good time to get in? or good time to get out?
Good time to get in? or good time to get out?
Other urls found in this thread:
LINK is the most undervalued cryptocurrency of 2018, buy
buy le dip
*dumps bags*
*link goes to 30 cents immediately after op buys*
If you have to ask, get out.
Anyone with half a brain understands the potential of Link and we are all holding long term.
Yeah buddy, sell weeks before mainnet release and product testing
MOBIUS replaced link
look at the fud linkies throw at it, they fear it
LINK is one of the most reasonable valued crypto right now. Partnership with Factom and Zeppelin OS, SIBOS award winner, these should be worth $0.70, so the price of LINK is just right.
LINK will survive the coming Tether storm, because it was not overpumped.
>Bitcoin goes up
Link goes down
>Bitcoin goes up
Link Goes down
>main net is released
Link Dumps into pajeet abyss
Not selling till 2022
T. 10k link
>Bitcoin goes down
Link Goes down***
I need sleep
It’s the opposite faggot. Even if other coins are extremely overvalued link will pump just as hard as all other coins and will probably stay out of top 100 even in a massive market crash. This is why overpumping coins is better and LINK should be $5 by now at least.
*Dump as hard
Fellas what do you think the long term price will actually be on link?
I've seen estimates from $10 to millions.
Say 2023, five years from now.
Link 1000 dollars eoy no exceptions
Waiting for Adex to pump before I dump it all into link
1 to 5 dollars
Got a link for the news about Factom partnership? I've been obsessively theorizing about Link and Factom seemed like the most chad combo out there. If it's true, god damn.
>Partnership with Factom and Zeppelin OS, SIBOS award winner, these should be worth $0.70, so the price of LINK is just right
These things alone should have put Link in the top 10 already.
Stop shilling,want to buy more next month
It literally is a high iq barrier token
Now is the PERFECT time to completely stop talking about Link.
linkies are absolutly retarded newfags