Seems like there is an awful lot of hate towards btc, now that lightning network is rolling out what do you think will happen? Is it worth it to invest in now?
Seems like there is an awful lot of hate towards btc...
Other urls found in this thread:
no, it does nothing
The lightning network is a meme that won't work
Even if it did, it would still be king shitcoin and would still lose the race to eth for king spot
u have to try harder
this is testnet 1400 nodes :
this is mainnet 333 nodes :
Yes sir great investment sir
I use to hate BTC but now I love BTC. Only people with little understanding of Crypto hate it. The hate mainly just comes from retards chasing pump n dumps that get ass hurt when BTC moves and fucks up there shitcoins.
When in bull market, even bad news can't stop the bull
When in bear market, even good news can't stop the bear.
Come back in 6 months 1 year to buy at the bottom.
The tech is here to stay
Will be 209$ by end of year
Bzc is the real btc
Biz is moronic.
user, as a grown up I will give it to you.
If 50% of your portfolio is not btc, you are doing it wrong.
Every alt you buy, you are buying to be able to add more btc to your stack.
Etherdelta is already buying BZC for 5x ICO price faggots.
this. Only oldfags can understand this.
If you are not accumulating ETH or BCH instead of this garbage coin that is literally only still alive because of hype and vapourware (Segwit and LN), then you are doing it wrong.
It is time to go long on alts, BTC will die sooner or later.
>buying BTC instead of ETH
oh herro, just reaving this chart here
>Once a significant number of people are using Coinbase’s custodial accounts, Coinbase can then start to run fractional reserves and start loaning out Bitcoin. This is possible because the balances that their customers see are merely numbers on a screen. Coinbase would be fully technically able to manipulate these numbers as it sees fit, and would only need to keep enough Bitcoin in reserve to cover all withdrawal requests. At this point, even though real Bitcoin transactions would be underpinning everything, we will have returned to the situation Bitcoin was designed to resolve. Coinbase (and other similar Bitcoin banks) would be able to:
>Spy on and demand explanations for transactions.
>Censor transactions it doesn’t like.
>Inflate the money supply.
>Disconnect Bitcoin from their system entirely and settle amounts using any other token.
>All of this will come about as a direct result of high base-layer fees. The only way to avoid this is to keep the base layer friction free.
Unable to cope with shifting markets I see.
LN news could still be used pump BTC price x10, but in 2-3 years when it'll be clear nobody's going to use that shit BTC is going to zero.
ETH will scale x1000 better than the LN while retaining most of the onchain advantages.
Can someone explain why the same people that used to promote Bitconnect are now promoting Bitcoin Cash?
Is there a reflink I can use for discount?
Are there exchanges where Kyc verification doesn't take weeks ? And accepts Visa/Mastercard
For god's sake did your mommy drop you, why would anyone touch Roger Ver's shitcoin Bcash? I sold mine as soon as it forked, got some BTC, never looked back.
>Ad hominem
Don't attack the person, attack the coin.
In what way is BCH not a functionally better coin right now than BTC?
The best solution is what works today, not promises in 18 months. Cancelling the 2M block increase was the dumbest fucking thing I've seen in crypto in a long time.
Not an argument
Most people that shit on BCH don't even know why they're doing it. They're just sheep with no clue.
BTC will allow us to BTFO the evil bankers who are mooching off of society and when it finally hits 1000000000 (1 milion) dollars I will be rich and not have to work and contribute to society anymore.
God I can't believe the haters are actually defending the leeches. I make 3000 million dollars an hour mining Eth. My mom is making me pay for my own video cards soon but I'm sure the profit will still be there after.
Kek do you really think they will allow btc to win.
Cannot be a decentralised solution. There's already many hubs forming on testnet and mainnet.
There's also arguments saying that because people are opening channels so fast and closing them just as fast there's a limit on the safe throughput of the network. Someone calculated about 1500 tps. But that's talking out my arse with no sources.
What is that even supposed to mean?
I feel like decentro is doomed, it simply cannot be sustained, and Bitcoin is the proof. After all states and centralised organizations did form out of the need for efficency.
Look at Bitcoin now for example. The network relies on miners to work, but at the same time their is little incentive for mining because the reward is too low and investment too high.
nihao indeed, my friend. Ni. Hao. Indeed.
>all this will happen because people can't hold their coins in any other place except Coinbase or other exchanges
user, you're retarded I'm afraid
Bitcoin 'in its best form' is a shitcoin compared to modern coin architecture. If markets go through the labor to unlink original BTC for something new, it's not going to be a BTC fork.
>decentro is doomed, it simply cannot be sustained
>centralised organizations did form out of the need for efficency
>there is little incentive for mining because the reward is too low and investment too high
I don't even know where to start, literally everything you said is wrong
The reward is what the miners set it at. Enough miners are profiting at the current difficulty for it to keep it there. Decentro will not be doomed when ETH implements sharding and can parallel process transactions.
You mean garzik’s buggy fucking code?
It was shit before
Now with LN and shit it's convoluted shit.
The only reason Veeky Forums doesn't like BTC is because they think it's already close enough to the peak that it can't turn their 100 dollars into 10 million.
