Alright, Veeky Forums, you got me

Alright, Veeky Forums, you got me

This contract actually sounded quite intelligently designed and the shilling here was, how should I put it.. simply overwhelming

I just dropped 1 ETH into this at pic related price, right at 5:00 AM EST. Got me 4.4 of these bloody coins.

Half of me already feels like I just lit a grand on fire. Part of me just wants to see what's going to happen. All of me is pissed that this shit really got me to put money in.

Other urls found in this thread:

bro I am so fucking happy lol tonight has been the best night of gains after this fucking bear market.. omg what a fucking BREATH OF FRESH AIR WHEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW LAD

It'll peak at 3 ETH in 2 days, congrats on ur free money

honestly this!

No lol it will peak when the whales decide to dump and you’ll be left holding bags like always

Dude it was suppose to be for fun, why you got to make this shit emotional?

>Listening to shills on Veeky Forums
You realize you're a fucking retard right? They're shilling it because they've been retards and bought in so they're trying to break even and get rid of their bags.
You deserve to lose that grand for being such a dumb nigger.


normies get out

>they've been retards and bought in so they're trying to break even and get rid of their bags.
>You deserve to lose that grand for being such a dumb nigger.

So I expected, only issue is that I have already made quite a bit of money and it's been 15 minutes...

>not understanding how the contract works
>posting fud that makes no sense

so... can I basically not sleep until this is over?

OP wtf are you doing it was a joke not to be taken seriously with 1 grand

Same boat as you, I watched it grow and grow and thought it would stop but it didn’t. I fomo’d in .5 eth. Fuck it

Look at the order book. People are starting to cash out.

Do I pull the trigger, anons? Made 9 ETH.

not yet faggot, i need to cash out

There are 2 cashouts for every buy now. Fuck it, boys. We had a good run, I'm out.

Sorry OP.


3:1 cash out to buy ratio

>not flexing your iron hands and waiting for the second pump

Should have thought of that before you bought in late.

I've been looking at the contract address all night. This is the first major sell-off.

Weak hands leaving ship. I'm happy with my 9 ETH.

could you describe what exactly you're looking at?

Lots of cashouts and only tiny amounts coming in now, which means it's going down.

How can you know when people cash out?


Value = 0 means cashout.

>Proof of weak hands

The cashout wave is going to be epic, can't wait to buy the dip.

we keep growing lol chill

Look at contract address yourself, you god damn faggot.

Okay, that's what I thought. I'm not quite seeing 3:1 sell-offs. Not even close

Wave 2 when America wakes up

these niggers saying cashout but everytime i refresh its up another 2k... show me the actual cashouts faggot i only see like 50 in pending trasactions every second holy fuck.. the whales know something dont fucking sleep

eth in the contract still going up
its people taking out their dividents you idiots

Okay, that's what I thought. I'm not quite seeing 3:1 sell-offs, though. Not even close

I`m out happy with my 8x
Will be waiting to buy the dip tho this shit is so much fun

>It costs 0.23 ETH for each token now
>Those cashing out bought in early, which means they have lots of tokens
>People buying in now are only buying for tiny amounts (0.1-0.6)

Jesus christ. If you don't understand that it's going to go down now, there's no wonder you decided buy in at the top of a pyramid scheme.

If it shrinks a bit we get larger dividends, America is asleep, please sell now.

I’m in America and I just cashed out. This is going to get wild really fast

>I'm not quite seeing 3:1 sell-offs

How about now? Look at it again.


lmao it's over good run boys


Looks like I sold the top, right?

Tried to warn you.


You did warn me. Thanks user~

There's a queue. You get to withdraw at 0.1.

How much did you throw in?


Thank you based user

just bought at ATH ...classic me

Comfy with my 9 ETH.

Tried to warn you fags that we reached the top.

lol this guy bought when everyone is cashing out

I got the fuck out luckily I made my money back

What about the guy who threw 50-100 eth omg RIP

Jesus christ. The queue for the contract is fucking massive.

People cashing out now would be lucky to get 0.1 ETH if they sold.


Feels comfy seeing my ETH land in my Meta Mask. Who knows, I might buy in again!

I have 2.5 USD left in Metamask. Can I withdraw?

$1,088 left in the contract, better hurry boys!



There were two. And they are going to kill themselves, unless they were the ones to initiate the massive sell-off.

sorry, $1,027,327. carry on

Such a great feeling knowing you’re safe LMAO

>not understanding how pnds work
>posting reply that makes no sense


It's going to reach like $200-300k. The only people holding bags are the ones who went to work or sleep.

How do I cash out???

made 10 bucks ahah might buy again when burgers wake up

Did Ponzicoin 1+2 teach you nothing?

Cashing out now would leave you with like 30% of your initial investment.

How much did you throw away?

0.5 to 1.73. When it hits the bottom I'm buying back in.

round 2 inc fellas

I bought put 0.1 eth at 0.1 and around 0.7 just few minutes ago ;)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). I want to kill myself.

Nigger, do you see how many cashouts are pending?

We're going to $2-300k or less.

At this rate the bank is gonna be empty in 10 minutes.

This is too funny. It's explained exactly how you'll lose money and people STILL can't control themselves. What was the original price so I know when to buy in.

Turned 1 ETH into 1.5 ETH in 4 hours.Will get back in when (if) people start getting in again

>bought in within first 40 minutes
>just got home from work
>just cashed out $1800 when I could have taken $2400~
>will buy dip

Why does the cash out button bring up buying ETH? Anyone want to walk me through how to sell lol

See Tried to warn people 5 minutes before it blew up. Feels good when people don't listen.

when the first post hit biz it was 0.04

Ok, I cashed out. Lost like a hundred bucks or so. Was it PnD? I mean the speed of the dump was unbelievable.

0xe7612aab36474720DF55fbe1Fe538f88dF2d8cD3 looks like he's going to be stuck with over 150eth of bag

god damn i can't wait until securities regulators get their shit together and start locking some of you discord fuckers up.

hope for your sake you live in a third world shithole with no extradition treaties, because if you live in the developed world your ass is going to jail.

the only ugly thing is that you have to cashout 2 time :D. first you cashout your coins to dividents and the you cashout from dividents to metamask damn that was crazy

you're not cut out for this my man

You need to send a transaction , so you need to pay gas. It tells you to buy ETH because you dont have any to pay for it.

Ahh fuck I was only 0.2 deep lol

Some people are starting to buy the dip, you see some big buys going on between all those 0s.

Is it going lower?

lets call the daddy goverment to save me from the internet trolls

some poor fella just bought 3.3 eth worth of coins

Literally woke up my roommate to tell him to sell, feels good to be paranoid.


Guess we're getting another suicide thread tomorrow.

You were literally 11 hours late to round 1.

Just nut up for the second wave.

>Was it PnD?

There was a discord, but I wasn't in it. Most likely coordinated, yes. Because 30+ people dumped at almost the exact same time.

In a rush to cash out like this, is it wise to set your GWEI higher so it gets picked up before all the other pajeets trying to grab the money?

Dude. You fell for a fucking scam that SAID IT WAS A SCAM. It literally linked to a fucking SEC document about cryptoscams. You can't regulate stupidity.

>implying i'm stupid enough to fall for this
i just like seeing lazy and dishonest people going to prison.

I understand it now. Any idea when the second wave will be? The price stopped falling already.

I think I'll wait for the sells to stop and buy in again. This has the potential to grow much bigger than 1000 eth.

Bought 0.7 eth near the top. Just gona hodl it fuck it

at 3:43 p.m. CET