>Gaining in sats
>Losing in USD
Why did i ever listen to corecucks...
Gaining in sats
ever wonder why alts sell off when btc makes a run?
Get with the times grandpa, everything is measured in wei now.
Day trade and people who take refuge in the rally.
>btc goes back into bull run
>you make even more money because your btc stack is bigger
This is what makes me wonder why people measure in SATS
>gaining in sats AND dollars
Who /comfy/ here?
Lol so measuring in sats is only useful since everyone assumes BTC will always go up and never down? What a stupid reason
newfag detected
>being this retarded
remember, when you see someone in the street. chances are they are sometimes like this guy. Literally fucking retarded.
>Not measuring your gains in GRLC
>not measuring your gains in Yen so you can know how many Chinese prostitutes you can afford
Measuring in sats is only useful because Bitcoin is the only crypto that matters and every other altcoin is just a worthless token for you to trade with the goal of ultimately increasingly your bitcoin stack.
If you believe otherwise you're a tremendous newfaggot and don't deserve what meager gains you'll make before losing it all because you're too emotionally attached to your worthless shitcoin to sell at the right time.
>listening to corecucks
Why would you ever do that? BTC is going to be irrelevant soon enough and all the sats in the world won't buy you a used pair of gumboots.
>being this reddit
This is good OP, wtf
Just hold and u will be fine and make even more money if only USD were going up
t. also losing usd but gaining sats
You obviously just found your way here from r/bitcoin, why don't you fuck off back there?
You obviously just crawled out of roger vers anal cavity, why dont you try and run your own node cashie?
Says the faggot who heard about crypto in 2017 and thinks his opinions have any merit, lmao. I've been following crypto since early 2013, not my fault you're too retarded to know the truth when you read it.
>sometimes competing currencies out perform each other
You can't explain that!
Yeah nah, I'm only interested in cryptos that are seeing real world adoption.
>muh btc
You have literally no rational argument for why a legacy coin will continue to dominate except for "muh brandname recognition". The writing is on the wall gramps.
>running non-mining nodes
>Bitcoin is the only crypto that matters
You're an amateur buddy. I single handedly hold jihan "centralised" wu at bay because i put 20% of btc gains into rasberry pi nodes. I currently have one running in my minibar so it operates at optimum temperature and one in a farraday cage in my mums basement. If jihan ever tries to centralise my btc ill see him and ill go straight to r/bitcoin to let everyone know. Wait till we lower the blocksize making it even more expensive to transact locking in the btc price
measuring in sats is useful because its buying power in the market
or do you exclusively trade usdt pairings and keep all your profit there?
what am i reading
Mining is centralised garbage, why dont you read the whitepaper
Cant wait till the best developers in the world change bitcoin to proof of stake so i can permanently lock my wealth away in digital gold
Because bitcoin is the only one that matters, that there is a significant difference between an innovator and thousands of competitors attempting to look tall by standing on the shoulders of a giant, because the smartest people in the space are working on bitcoin in the largest numbers, because of the way network effects and scale work, because bitcoin is largely the only crypto right now that has the daily liquidity to support institutional-level trading, because bitcoin is the only cryptocurrency that has actual centrally-cleared futures contracts offered by the leading derivatives firms, and a whole laundry list of other reasons
>you're too emotionally attached to your worthless shitcoin
>Always go back to bitcoin
You see the irony here,bud?
>because the smartest people in the space are working on bitcoin in the largest numbers
Is this a joke or do you really think that? How can you not see that describes ethereum to a t?
>less centralized than PoW
Oh yeah my bad, Rupees
It literally is, PoW has infinite economies of scale. Meaning the guaranteed end result is one miner.
PoS has no economies of scale once you earn enough from staking that the cost of running a node is a rounding error.
You probably believe in an unbroken chain of digital signatures you brainwashed cashie. Just wait until core redistributes the satoshi coins amongst the true hodlers. Youll have no price protection while we will be protected by the trusted hubs of the lightning network
absolutely based comment
It's also why ASIC-resistant coins are a meme. People will always try to gain efficiency and ASICs are the end-game of efficiencies.
>BCore cucks actually believe this
Get with the times gramps. This isn't
>Bitcoin is the only crypto that matters
fuck off Eth is the way forward. If this bubble doesn't pop then Eth or a LTC based coin will be what everyone uses day to day and BTC will be the crypto equivalent of gold. Used to storage wealth. Something with such high transaction fees as BTC will never stay #1
Did they ever lie to you?
I measure in eth
It would be ironic if bitcoin wasn't objectively the first and most important of all the cryptocurrencies, basically having given birth to all these retarded offspring that frolic around now.
I'm not a fan of having a single objective autistic face for your currency, doubly so when ETH is far more prone to all kinds of issues related to their smart contract shit where millions of dollars worth of ETH is constantly being destroyed or stolen through either criminal activities or sheer negligence
>No one gives a fuck about 2 hour transaction times and $50 fees
So how much does ver pay you to spread this complete and utter bullshit? Or are you actually that fucking retarded?
Bitcoin is sub 10 minutes depending when you get in and like $1 at the moment. LEARN TO USE BITCOIN YOU BRAINLET CUNT
>doubly so when ETH is far more prone to all kinds of issues related to their smart contract shit where millions of dollars worth of ETH is constantly being destroyed or stolen through either criminal activities or sheer negligence
Freedom inevitably means more ways to hurt yourself. You don't have to use smart contracts you don't trust.
These arguments are ironic because they are a carbon copy of arguments for the nanny state.