The idea that if BTC was to die, all the market cap would instantly shift to coins like Tron and ChainLink is very appealing a naive autist.
Reality is that if BTC dies the altcoin fad dies with it. The continuing success of BTC is the only reason alts manage to find idiots willing to gamble their money away.
What are you talking about? Veeky Forums is full of retards like you who are bitcoin true-believers.
You don't understnad the economical incentives, exchanges will be the average user's bank, no need to pay fees, to maintain 24/7 online nodes, to lock enough coins for liquidity to have connectivity, etc.
It's not a matter of belief. It's a matter of understanding what this is all about.
You might hold a small amount of your crypto on an exchange but there'd be no reason to put your savings there. You're saying people would put literally all their money on a debit card that they use everyday for shopping. You just don't do that.
i dont understand people that want bitcoin to crash, crashing bitcoin effectively crashes the whole market with it
It just shows how retarded most ppl on Veeky Forums are
>You're saying people would put literally all their money on a debit card that they use everyday for shopping
t. Never owned a debit card
It's the equivalent of using an exchange to store all your crypto on. Surely you ought to have a savings account or something - which will be on your own terms.
People won't use wallets. "Be your own bank" will never catch.
>people will never use motorcars
>people will never fly
>people will never want dangerous electricity in their houses
>LN will solve the scaling problem
>LN will be cheap
This so much. Stop shitting on btc to buy cheaper you damn jews. Not even eth will stay above $1 if btc dies
You aren't even trying to understand my point, it's not like it's impossible to really be your own bank, but Blockstream chose a path which will force people to be clients in BTC banks.
No its dead Ethereum is the new king The flippening is here
I've only met one user more rustled than you
I got verified on polo, bittrex, and gdax all within a day of submitting, in december. Is it because I'm white and live in utah?
Flippening is nigh
Bitcoin $190,989,770,850 $11,346.00 $7,347,730,000 16,833,225 BTC
Ethereum $116,762,802,814 $1,200.22 $4,128,930,000 97,284,500 ETH -2.41%
Ethereum $116,762,802,814
Bitcoin $190,989,770,850
Flippening do I have to grab you by the hair and ram your face into it corecucks?
Yeah there's a lot of hate towards btc because there's pissed off BCashers and Ripplers that tried to flip it and are now getting crushed.
moromons are not white. They look white but inside they are just unhinged stupid.
When the flippening is complete a new and glorious bull will begin Screencap this
Of course Ethereum hodlers love BTC.
Don't bother BTCers will pretend the marketshare chart doesn't exist.
>Vendors cannot receive LN payments without a third party liquidity provider.
>If a vendor opens OpenBazaar, opens a payment channel, lists some items, then receives an order, the buyer cannot pay for the order over LN since the vendor's counterparty does not have any funds in his side of the channel to send to the vendor. The only way for the vendor to receive an incoming payment is to have buyers open a direct channel (innefficient and unacceptably expensive) or open a channel with an intitutional liquidity provider who agrees (probably for a fee) to deposit money in the vendor's channel to facilitate incoming payments. This is not a great UX and introduces some significant friction into the app (not to mention no such insitutional liquidity providers currently exist). Moreover it's difficult to calculate exactly how much money the liquidity provider should deposit in the channel. Is $1,000 enough? Hard to say. If buyers try to pay more than $1,000 worth of orders before the vendor can spend the coins out of the channel (presumably to an exchange) then the those additional payments cannot be made. This creates a weird UX where the vendor has to continually try to juggle the amount of funds available in the incoming side of the channel to ensure that there is enough liquidity to facilitate payments.
Heavens to murgatroyd! Vendors need a float in cyberspace too.
Wrap it up guys, the last twenty-five years of progress has all been for nothing
I'm not mormon and i didn't grow up in utah
Problems with LN:
--- Opening a channel cannot happen instantly
--- Closing a channel cannot happen instantly
--- User must be online to receive a payment
--- Security: Cannot do cold storage lightning network
--- Use must continuously be online to monitor for old commitment transactions
--- Payment channels can be in weird states: Micropayment cannot be first payment across a channel due to fees/dust
--- Payments can fail
--- Wallet requires much more state than normal bitcoin wallet - 10x as much code leads to more bugs
--- Must use weird modern web technologies
Im dropping all my shitcoins ans going ham on btc. Fuck this shit
Btc is going to explode. Theres too much happening for it not to. (Robinhood, lightning, seg, new payment transactions, etc)
See you boys in lambo land this shits gonna 10-15x this year
>--- Opening a channel cannot happen instantly
>--- Closing a channel cannot happen instantly
Doesn't matter.
>--- User must be online to receive a payment
>--- Use must continuously be online to monitor for old commitment transactions
False. User's agent must be online, user can go to the party. User's agent always online for receiving email, so this is no worse.
>--- Security: Cannot do cold storage lightning network
Strawman. Equivalent to asserting wallet in back pocket must be equally as cold as bank-based safety deposit boxes
>--- Payment channels can be in weird states: Micropayment cannot be first payment across a channel due to fees/dust
Doesn't matter.
