Why did the man who's the leader of a $120bn project pick his nose on camera and then flick the boogers down the side of the couch, all whilst in the presence of other people?

What's wrong with him?

Other urls found in this thread:

Autism is both a blessing and a curse.

hes autistic you dipshit

next question

Good thread

Because he doesn't give a fuck.

no joke, he really is on the autism spectrum

kek what the fuck?

I feel bad for all of the prostitutes this creepy and weird guy fucked.

Would you lick his boogers for 1000 ETH?

He’s strategically leaving a trail of DNA, must mean something important...

He doesn't give a fuck. In fact, he can't give a fuck.

i would lick his asshole for 1000 eth


> tfw you are mentally 6yo but your brain works on 10000% anyways

>he can't give a fuck

Pullin out casper

He has a nose issue

coke tingle

That was it you guys SELL SELL SELL

well, he didn't ate it, right?

but he should, boogers are tasty.

As hard is it may be for you to believe, believe me, they've had worse.

are you speaking from experience?

thanks just sold 100k

>money skelly not giving a fuck
with that kind of money i'd do the same thing...
who needs social norms when they have billions of dollars? with that kind of cash, people conform to your sensibilities, not the other way around.
make it, and you'll find out pretty fast...

thanks just bought 100k


wtf hahah

>why does the autist act autistic
I thought this is why we are all in on ETH?


He's in a constant daydream and he does things he is not completely conscious about and he seems to forget that he is surrounded by other people.

What a fucking disgusting person.
You better push ETH to 2k now or I'll be mad.

I'm leading a $120bn project, I'll pick my nose when I want.

most overused word of 2017

For a valid reason

Most people actually pick their nose. Fuck off hypocrites.

>For a valid reason

>getting upset at Vitalik for simply mining ethereum

It honestly gets funnier the more you watch.

yeah sure overall, but it's actually underused in this thread

hearty har har

>What's wrong with him?

another highlight

are you fucking kidding me? just dumped all of my holdings

This is the guy speaking at that conference next month?

>not eating the boogers
sold all my eth

This is disgusting.

I just dumped all my ETH. Absolutely disgusting.

Vitalik almost certainly is though.

when you rich you just stop giving a fuck

I had to check in the official video if tha laugh was actually real and not edited, it's real lmao minute 27:56 I love this guy

oops that's not the official video, it's this one, I copied the wro

ETH is just one large experiment to see how gullible people can be. They hired some retard as a spokesperson and people are sinking billions into the project because they think he's autistic. Well done

LOL, you think that will affect anything? He is but a small child. Watch this:

ng link

Upper lip stank gate.

Who the fuck cares

>Not eating your boogers

didn't eat it
so he's a step above richard stallman
this is progress boys buy ETH

chad BDFL picks boogers and is defended by legion of fans
virgin BDFL mocked mercilessly by everyone for eating toe skin

You have been blessed by the ghost of Ethereum. Many szabos will come your way, but ONLY if you post "Nice pickins' money skelly" right NOW

holy fuck, he really IS autistic.


I would lick 1000 of them for that price

you poor retard

Bow down to your destroyer bitcoincucks

humanity is evolving before our eyes

>i do this

Is this why I have no friends?

Why is the money skelly so powerful?

>nice shirt /v/


fucking Vitalik

>humanity is devolving before our eyes

Looks like janoy cresva




>all those twitter replies

ETH confirmed for the official coin of Reddit


fuck this cuck whiteknight

i have a foot fetish and it was hard for me to resist masturbating.
but im proud of myself that i didn't

Just bought 100K neo

Oh my god I didn't expect this level of autism

all-in on omg. he's going to do it again

pretty much

>so thin what is it secret
>only eats the own boogers

>ywn be able to pick your nose with your lips

>post your face when you have money invested in this man's ventures

My fucking sides