>Dumping 50 Eth into something is considered whale territory now
Wait, are you people serious? So... I'm a whale now? I literally live with my mom and refuse to buy any property here because it's so expensive.
>Dumping 50 Eth into something is considered whale territory now
Wait, are you people serious? So... I'm a whale now? I literally live with my mom and refuse to buy any property here because it's so expensive.
Other urls found in this thread:
LOL no 50k is not whale
Anyone who isn't living the lifestyle of a poorfag (living at home or living in a hovel with no car eating ramen every day) and has over $50k free to invest is pretty goddamn rich, yes.
for coins with 100k day volume it is
Oh cool! I am rich then I guess... Big bawler!
You don't live at home or under shitty circumstances?
nope, 70k in crypto, profiting as a solo indie game dev living with my dad rent free. Somewhat Passive income from steemit.
Only catch is I am 38 right now. Only excuse is that I chose to give indie game dev a shot and my crypto is making me feel a tad cocky so I said fuck it and take a risk.
I am flopping on the indie game dev side, kind of, but my crypto is continuing to sky rocket. So its like, I cant tell if I am a complete waste of a human or if I am doing well. I work my ass off though every day and night. Fucked up my sleeping habbits beyond any degree of being a normal human. lol
I don't feel rich. And if crypto keeps going up it will be a funny story semi embarrassing story.
>living with my dad rent free
That qualifies as "living at home".
hilarious if true
Whats the connotations on that? I am not aware.
If I was my dad I would be charging fucking rent. But I think my dad is cooler than I am on that front.
It means you have not had any expenses related to home ownership; down payment when you bought it, years of mortgage payments, upkeep, (presumably) heating&electricity, property taxes, etc.
You'd blow through your 70k pretty quickly if you bought a decent house.
You wouldn't invest more than 5% of your networth in one go unless you were a retard, so dumping 50 eth implies you have at least 1000 eth and likely more than that. Being a millionaire is pretty whaleish, yeah
>inb4 "i put all my wagebux into xrb and now i'm a millionaire, i ain't retard"
Getting lucky doesn't make you any less of a retard. Take the same risks over 10 years and come out a billionaire, and we'll talk.
>Whats the connotations on that? I am not aware
Agreed, I have no idea how to think of myself. I got bored with my career and needed change. Realized my crypto just keeps going up. Said fuckit and started my own business basically. My game sells 5 copies a day on average. LOL
I will say though, if my game does get 10k sales it will lambo me. And if Steem gets to $50 then I will be doing way too well... Leaving my job and moving back with my dad was probably the best choice I could have made?? LOL
I have NO FUCKING IDEA how this will pan out. No idea, I am not rich though.
50 eth is a lot to the shitton of pajeets shilling their scamcoins around here so they can get more rupees
I never want a house. I move around too much. My last job interview was Sweden but I decided fuck that. I like not having strings.
This, that amount can be move the price of a low cap quite a bit.
Hey, your game and your crypto could both blow up and make you filthy rich, who knows.
I'm just saying that if you live a non-poorfag lifestyle (owning a house, car, ...) AND have enough reserve cash that you can comfortably risk $50k on something like crypto, that makes you pretty god damn rich.
However, if you live the poorfag lifestyle (living with parents, no real fixed expenses, ...) then not only is it easier to accumulate something like $50k, but it's also a lot easier to risk pretty much all of the net worth you have since you don't need to have much money in reserve.
I mean whats the difference. Living at home or living with my dad rent free? What difference does it make?
"Living at home" implies living with your parents, your dad is a parent.
dump those eth into zer on cryptopia please
Some of us don't put all our money into the internet to buy meme internet money.
Sure, "Qualifies as living at home"
Why point it out then? Did it seem like I said something else? Living with Dad rent free -> "Qualifies as living at home" well, yeah. I don't understand why it was pointed out.
nevermind I suck at reading I got it now.
he's just jelly that he's not saving as much as you and he's too embarrassed to actually go through with it because of what people may think.
In this post I said you were rich if you had €50k to blow on crypto if you didn't live at home.
You replied to this post with "I am rich then I guess", even though you did live at home.
I even explicitly asked you "You don't live at home?" here: and you said "nope".
But you do live at home, so having $50k (or $70k) under those circumstances doesn't really make you rich, since that's about how much you'd have to pay as down payment for a house, and that's just the start.
It is pointed out for clarity so we have confirmation that you are a faggot
Eth was like 30 cents each back when it came out. Can't believe so few people here bought any when we were shilling it on here under all of the bullshit fleabay and robinhood threads.
But yes, a million doesn't buy you a lot here in Commiefornia. I'm not gonna withdraw it just to buy some shitty house in a market that's 90% debt.
Need something to dump it in?
powhcoin.co m/
Yeah I am an idiot. Got it.