>--- Payments can fail
Just like Visa? Just like visa.
>--- Wallet requires much more state than normal bitcoin wallet - 10x as much code leads to more bugs
Literally the nearest you've come to some thing that matters. Gee guess we better hope programmers are working on the code, eh?
>--- Must use weird modern web technologies
If tech scares you perhaps you should stick to writing in to your favourite newspaper
Overall: 0.5/10 FUD, please try harder
LN takes funds away from miners. Less profit leads to fewer miners and less hash rate. Few miners is the only form of centralising that Bitcoin can experience.
Hence, Lightning centralises Bitcoin
Pretty obvious that businesses won't be adopting it but I suppose you hard core peeps will take any abuse they dish out.
flippening occuring (highly likely IMO) will only further erode bitcoin's presence. if you don't believe that bitcoin's ultimate resting place is becoming a sort of collector's item then you are simply deluded.
bcash retard detected. enjoy your losses user
>Less profit leads to fewer miners and less hash rate
False. Economic participation remains 100% above and beyond ordinary profits, so no reduction in miners, or hash rate, anywhere in the future, when miners currently get electricity for essentially $0 (China, et alii) and equipment can be paid out of block reward.
>Pretty obvious that businesses won't be adopting it
Please post evidence of short position.
You know, that such a dead tech to wrap up so much of your time posting here makes me think the techs not, in fact, dead.
1. Original Bitcoin, same Bitcoin that started the whole crypto currency market and persona banking
2. Bloating piece of shit that can only scale when the Banking cartel takes it over
The sooner you embrace bcash as your new overlord the wealthier you will become my fellow biztards
The flippening is just around the corner. If you buy altcoins right now, it's so that you can accumulate more eth.
Why would I embrace that abomination when I can use XLM or XRB as payment method?
I bought futures at 11.6K
Can I at least make a moderate profit by Feb 23rd?
I too am a white Utahn, but I still haven't been verified after a week. Fuck you.
A top level brand doesn't lose its lustre overnight. Bitcoin has been shitting the bed for months, bloated, slow, transaction fee shock have sent waves of newfags to ethereum. No mystery why bitcoin is down nobody wants it.
>q-quit it goys, decentralization is never goint to work. Invest your money in a reputable bank like Schlomo & Schlomo's
>it is scared.jpg
What about atomic swaps? Couldn't litecoin be the future payment method while btc is used as a store of value?
Eitherium is great for smart contracts but I doubt we will se it used as a currency.
Mining is so has been. It takes too much energy.
And the tech is slow / expensive as fuck.
Better alternatives exist now.
Is this white utahns general now?
Why are you even putting your money in to crypto if you just called the mother and father of all crypto an abomination. How fucking stupid are you?
chinese do have the l sound
the japanese are the ones that speak with the r sound
>People won't use wallets. "Be your own bank" will never catch.
they will if the alternative is chewing on a boot and having 56% of their life stolen
The hates comes from latefags salty they missed out on BTC. They shit on btc and shill they shitcoin hoping it will become the new BTC to cope with the fact rhat they did not get in early on the best investment of their lifetime. Realize that most people cannot afford to own one (1) Bitcoin and that drives them mad. Btc is going to 50k and beyond, deal with it and if you don't have your stack you better be a good trader or pray to god your worthless scamcoin ends up being pumped.
At this point I consider anyone not holding btc a nocoiner, monero can hang around but that is about it.
Bitcoin caused many suicides already, from weak habds that sold too early to idiots that never pulled the trigger and its only the beginning. Get fucked nocoiners
Hello friends. I am a member of Binance Crypto Pump, a Discord Pump group dedicated to providing a fair and honest pumping environment for all it's members.
Binance Crypto Pump is a pump server dedicated to three philosophies:
• Transparency
• Honesty
• Fairness
And three creeds:
• Effort
• Participation
• Profit
We stand to have a server where EVERYONE wins, we will not prebuy the coins and dump on users. We want everything to be as fair as possible, the only way to get a faster signal is to earn it, nobody is allowed to prebuy. Even the admins refuse to pre-pump. If you are interested in joining or learning more about the server, join us at discord gg/jyXQBd3
BTC won the moment it breached the Dow Jones. If the illuminati could sink a market that large, we'd currently be in the depression they so desperately want.
its unfortunate it takes an army of loyal core tards to daily spew out the same old crap about the failed segwit fork of bitcoin on biz, but i think they have like a monopoly on the control here as any voice against them is shut down pretty quick
BTC will always be the king crypto. Its the first, and its not being fucked with. Its the safest wealth transfer that everyone accepts, so deal with it.
You should at least hold 1 BTC at all times. If not, you're asking to hate yourself in 10 years.
Does anyone not care about the massive imbalance in btc ownership? Its never going to make it when its so unevenly distributed.
what are you talking about ? you have no idea BTC is most adopted coin. How can you even write that ?
94% of the coin is controlled by 5% or something iirc
Whatever the percentage, the true digital cash needs to figure out a way to distribute the money fairly and then act like a currency (not deflationary)