Cracked GunBot XT

I bought this since it was 10x cheaper than the official. It passed my virus scans and has been profitable for the past 2 weeks. Enjoy.

looks better than profittrailer, easy to use?

It’s pretty simple. Lots of tutorials on youtube if you can’t figure it out though

>pic related
was literally going to buy this next week

What's it gonna take for one of you hackers to sell the thing for 0.001 btc?? You'd make more money that way. Everyone on the board would buy at that price.

op is based

>pajeet detected

Aren't satoshibox links banned?

>mfw I already made the .01 back

how much are you working with>?

ill buy if you can post some legitimate proof that the link is real

I put .25 in a throwaway account, so not bad

Search the catalog, this shit is here every night.

running it on binance

op deserves a cold one

that pic doesnt prove anything......

nice, profittrailer sucks dick with binance

yah gunbot > profittrailer

stay poor pajeet

can i use this bot on tradesatoshi?

lol thats not even binance...

I would assume so, but I don’t use that site

report the spam and move on

Binance is running underneath clown

ok just bought 100k

>giving a cracked software API access to your exchange account

you need to be a special kind of retard to do something this stupid

The trading method Gunbot uses is described on the forum post, so anyone can copy the method for free. It also warns you that Gunbot is meant to be used in non-trending markets, so it's a terrible idea to use it now.


Say bye to your exchange funds quicker than you can say Satoshi

>it's a terrible idea to use it now.
Kek. Amateurs. I'm using it to get rid of bags using the Double Up method. Need quite a bit of capital but it works a treat

stop bumping the thread and report, you retards
>1 post by this id