>inb4 gets deleted by mods

enjoy your ban fucko

>he doesn't know bans can by bypassed within 2 min
Kek, poor user. Though that's exactly what's going to happen and it's beautifully ironic.

Hey, mods. Wake up.

In defense of the faggot mods, it’s a difficult problem to address. We like being shilled good coins and projects, just not the clearly scam coins. But how do you determine the difference? It’s not easy to come up with an objective standard. Not having an objective standard would give mods too much power. So yeah the shitty shilling is a big problem with the board, but the solution is not straightforward.

Give us flags mods u fucking cunts

This would be the optimal solution.

flags and IP range ban india
make it harder for them to get here
>inb4 vpn
dude they shit on the streets do you think they can afford a vpn that isnt automaticly banned by Veeky Forums

i'd settle for non fucktard mods.

I feel like I'm in the middle of an Indian ghetto with dozens of street shitters trying to shill me their trash.
Maybe it would help if they would only allow one general thread per coin.
At any given moment their dozens of LINK, VEN, TRTL, POWH, BAZINGACOIN shill and fud threads. It's just ridiculous.
On top of that a bunch of non biz related shitposts. If I could control my autism I wouldn't even come here anymore.
I somehow doubt that most shills are actually pajeets.

How about they give us flags if they can’t do their fucking job, that would be a start.

While I agree with you blatant shilling on multiple unrelated threads should be banned regardless of what it is. Mods should be on top of this.

I get it they don’t give a fuxk beyond ilegal content, let’s face it this place is a shithole

> One flag for nations known to be the origin of hired social media/click farms (India, China, Russia, Philippines basically)
> One flag for everyone else

Trial it for a month

sir delete this pls sir

This place is more unreadable with the bazinga shit. Filters are only partially effective. Give us flags and range ban any third world counties.

This. Pic related.


The fact that this thread hasn't been deleted by now speaks for itself.

flags would bigly improve the board

Veeky Forums mods are retarded

I get banned for posting a pic of a non-naked chick while pajeets are free to spam whatever scam they like

You should have used TeaHog for this article

I agree with the proposal of 1 thread / project. It would increase the diversity on the board too, allowing me to learn about more projects quicker rather than learning only about UFR, VEN, LINK, etc

The mods either don’t give a shit or are benefitting from the Pajeet shilling.

I’m of the opinion that the Veeky Forums mods are senior members of several discords that target this board.

No, just implement the nation flags from /pol/, no extra effort required.

why don't you just make a 4chanx-esque extension that checks your location/IP and displays a flag? if someone doesn't have a flag, call them out for not having the extension

they'll either be pajeet or reddit