Newfag here, I've got $1500 to invest. here is what I am thinking of doing:

newfag here, I've got $1500 to invest. here is what I am thinking of doing:

$750 ETH - lowest risk, steady gains
$200 XLM - low risk, steady gains
$200 VEN - medium risk, high reward, long term
$150 HPB - high risk, high reward, long term
$100 HST - high risk, high reward, long term
$100 LINK - extremely high risk with almost 0 chance of reward

how does that look? am I overdiversified?

Other urls found in this thread:

>all those shitcoins

all you need is NEO (especially with conference soon).. NEO is literally a god coin not sure why you would have none

and XLM which is going to 5x end of feb desu

100% RXP

I'll look into it

>falls for the diversification meme
Do some fucking research and go all in on one token, you cuck

ETH is nice
XLM maybe
VEN is nice
LINK is exactly as you described
HST is kinda cool, i personally don't think it's gonna take off but I've been wrong before
You might want to consider OMG for long term

Pretty much this

thanks Veeky Forums

no, I'm not a retarded gambler, I'm trying to make money

HST and OMG are fantastic holds

I know you won't listen, but look back at this post and remember how I told you to go all in on XRB for at least the next two months. Good luck user

>thinks researching and investing in order to maximize gains is the same thing as gambling
the absolute state of /biz
Go ahead, buy ETH and enjoy your 10% gains, newfag. Don't listen to sound advice.

Link with almost no chance of reward... LMAO
Please don't invest in Link poorfag.
We don't want/need you.

That's a retarded mindset. Just go 100% into eth then. Guaranteed 3-5x before the end of the year.

>researching crypto
It's like researching numerology to pick the right lottery number

>10% gains

>up almost 20% over last week

VEN is at the lowest it'll be for a long time. Depending on how long you plan to hold, it could be very lucrative. With $1500 I wouldn't diversify too much though. I'd say go all in on one or maybe two. ETH / VEN 50/50?

Oh shit no way, 20%? So cool. I take everything back.

go $500 into eth $500 into whatever and $500 into flipping shitcoins

>has 1500$
>diversifies like he's fucking Bill Gates
the poor stay poor

Dint waste your time with XLM. In the rare event it doesnt go cunt up after bagholders finally have enough and dump epically, you will be holding this shit for at least 2 years, watching it go nowhere while everything around it moons. Stay away nigger

It's really not
I've been in crypto since before ETH was a thing, I can guarantee you that proper research is all you need to make your millions in this market

I am now thinking just ETH / VEN / XLM. And I'll keep my eye out for shitcoins to flip


good choices

also this
500$ into ETH is your cuck safe bet
500$ into "whatever" means a good coin with medium-long term potential (OMG, ARK, etc.)
500$ into shitcoins/ICOs could easily turn into 10000$ and then you have an amount that you can actually diversify or go all in on something if you're sure about it

go 50% in on Proof of Weak Hands coin

you won't regret it

put all your money in eth and don't even look at a computer for a year

I own all of these bags besides hst so I approve

WTC will double your money in 2-3 weeks TOPS

Any tips for researching that you don't see circulating much? I'm pretty new myself but every retard and his dog is trying to shill a coin whenever I try to dmyr. Obvious things like whitepapers + team pedigree + cap and volume are good to look at, but outside of recognizing scamcoins I still wouldn't be confident enough to go all in on one coin because I'm still not sure.

Dot listen to Veeky Forumslets . Going all in is retarded

You don't have to go all in on one coin and forget about it. Just swing with your entire weight until you get to 30-40k. Diversification makes sense after that point. Not before.
Consider these 4 questions for identifying assets
1. What does the coin try to achieve?
2. Is blockchain needed?
3. Is the token useful?
4. How good is the roadmap/marketing?

Good luck, user. Atleast you're thinking before throwing money around.

I think you should deversify more you faggot.
Put a dime in every crypto and be done with it.

As that guy from Monero said, most of these "companies" only do ICOs because they would be laughed out the door if they tried to raise VC money. The research is basically trying to figure it out which of these companies would even have a chance at VC money. This is one of the reasons that I prefer coins that already raised money outside of ICO. If some retarded investor saw something there, there might actually be something. You need to know how startups work and how they are valued. There's plenty of info online.

Another tip is to read the official announcement thread on Bitcointalk. That's the place where shit projects get BTFO. If you want to invest in something but then you see issues raised in the official thread, issues that were not addresed, then you are looking at a shitcoin.
That's the fundamentals. It basically guarantees that you didn't buy a shitcoin and that maybe it will surive long-term. It doesn't guranatee that you will make millions. The prices raise due to hype 90% of the time. If you're the type of guy that chases pumps, disregard the first part of my post and look at what's hyped. It's probably an easier way to make money if you time it right.

50% ethereum

and youll be good.

