0.3ETH ez in 12 hours. Coin just launched 12 hours ago.
Europe is just waking up – DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BY THE MORNING
this shit is unreal, the FOMO on this will be higher than any other project before. when people start posting pictures of their returns in a few days shit shit is going stratospheric. already 2x off dividends ALONE.
other thread got triple trips... we are beyond blessed for this RN
Fuck I hate myself for ignoring the shills for so long. Oh well, I'll still get a near 10x
how can i buy
When do u plan to cash out lads?
I only bought in an hour ago and already made $36 in dividends lol
is the only way to buy it really through their dodgy wallet?
nigga you can interact with the smart contract directly if you wanted to
I bought already and made x2 my investment in dividends alone!!
someone just dumped 99eth into it.....
I dream about owning 99ETH and this dude just casually dumps it in and gets 500+ coins
>inb4 this is one of the suicidal anons who decided to go all or nothing
Last ponzi was 1eth, it’s the target prce shilled on discord too. We’re still early
you must have put in a lot of ETH...
not at all I made over 100 in div in an hour only put in 1k
guyz i put in 99 eth sorry it's not more i'm too poor :(
sorry for being a fucking retard, in the event of the site going down, do you just send 0 eth with the additional data and no address?
did you get in super early then? i don't understand. I got in at $90 a PoWHCoin, and I've not even reached $100. I put in 0.45 ETH
wtf does it even matter how much eth you put in? i don't think that even plays into the dividends you get, does it?
so confused.
Dividends scale with the amount of PoWH you're holding.
theres a function you need to input, its called sellmycoinsdaddy, theres instructions on the site to withdraw from the contract even if the site's offline. another reason why blockchain is perfect
I've been away, have any significant cash-outs been made yet or has it been a constant upward trajectory thus far?
that makes sense. at what point did you buy in? jw.
Looking at the contract there have been a bunch of small withdrawals. I'm quite worried about what the whales will do when they reach a nice profit.
This isn’t going to stop is it desus
Doubles every three hours at current trajectory
0.30 powh im i going to make it poor user just woke up saw 1m instant buy wtf
I’m assuming if whales dump, people capitalize on cheap prices and it goes back up, meanwhile we still collect dividends.
That’s my best guess
it will be bigger than btc in 1 week
I didn’t want to believe it until I saw that you can buy .001 of a coin. Poorfag oasis
are the dividents going to the powh ballance?
how long can this possibly go for? considering putting in more ETH...
50eth dropped in
Why can't this literally go forever?
It could go on forever. The price just adjusts when there are cashouts so we'll probably just start all over again. Whether or not we will still have the same steam after the first major sell-off I have no idea. If anything you will continue gaining divies anyway
There's 1,000 ETH in the contract, only 97,279 ETH exist
It could go on forever, people will just continue to sell and then reinvest, dropping the price and then renewing it. It's like pumps and dips on the market, except in ponzi form
Market is already a Ponzi tho
discord link sir please?
and do you suppose it's worth it to put more in right now?
are you retarded
No, there are about 100m eth
Absolutely. I see this doing a x100+ if this goes viral.
>is this a scam
lmao you memer's are really something
How will this look on a bank statement? How can I say I sold when my coin is a literal ponzi scheme?
fuck im scared of my willingness to actually do it
Stagnation will lead to sell-offs.
I'm considering that myself. I already have some ETH in so I might wait until the first major dip. If you aren't in already you have to make that decision yourself. To be honest you're probably in the middle/almost tail end of this ponzi so you have to figure out if it's worth it. If I wasn't already in I'd probably fomo at this point but give it a good consideration. IMO the whales are a bit disheartening because, as in the market, they can manipulate the price to an extent by buying and selling large quantities.
Did anyone here cash out or are we just assuming that there will be no problems?
its anonymous senpai
11 am, off to wagecucking. stfu.
exactly why I take zero advice from this board, its just fun shitposting.
I just cashed out my dividends, it works. It will show up in the "internal transactions" tab.
Yeah I was thinking so, does that mean, the owners are collecting the money being put. Is there any one good at reading smart contracts who can confirm that this eth actually remains in the contract and is not going to someone elses purse?
