto away from the internationalists. Crypto is a tool of power like anything else. Hitler didn't disband the armed forces just because the (USA) also had an army, did he?
Filthy anglo, Hitler wanted everyone to have pride in their nationalistic/cultural identity
Hitler would either make his own blockchain or ban it
Im aware, but the shitskins here are anti-nationalism
but lets face the turth. Dont you ever dream of conquering some shitskins land? Murdering all their warriors and discovering their ancient goods?
ARY its the Aryan coin. kys
But the fucker is dead and you should be too.
Tfw the holocaust never happened but you wish it would happen again
Thank you for that borther
Kek, I hold 1,488 HTLR
Enigma is a jewcoin. Classic subversion.
>muh labor backed currency
Man Hitler was such a commie it's not even funny.