Stop with the biz shitcoins already.

Thanks heaps for the response. The whitepapers if well written can give me a feel for the first 3 points, but I might focus on that more and trying to compare coins to ones which can compete. Marketing is something I haven't been looking hard enough I have started to realize - which is pretty dumb of me because a lot of moons line up with them. Ah well. More things to add to the notes.

Another tip, which I believe might be the most important one. Most of these companies treat user adoption as a second thought because they are so far away from a working product. User adoption is the most important thing and it's by far the hardest. This is where 90% of them will fail. If during your research you believe that one of these companies will compete with a giant in the industry and user adoption will be hard, go on Slack, Discord, Reddit, whatever, and ask the team what their plan is. If the answer is something along the lines: "we'll figure it out" or "users will come cause they will love the tech", you should probably GTFO fast cause they are retarded.

If they promise they will beat Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc. it's most likely a retarded team that has no clue wtf they're talking about.

Here's a good example (not shilling): people shit on ARK cause they don't do marketing, but ARK does hackatons, conferences, talks with developers, etc. like no other company. What this does for user adoption long-term is 100x more powerful than a shitty Facebook campaign that goes "lol buy our coin so that neets on biz can dump on you".

TLDR: Always look at user adoption and try to judge how hard/easy it will be and what the plan is.

And thanks for your response too dude. Yeah, I feel pretty weird about ICOs so I have avoided them for more established stuff. I know that people can get insane gains off of ICOs but theres just not enough info to work with most of the time, so it seems like for every 1 guy who makes it theres like 9 who ends up sucking cock for cash. Ill definitely try to work the bitcointalk announcements tip into my routine though. I've been on there a couple of times but mostly when looking up specific coins.

my pick

it work retroactively as well, not just when it comes to ICOs. Say you want to invest in a 100 million $ market cap coin.
You go to Bitcointalk, read the announcement thread (60+ pages usually) and see how hard it was BTFO there during ICO. If the conclusion is that it was BTFO pretty hard, then it was a shit coin that somehow still managed to get to 100 million due to hype/advertising on other channels, etc.

Buy GRID+ instead

Exactly-- people who tell you diversification is stupid are definitely deluded by survivor bias. The guy who's telling you this-- is his track record 100% perfect? If not, consider that if his very first investment had been one of his mistakes, he may not have survived to try again a second time.
Also, I get the sense that the "diversification is stupid" perspective is a minority perspective in crypto. The traders on Bitcointalk often seem diversified to an absurd degree, so that's another extreme, but you're smart not to put all of your money on a single coin.

wait until the next round of futures expire and buy that dip. You could probably pick up some cheap monero or ripple instead of the riskier ones

As of last week, I'm up over 100,000%
Clients I invest for are all atleast 10x from their initial position
I don't make anyone diversify until they cross atleast 30k in portfolio value
>muh delusion

>muh LARPing

at least make your larp believable

>low risk
Why is Veeky Forums filled with morons?

>I'm not a retarded gambler
>invests into crypto currency

Yes you are.

4 years, 1000x - unbelievable? Okay.

Buy ronpaulcoin

You mention clients-- since you're a professional, I'm sure you wouldn't mind taking on some new clients right now. More money for you, right? If not LARPing, post your info. Maybe you'll make a new client tonight, could even be a high roller

>I make my clients go all in
fuck off faget

you won't make any money by diversifying 1.5k user find a nice project and join their ico and enjoy an easy 5-10x minimum

>sharing personal identity information on Veeky Forums
I'm not that hard to find on plebbit/linkedin (I've made similar claims backed by wallet addresses and tx history screenshots), come find me there if you are really interested.
Else kys

If you wanted us to find you you'd just post some more specific info. No one could possibly find you based on what you've given us here.
LARP confirmed

appreciate the advice guys.

It's a shame too, cos I'd be willing to offer a decent cut of my profits to have my portfolio run by someone with a 100% success rate... if it wasn't a LARP that is...

Only diversify once you're over 10k man man. Otherwise stick to 2 coins before that. for easy 2x

Or sit on your bags for months

an excellent asset risk allocation.
30% BTC/ETH/LTC low risk
40% Mid cap pick, OMG, ZEC mid risk, 2 at 20%
20% 4 different long shot shitcoins at 5% each.

holy fuck source?
image search comes up with nothing

Pick two coins and go all in faggot

$1500 eth
Then throw 1/3 of that eth into powh
I shouldn't fud xlm because I got heavy bags, but I just read this article yesterday and I don't want Veeky Forumsbros to get stuck
tl;dr: jed mccaleb is fucking insane, but do yourself and read the article, really speaks a lot to the incestuous relationships in crypto
money skeleton seems the only one relatively above this stuff, and even he is far from a saint

>someone with a 100% success rate
you're not gonna make it champ