Does anyone else miss the old Veeky Forums? Now it just feels like scamcoins...

Does anyone else miss the old Veeky Forums? Now it just feels like scamcoins, neets investing $200 and people begging for money.

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flags would solve 90% of those issues

you forgot about the street shitters

Veeky Forums needs flags

That's xenophobic and racist, you fucking bigot. Are you implying that people from poor countries are scammers? I'm so fucking triggered right now.

Reminder that if you don't have at least $100K invested in crypto right now you're too late for early retirement/fuck you money.

I know your new because they just banned begging threads like two months ago, those made up about half of old Veeky Forums

>That's xenophobic and racist, you fucking bigot. Are you implying that people from poor countries are scammers? I'm so fucking triggered right now.

Write "trigger" on a paper and put it up your ass..


Made more money off new Veeky Forums, so no.


just use a filter addon like 4chanX


problem solved

BIGOTS. Screenshotting this and posting it on tumblr.

you forgot


>..and people begging for money.
There are virtually no more beg threads, 3 months ago, there would always be at least a couple of beg threads running at any given time.
I agree about the scamcoins though..

whatever you say, boy

i disabled my filter for this thread but cya never when i turn it back on, faggot

I know you're new because before that there wasn't begging.

Why have you filtered BAT, it looks like a decent project.

Yes. Shiller scams are the worst.

I rmb Veeky Forums last year
The Scamcoin fest started with Kidscoin

It's target audience are braindead retards that are glued to clickbait youtube channels. You really think they have the thinking capacity or attention span to figure out crypto?

I'm gonna write jokes and earn fucking money doing nothing with BZC faggot, what are you guys doing? Kek.

Brendan Eich whom is the founder of BAT, looks really good.
It seems odd to be so dismissive of a coin, because the people that apparently invest are retarded. (i am not even holding BAT)

haha xDDD good one you fucking NIGGER

Because there's no shitposting on /int/, a predominantly anglo board? Or /pol/? Hell when /vint/ happened we all saw that the absolute scum of the board were canadians, aussies and americans.
It's the filthy anglo that must be stopped first, then the brown shitters.

Yeah this place is done but I don't know where else to go.
