>3 hours

pump or dump?

Be Overly Gentle. Do As Noah Often Feared.


>2.5 hours



>2 hours

it all depends on whether you buy/sell

>1.5 hours

Here we go. Get ready

Noah listened to God n build his ark because God has warned him or what was coming = Tether up boys

What's this shit?

>tethering up when the collapse will be because of tether

Not very close my friend. The answer lies in the beginning. It is hidden in plain sight.

oh no, that faggot again

''T'' - Tether! ayyy

Please give hints.


pump it


That's the first piece of the puzzle.
You'll notice that I have two different IDs in this thread. This time, the answer lies in the end. A metaphorical mirror is involved.

Bogdanoff = quick rundown

Is it quick crash?

>yfw Tether is a ticking timebomb
>yfw everyone knows this
>yfw people are afraid of buying because tether might blow up
>yfw tether blows up in an hour
>yfw this engenders chaos
>yfw investors consider this chaos an opportunity
>yfw people are no longer afraid of new implosions because tether is gone
>yfw the opposite of what we expected will happen
>yfw $100k Bitcoin end of february


Do i have to keep my Dick tucked or i can pull It out?

>1 hour

>Noah feared god


tic toc

55 min

Because of the WAVES?


gI0IAb dU
QeS1CB qm


wtf is eveyone talking about? alts going down?

There's the smart one. Good work, impressive.

this is it we are done

people gonna panic?

>45 minutes

Hmm, but the Waves in the story were rising.

The riddle has already been solved.

>gI0IAb dU
>QeS1CB qm

also globlab
global dump

>40 minutes

So.. cash out?

Nice, bought 100k.
Never do what biz says

The bonus riddle has been solved as well. Good job, very impressive.


but why tehter gonna implode or what will happen?

The answer lies in the beginning. It is hidden in plain sight.

Have they stolen the ORB?

>30 minutes

Satoshi will cash out.

>30 minutes

Lightning Network?

The riddle has already been solved.

so why you dont tell us why all the people going to dump?

20 min

You should ask yourself how I was able to know which words my two different IDs would spell out.

You posted shitposts till you found one that suits you obviously

You didn't it was a lucky coincidence.

20 minutes and nothing will happen

>20 minutes

Try and calculate the odds of that happening by chance.

nothing happens, ten minutes later
>3 hours

So you're saying you hacked the 4chains? Are you also the one who hacked coincheck?

Is this a Bog thread?

Etherdelta is already buying BZC for 5x ICO price faggots.

Bogdanof kek

look at the btc/usdt chart. its happening.


this is just a poor attempt at the BTCP conference prediction

>Do as Noah often feared
>Noah feared god
>Father, son, holy spirit
>The phrase spells Bogdanof

Trinity. Pump it.

>10 minutes

That was yesterday.
The announcement was the snapshot + hard fork date.

nooo stop please, don't do it


Why didn't you make is spell dump then.

Even a blind retard shits themselves twice a day.

Reminder: There are no real insiders on Veeky Forums. There are only LARPs and pajeets hyping shitty ICOs.

13yo pajeets trying to look smart.

I'm still interested in what the endgame is here, considering this larp has been ongoing for what, 2 weeks?


>t. insiderfag

Don't buy MAGAcoin Trump is a cryptojew

>tfw I can't cash out on OKEx

Wew probably it's the schizo maki poster thats wrong with every fucking prediction

>5 minutes

The two separate IDs and the mirror have their significance.

Also, this thread needs to be kept alive so faggots realize this.
Nobody. Knows. Insider. Shit. Here.
Guesses, sometimes right, sometimes wrong.
Shilling a lot.
That's it.
Move along.

>The answer lies in the beginning. It is hidden in plain sight.


global dump bitcoin 1st qtr

>1 minute till nothing happens


The guy is right


minute till nothing happens
Probably. Also wtf please learn the difference between > and < OP

Go home fagget it is 6pm.

>pump it

my alts are all fine though

Look at how nothing happens.

Its absolutely nothing

OP is always a faggot Confirmed