BZC's platform is finished, it's like one of the only 20 crypto's that has a finished platform.
Go buy your "We promise it'll be done by 2025" coin.
Weak hands made me $100 in dividends in about 10 minutes.
>panic sell at .2
>send eth back to kucoin literally 10 minutes ago
>now sending it back to metamask
fuk u n your shill kit, NOT BUYING YOUR BAGS!
Yeah this shit was fun and then reached its peak so now it will become even more of a joke and will never reach ath again because people are too weak handed.
I was in and got out with your poorfag profit.
>so edgy
>not brave enough to try again
> People sell = more Dividedn profit share for me.
> People buy = more dividend for me.
tfw: comfy.
Just being rational here. The hype fell off. It will go up, it will go down.
Also, people said 1 eth = 1 POWH
Get real
>It will go up, it will go down.
That's literally how we profit from it, yes.
people are pulling out, it's crashing. for my second time, i get to witness the fall of a ponzi.
Holding patterning at 798 eth, preparing for SSTO afterburner firing
A total of 89 Pending txns found
Probably ETH network congestion
nah its people being cheap as fuck not willing to spend more than 1 gwei for a transaction
anyone know how to take only some money out of the ponzi?
Dadi ICO is clogging the network.
Should be back to normal soon so we can ride this rollercoaster forever.
You can't, if you think you'll want to then play from 2 or more addresses.
A fellow BIZ holder just sent a 10 eth buy order
comfiest hold of the year
Should have seen the guys yesterday who put in 100 and 50 ETH each.
They haven't even sold yet.
im going in
Someone put 99 today
You're an idiot if you sell before Americans wake up.
no shit... there are literally MILLIONS of pajeets lining up to get their brown hands on some juicy Powh
>Just being rational here. The hype fell off. It will go up, it will go down.
>Also, people said 1 dollar = 1 btc
>Get real
This. I'm a west coaster about to go to sleep with 6.385 ETH in here because the East Coast is just now waking up and going to get their licks in. Last I checked I was at 0.49 Dividends and climbing.
Though in retrospect I should have escaped when my sell value token things were at 8.9 ETH. But I'm more than willing to ride this out for a day and see where it leads me.
how much do you suppose you'd have to spend to bypass all those
Pending transactions slowly going down now for the entire network.
Probably a lot of normie weak hands who panic sold because it seemed like interest died down, so I'm guessing we'll get another cheap entry.
Discord was the biggest fucking mistake
Why the fuck are we still using this dumbass fucking Ethereum network it gets clogged so easily. Fuck you Vitalik you stupid fuck
Just being rational here. The hype fell off. It will go up, it will go down.
No, the hype didn't die down. 22k pending transactions from the Dadi ICO clogged the network.
how much time before it gets cleared up?
Seems to be going down by 1k/minute now, so roughly 15-20 minutes.
once it clears, do we buy the dip or sell the moon?
Buy the dip. A LOT of newfags panic sold when the network clogged, thinking the hype was dying.
where is this graph from?
thats swell
>that pic
Fucking lol
This is dumb money vs smart money: the game. And it'll last for weeks, or even months.
Strap in.
little known site called Coinmarketcap, it's really useful for researching promising projects in the cryptosphere. I base all my trades on it
can't find the POWH there, am I retard?
Yes you are. It's a fucking photoshop. Did you look at the numbers?
>am I retard?
possibly yes. here's a direct link to help:
Gib discord plz
sooooo comfy
My 6.385 ETH shekels are still in and I'm about to go to sleep but even when it dips people buy back up and I score more Dividends.
when the huge stack of pending transactions clears it's going to shoot up and down at the same time. chaos
How long till transactions clear?
>tx in mempool for 15 minutes
I only went in with 1 ether, i wish i had more to spare, maybe at the next bigger dip
It's going to be majestic user
All aboard the snek of dividends
So it will stay at the same level, very chaotic indeed
Also im using 41 gwei always, never any problems
remember kids, we're getting a share of every buy. it's good for us if people buy. it's better if they buy more. it's GREAT if they buy then sell then buy again etc
All hodlers will benefit immensely from the buys and sells, even though the price will stay the same
It's clearing up, boyos
Woke up to 1k in dividends
Never selling lmao
holy SHIT it's taking off. Hope you're strapped in with reinforced straps.
Newfags panic sell orders starting to come through now.
Thanks for the link
eth is doing 11.5 transactions per second atm so in theory that 16k mempool should clear in
23 minutes
Every time there is a 0 it's some noob that has sent the transaction 12 times. Check the address.
So much panic... It's cute.
Do I keep my dividends if people sell?
sitting here trying to wrap my head around if it is too risky to buy back in at .17eth per token.
everybody already knows that it mostly isn't worth it to buy in to this, and likely that most people will sell off to take out their shit when it stales out and everyone loses interest...
am i wrong in this thinking? halp
How long till. I can buy in for fuck sakes anons?
and you get another one if you persuade them to buy back in!
This hasn't gone out of BIZ yet.
I'd say it's still early.
Fuck it, missing out on money again because have got to sleep for wagecuck life, fuck
This isn't your ordinary ponzi where you're left with a bag when it reaches the top.
When the top is reached, it crashes back down, and people buy back in to sell the top.
price will probably lower once the txs get through so better to wait a bit. Afterwards price will go up because people buy back in. Obviously this system will not be sustainable for ever , but it could run for a very long time. Especially because some bizraelis could always just buy in and start shilling again.
It's beautiful
And since it's on a smartcontract, it goes on forever.
you're all a bunch of autists. i hope you get exit scammed.
clog is going up, fucking hell
>salty he didn't get in on the free money train
could run for a couple of days, which in terms of ponzis is an outstanding success
ugh just don't wanna miss out on dividends and i'm a brainlet who actually did sell the top.
initial investment was 0.45eth so not too bad but still...
yep, you're wrong
say you buy 1 token now
if another fag buys after you you gain dividends
if another fag sells after you you gain an increased proportion of future dividends
what happens if fags get scared and panicsell one after another? the price becomes more and more tempting for newfags or EVEN panicsellers to fomo back in
cascading failure is basically prevented by design
nothing wrong with selling the top user, you can rebuy it now at half the price
but isn't it pretty likely they simply won't buy back in since it's likely they'll realize that most people won't buy back in...?
that's what i'm saying, this isn't sustainable mentally...
clog is at 12k, comeon
>cascading failure is basically prevented by design
This is a social experiment in action. This fucking thing could unironically go on for weeks. There will always be someone to buy in cheap in order to chase the top.
i bought at $90 per token so honestly buying back in now is probably worse, especially considering i'm having a hard time imagining this getting to the levels it was previously at.
looks like it's only going up while the TXs unclog, maybe all the sell orders are hidden at the bottom?
seems odd that there wouldn't be a panic sale from normies that thought the hype died
If you had 80 eth in you'd make 1% of every sale.
It has already crashed and rebound 3 times. Would have been several more if not for the network clog from Dadi ICO.
This is a ponzi that restarts itself every hour or so, which means it won't die.
For real how do you buy, I keep getting a no sign on the mouse when I click buy, do you have to manually do it?
oh i only saw one crash wtf. and it was .15 per token after that, and i assumed it just slowly crept to .17 after that.
Get a metamask wallet to make it easy
Second 10 eth transaction by this BIZtard:
Check his tokens, that guy has to be browsing this thread.
10eth coming in booooy
If tokens go anywhere near 100 usd I'll be putting 3k in dividends into buying more
Probably more like me. This thing will never die