If you look at the smart contract there have been a lot of withdrawals which have completed. There have also been people in these threads saying they've got their divies successfully.
I was terrified of going in earlier. Missed an AMAZING chance. Said "Fuck it, it can't go higher" while I was messing with Meta Mask.
Little did I know, I accidentally went all in and only noticed 30 minutes later when I wanted to buy a different coin. It was an amazing mistake.
It's not hard to read
> I cashed out divs, no problems whatsoever
> I've seen others cash out their whole stash
> pussies
> but it's legit, you'll get your money back
> and hookers will pay YOU for blow jobs
how to chashout dividents only? does it go in powh ballance or what?
If that wasn't the case, there wouldn't be 1000+ ETH in.
I actually had an idea like this a while back. Glad someone actually did it. My hands are adamantine, so I'm going in.
Holy shit is this trending topic?
Glad I bought some
She shilling here is orchestrated as fuck.
Any Veeky Forumstard that has been around a while will see this, but I hope the newfags dont get caught up in this shit.
Just do your research guys, never buy a Veeky Forums shill.
Unironically edited out Rhonda Rousey.
i bought a few hours ago at 90, put in 50 bucks. got 200 back. pretty easy money for a poor boy lik me
kek ok dude.
we seriously need flags on this board, the shitposting is getting out of hand recently.
>yfw you wake up and check POWH's price
I have a confesssion to make
I thought the devs made a solid contract and they did. What I didn’t anticipate was the sheer fomo of this and the fact that you can buy .001 of a fuckin coin.
After fudding it a little bit, I put it together and said
Fuck it, threw it .5 eth for the fuck of it.
Let’s go boys
Confused me too. When you click on "sell powhcoins", it gives you a choice between cashing out your dividends and selling your powhcoins to your dividends balance. Just cash out your dividends and it's coming straight to your wallet.
Guess it's time to forget about this till I see posts that it's crashing so I can buy more lel
Good luck man and thank you for your contribution.
You really want to go to bed with you money in there?
It's the definition of a Pyramid.
Jesus, they blatantly get you to shill new members. And the value is generated only by new people putting money in and that money is distributed.
How fucking thick do you need to be?
Everybody already knows what this is you knob end, the website explicitly explains how it works. You're not a genius for realizing an obvious and blatant ponzi scheme is indeed a ponzi scheme. Get your head out of your ass and let us have our fun.
Fucking lol it’s literally called a Ponzi, they are telling you “this is a scam” right before you buy in. Yes, it’s a fucking ponzi moron congrats for figuring it out
Considering these schemes are illegal in plenty of countries, it's not a great idea to 'invest' in them.
What happens when the network just gets shutdown, website gone, your money gone?
Keep it
The >reserve doesn't mean shit besides the thing going up/down more drastically as more people pitch in/pull out
And at 100+eth in, it's really toned down
You do know we can cash out at any time, right? and if the website disappears the smart contract will still exists and we have been given explicit instructions on how to make a withdrawal directly through the smart contract.
How did you even find out about crypto if you're so risk averse?
I will keep it, thank you
What’s the difference between this and crypto.
They’re both the same thing, both pyramid schemes. Who fucking cares. This contract actually has foundation. I didn’t beleive it first, take it from me
>Assumes there is no killswitch on the contract.
Good luck with that.
>hasn't read the contract
Wasu wasu wasu POWHCOIN!
Jesus. Just admit you're wrong and fuck off.
it doesnt let me fucking buy!!! Why??? it says insufficient funds while I have eth... FUCK
leave some for gas cost you tard
this you? lmao
If this stays big when America wakes up it's off to the races!!!!
Warning: Money is going out faster than going in.
How can you tell?
You're not making the mistake of seeing people cashing out their dividends and thinking it's people casing our their tokens, are you?
yeah like when everyone bought the bitconnect dip i seriously hope everyone in this thread dies
Look at the ETH balance.
Told you.
People deserve their own fates.
Oh look it's crashing.
Proof of Weak Hands indeed.
how do i cash out... lol.